Doctors ran quickly as they can towards Jinwoo's room when a nurse told them that both Jinwoo and Jaemin was unconscious.

The whole room was chaotic as the doctors examine the both of them.

A nurse entered the room at 7am in the morning and found the both of them sleeping with one another.
Jinwoo was hugging Jaemin tightly in his arms.

At first, the nurse find it normal. But after trying to wake them up, she realised that they are unconscious. Both of them.

That was when she called the doctor's for help.

Jinwoo's doctor arrived at the scene and provided medical help to both of them.

Even after performing electrical cardioversion, the both of them remained unconscious.

The doctor nearly teared up as she ran her fingers through her hair, knowing the both of them couldnt be saved.

She massaged her temple and examine the duo. The slight smile on their faces break her heart as he noticed that there was tears at the corner of their eyes.

Maybe they knew that they were going to leave this world.

When the nurse found them this morning, their hands interwined with one another and they had a couple ring on them.

The doctor tilt her head and examine the room while the nurses contact their guardian.

Her eyes landed on the laptop that was switched on.

He went closer and saw a word presentation entitled.

By: Jinwoo and Jaemin

Out of curiosity, she scrolled through the whole presentation.

A lot of people have different views about happiness.

Happiness to some can be having wealth while others find excitement over free food samples at the grocery store. Happiness is something that is never constant. And our happiness is way different.

My name is Park Jinwoo. Also known as Jinwoo for short.

Coming from a wrecked family, I didn't know what happiness was. I never felt it before because all the people around me shut me down so bad and they never showed me any compassion. I grew up with wrongful teachings and maybe, at the point, it was happiness to me. Smoking, drinking and making nuisance in public area was what I was taught.

I never understood what Happiness truly means until I found an a amazing person named Yoo Jaemin. Before anything else, yes, its true that I love this guy. In fact, I'm madly in love with him. Because why? Because he showed me what Happiness feels like.

Jaemin is a guy who always feel insecure about himself. He would degrade himself so that it won't hurt when others do the same. Little did he know how amazing and beautiful he looks.

Jaemin was always there when I needed someone to talk. I was so called introvert and I hate talking but he made me like it. He would often find way to start a conversation even when he finds it awkward. His consistent positive vibe and the little iniatives he does made me fall deeply in love with him. There is never a day
I wished that I hadn't met Jaemin for he taught me that happiness is knowing that even when the whole world is against you, there is someone out there who would be your pillar of strength, regardless.

And I'm thankful that I met him because he is the love of my life and my Happiness.

My name is Yoo Jaemin and I am Jinwoo's boyfriend.

Happiness to me varies a lot. One day, happiness can be finding money at the back of your pocket or having no assignments.

For me, my happiness is Jinwoo.

Yes, Park Jinwoo, the guy behind all the rapid heart beats

The guy who sat beside me.

The guy who has the best cologne ever.

Jinwoo to me, is an angel. If you think angels don't exist, look at Jinwoo. He is the epitome of perfection. Many people constantly judge Jinwoo based on how he looks like. In all honesty, all I see is perfection. If you look at those eyes for more than 1 second, you'll immediately fall in love with him.

Jinwoo is a very quiet guy and I find that mysteriously sexy, heh, I know this is a project but I want the whole world to know how much this person means to me and how much he contributed to my happiness.

And this is something I need to bring up. Happiness to me is when all of us are able to accept each other's differences.

It seems to be a problem with the society that I'm in love with a guy. Why? Love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. It doesn't have to be towards a specific gender. I think that all of us have to accept that sometimes people prefer a person vof the same gender.

Why is that an issue to some people? Its not like gay people would make war once they are in a relationship right? All of us have the right to fall in love with whoever we want.

It is our feelings and we are the one who is responsible for it. Judging someone else for falling in love is what makes the society corrupted. Why do people have to fall in love with specific genders just to fit into the society? We live only once so why must we bothered by what other people say? People are still gonna judge us even if we do the right thing. That's life.

Hence I concluded this project by saying, happiness is being able to be yourself. When we remain as our own selves, and not trying to pretend to be someone we are not, we tend to be more happy. We won't have to think so much about other's as our differences are gladly accepted by society.

Side note, to Jinwoo, thank you for the amount of time you showed me how love feels like. In short period of time, you managed to let me discover all sorts of things that I didn't knew existed. I never knew how butterflies could appear in our tummy but you made me feel it. I have a feeling that we won't be able to to live together with people constantly throwing hate at us...but please be rest assured, till the day I die, you are the only one in my heart...and I thank you for existing...I would say till death do us a part...but no... because I know that even if death do comes, I won't stop loving you...I love you so much because your my Happiness.



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