"At the back?" Seohee raised an eyebrow at Mr. Lee.

"Did you not hear me?" He asked.

"No... it's just that I can't see from the back..."

"Oh... alright then...just sit with Mia." Mr. Lee pointed at the female student in front of Jaemin.

Jinwoo looked at the back of the class and saw a smile forming on Jaemin's face.

"Ok 12B Park Jinwoo, can you sit with-"

"I'm okay with it." The male bowed to Mr. Lee and casually made his way to the back of the class and sat beside Jaemin.

The other male had already pulled their tables apart, creating a small gap between them.

"Er...do you not like me?" Jinwoo let out a slight laugh.

Jaemin looked up and stared intensely at him as if the older had just said something offensive.

"Sorry..." He pulled it back and started at his notepad.


"Hi." He smiled cute and innocently before adding, "I'm sorry."

The lad scratched his head awkwardly while taking out his notepad and pencil case.

"For what?"

"Having an unfortunate fate sitting beside me." He grin softly before adjusting his glasses.

"...sorry? I didn't quite catch that." He let out a small laugh.

"Unfortunate---wait...you must be new right?" He raised an eyebrow and smile.

Jinwoo gave a small nod.

Even if it wasn't, what's the link??

"Ah...I see...no wonder you didn't know..."

The lad knit his eyebrows in confusion.

Most of what this Jaemin guy says, doesn't make any sense.

Jinwoo glanced around the class and most of them were completely ignorant about the lesson taught.

Jaemin too.

He was busy scribbling some science stuff on his notepad. Probably transferring old notes to his new notepad.

"Do you know the other night besides the night of the long knives? You know...the one on. Hitler." Jinwoo purposely asked him.

Jaemin stopped writing and tilt his head.

"It's the night of the broken glass." He said briefly.

"Oh thanks." Jinwoo smiled akwardly.

After what he guessed, was an hour of non stop lecturing from Mr. Lee, it was finally gym class.

"Shit." Jaemin muttered under his breath while grabbing the Hem of his uniform.

Jinwoo on the other hand, had already made his way out of the class whilst approaching Minwoo, his newly made friend.

"Hurry up slow poke." Minwoo leaned against the pavement fidgeting as he grabs the ends of his t-shirt which was hung around his nape.

"Okay." Jinwoo quickly jog to his original class before changing up.

When. All of them reached the hall to have the first sports lesson of the year, there were many weight taking machines around.

Jinwoo felt weird as he still hasty gotten used to the school's procedure yet.

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