"Yah did you see Jaemin's face this morning?"

"Yea...its terrible

"Poor kid."

"I know."

"Do you think he got into a fight?"

"Probably... wasn't he friends with Jinwoo? That new guy?"

"Ah no wonder."

Jaemin sat at the rooftop after escaping from the cafeteria where everyone was looking at him and passing around harsh...or concern remarks.

He stared at the bread in his hands before looking up to the sky.

He doesn't even feel like eating.

The only thing is on his mind is Jinwoo.

It has been a week since Jinwoo was admitted in the hospital. And only yesterday was he informed that the boy had woken up.

Jaemin heaved a sigh of relief, hearing that wonderful news. His prayers were answered and he couldn't have been more happier.

But even so, he couldn't meet Jinwoo because, Mrs. Yoo would be fetching Jaemin back from school every single day.

"You are not allowed to be here... right?" Mr. Choi's voice made Jaemin flinched.

"Ah!...oh my sorry Mr. Choi." Jaemin bowed.

"Its okay kiddo...how are you feeling?"

"..... okay.....i guess." Jaemin replied.

"I heard what happen to Jinwoo...have you visited him yet?" Mr. Choi asked as he sat beside the male.

"... nope...I can't..."

Mr. Choi examine Jaemin's face and nodded.
He understands what Jaemin is going through.

"You have been missing quite a lot of lessons..."

"I... know."

"You better catch up...I heard that your on the list of honors."

"Yes... sir."

"...do you want to meet Jinwoo?" Mr. Choi arch his brows.

Jaemin look at Mr. Choi momentarily and nod.

"I would love to meet him."

"Then let's go." Mr. Choi replied instantly.

"I can't...my mom would be taking me back from school everyday."

"...why not I meet her...and say that you have to do something outside of school?"

"That won't work."

"That would work if I said that I'll be monitoring you." Mr. Choi smile.

Jaemin knit his brows.


"Why don't I make a fake form indicating that you have to go back late for a few weeks because of some project? And that you will be going with me to some place to get inspired?" Mr. Choi shrug his shoulders.

"But... that's wrong! Why would you do that?"

"You...see being a teacher is more than just teaching... sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves...but that's because we love our students...and we care about them...and now I help you because I care about you... you have been a great student and I just want the best for you...just promise that if I do this for you, you would go back studying? I want you and Jinwoo to graduate alright?" Mr. Choi ruffled Jaemin's hair.

"Thank you so much Mr. Choi!!" Jaemin continuously bowed as he plastered a wide smile on his face.

"...oh and by the way...My wife is the doctor who is taking caring of Jinwoo right now

"Really Sir?"

"Yea...come on now."

Mr. Choi did kept his promise

That afternoon, Mr. Choi met with Mrs. Yoo and talked to her about it. Although verye reluctant, Mrs. Yoo gave in.

She knows that Jaemin is under an adult supervision and that he will be safe.

Jaemin couldn't be more happier after finding out that he will be meeting Jinwoo after school.

He had already thought of everything he wanted to say things to buy. But the most he wanted to do was to hug Jinwoo and confess his true feelings.

At 3pm, Jaemin and Mr. Choi reached the hospital.

Mr. Choi decided to have a snacks with his wife at the food court whereas Jaemin went to the elevator to meet Jinwoo.

His heart pound rapidly but he was eager to meet the love of his life.

After knocking on the door, Jaemin entered the room.

Jinwoo was seen laying down on the bed while staring at the window, mind wandering off.

"Hey..." Jaemin said softly.

Jinwoo turn his head and was shoked to see Jaemin. He immediately wanted to get up but he felt weak. Jaemin aid him and slowly, Jinwoo was sitting up.

"How are you?" Jaemin asked.

Jinwoo gulped slowly and replied but his voice sounded very soft.

"Jinwoo?" Jaemin went nearer.

"... I'm fine..." His soft voice finally made it through Jaemin's eardrum.

"It must have hurt a lot..." Jaemin plastered a worried look on his face.

Jinwoo smile weakly.

"How are you?" He said softly.

"...not good... I've been missing you a lot..." Jaemin said.

"...me too..."

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