"What happen to your face?" Jinwoo slowly caress Jaemin's cheeks.

"Nothing... just there was a guy who robbed me the other day...it was chaotic." Jaemin pretended to laugh off.

"-did the doctor say anything?" He continued.

Jinwoo look down at his fingers.

"...she said that I won't live very long..." He coughed.

Jaemin knew this was going to happen.

"...the rope affects my windpipe." He continued as tears fill in his eyes.

Jaemin then sat on the bed and pull Jinwoo into his embrace.

"It's okay... whatever it is... I'm here for you...and this time round. I'm gonna stay by your side forever...we are gonna get through this...I won't let you be alone again...coz...I love you." Jaemin smile.

Jinwoo snuggle his head at the crook of Jaemin's shoulder and cry.

That was what he wanted to hear the most.

Those comforting words of Jaemin warms his heart.

And the tightness of Jaemin's hug made him feel so protected and love.

"I love you too."

Jinwoo said under his breath since his throat has already started to hurting a lot.

Jaemin's let go off the hug and wipe the tears on Jinwoo's cheeks. Just as he was doing that, Jinwoo cupped his face with his hands and slowly plant a kiss on Jaemin's lips.

The both of them carved a wide smile knowing that the day has finally came where they can be with one another.

Jaemin set up a new schedule after the day. He made time to meet Jinwoo, with the help of Mr. Choi.

Every time Jaemin visits Jinwoo, he would always bring his favorite stuff.

Jaemin would also cuddle with Jinwoo whenever there is no nurses around.

They also stole kisses from each other which lead into tickle fight.

Jaemin and Jinwoo appreciated each other's presence a lot that they knew they couldn't live with one another.

Once, Jinwoo wanted Jaemin to sing him to sleep at 6pm.

Jaemin was reluctant because his voice doesn't sound good.

But when he sang, Jinwoo fell asleep straight away, while his hands hugging his boyfriend's waist.

Mr. Choi never complained whenever he sent Jaemin to hospital as he understands their situation. He also used fall in love with a guy, but it was terrible during his time.

Due to the extreme challenges he had to face, the boy he liked ended up killing himself.

Which was why Mr. Choi was willing to sacrifice his time. He doesn't want Jaemin or Jinwoo to go through what he went through during his teenage years.

"Jaemin" Jinwoo whispered into Jaemin's ear.

"Hmmm?" Jaemin answered although his eyes still shut.

Jinwoo was playing with his hair while they were hugging each other and Jaemin loved it.

"...how long do you think I would live?"

Jaemin slowly stood up and stare at the male.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just the doctor clearly said that I won't live very long..."

"But it's been at least 4 weeks... I'm sure you can stay stronger for at least 4 more years." Jaemin chuckle as he played with Jinwoo's fingers.

Jinwoo adjust his position and stare at the boy.

"...im serious..."

Jaemin stare at Jinwoo as the male pulled into his embrace.

"...i hope that one day...we are able to lead normal lives as couple..."

"me too...by the way...i bought something for us."
Jaemin bend down and grab a paper bag from the side of the bed.

Jinwoo watch as Jaemin revealed what's inside it.

"Tadaaaa!!!" Jaemin handed Jinwoo a tuxedo what he bought the other day.

Jinwoo raise a brow as he examine it.

"What is this for?"

"Prom is approaching and I want to ask you to be my date." Jaemin winked.

"...prom? Here?"

"Of course! I'll be buying us some snacks and we are gonna dance and watch movies till the sun goes down!"
Jaemin raise his hands up to the sky.

Jinwoo look at the tuxedo and flashed a wide smile.

"I can't wait."

"ME TOO!!!"

They were laughing with one another before Mr. Choi entered the room.

"Jaemin... it's time to go." He tap on his watch.

"Owh....." Jaemin pouted.

"... can't you stay longer?" Jinwoo asked.

Jaemin shook his head.

"I wish I couldn't...but I can't..."

"... alright...love you." Jinwoo gave a peck on Jaemin's lips.

"Me too...and by the way, don't flirt with the nurses while I'm gone alright?"

"My heart only belongs to you."

The both of them giggle as they intertwined fingers together, clearly forgetting that Mr. Choi is there.


"Oh right...bye baby...make sure to wake up early because we have a presentation to present I already prefer your laptop and some notes... here you can video chat us so that Ms.Min can see you." Jaemin kissed Jinwoo's forehead before leaving.

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