"Will you be okay?" Jinwoo asked for the tenth time and Jaemin still have the same answer.

But Jaemin wasn't annoyed. He felt blessed to have a concern friend like Jinwoo. Not many people have the privilege to befriend such a person.

"Yea...sorry for being such a pussy just now." Jaemin awkwardly scratch his nape.

"Nah its okay... anyway...you free tomorrow?"

"High chance I am."

"After school I mean."

"I have 30 minutes before---"

"Then can you give me 30 minutes of your time?"

"You mean my whole entire break? Sure." Jaemin chuckle briefly.

Jinwoo then smile softly as Jaemin board the bus which arrived in the nick of the time.

"Text me when you get home." Jinwoo mouthed at him but of course, Jaemin didn't get that.

Jinwoo watch as the bus dissappear from his sight. He let out a long sigh and stare at the shirt where Jaemin left a stain from all the crying. He look at it for a second before hugging his body tightly.

He carved a wide smile as he recalled what happen. He didn't know that hugging Jaemin actually made him feel comfortable and loved.

"Oh God you really make me crazy."


Jaemin on the other hand got back home and heard shouting coming from inside the house. He stood outside the doorway and sigh heavily, contemplating whether to enter his house or run away.

If only I could stay longer with Jinwoo.

Without a doubt, being with Jinwoo earlier on felt a lot better than being here at home. It was only with Jinwoo that he could be himself.

The male entered the house and soon after, his mom called him again to the room. The same old charade is about to happen.

"I'm really short of money..." Mrs. Yoo mentally tore her hair. "Your sisters didn't give me enough money this day's."

Jaemin sisters don't have a decent job
Her oldest sister is just working as a cashier and a waitress in some restaurant, while he's second sister is just a intern, that's why...they can't give enough financial to Mrs. Yoo because they already have a family to feed and raise as well.

And their husband is not that rich to

The reason why both of his sister already leave their house,  because of Mrs. Yoo non-stop nagging...and some other issues about their mother plus their stepdad is a jerk ass.

So they decided to lived their own life... because they can't take it anymore.

"Where can I get money huh Jaemin?...Why is God punishing me so badly...this is really unfair." She continued nagging.

Jaemin really was too tired to entertain her, but he couldn't say anything. Heck, he was too tired to do anything.

All he did was to comfort her and tell her that everything is going to be alright, even when now, he is the one who needs a motivational hug the most.

"Didn't you say you were going to to work?...You know...I wish you could like Donghyun...at least he is helping his mother by working." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

Jaemin paused.

As far as he knows, Donghyun work's because he wanted to save money for his girlfriend. Not for his mother.

Why did you always have to compare me to others?

And this year is the most crucial year for Jaemin because they will be sitting for a major exam soon, plus he's a graduating student. He has been thinking about getting a job but juggling between work and studies is gonna be energy and time consuming.

"I'll try my best." He said softly.

"Yea... right..." His mother replied, rather annoyed.

It was at this moment he wished, that he never have to go back home.


Jinwoo, on the other hand was busy rewriting his 'speech' it was nothing much but he wanted to tell something important to Jaemin. After 4 months and 3 weeks, he knows that this feeling isn't normal.

He knows that Jaemin will probably hate him do confessing but he needed to tell the truth. Only then will he be at peace.

But what if he hates me for life?


Oh dear lord please help me now.

I promise to attend at least the night service.

He pop his knuckles and massaged his shoulders before continuing his writing.

Up to this day, the feeling of Jaemin is rather peculiar.

No one would have thought that Jinwoo has a 'thing' for Jaemin.

To explain, Jinwoo love Jaemin because of his personality. He has this positive vibe that made Jinwoo really feel attracted to him. Even when he is sad, its never shown on his face. He always ensures that even when he is having bad day. He still carved a wide smile so that others won't be affected by it.

And this is what makes Jinwoo attracted to Jaemin.

Look wise, he doesn't even look at Jaemin's body.

His finds its cute instead.

If this is how love feels like
I like being in love.

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