Jaemin stare at the ceiling, not realizing that at least an hour had passed.

Jinwoo's words were flying around his mind and that cause him to stay awake.

It was already 3am but Jaemin still couldn't close his eyes. Every single time he tries to,he just woke up and recall everything that has happened during the afternoon.

The boy then rose up and sat upright.

He didn't know which part of him attracted Jinwoo.

Face? No.

Body? Of course not

Brains? Maybe

Character? How

The more he looked into it, the more it seems ridiculous.

Maybe he was just joking...

Maybe he is drunk...

Yea... that could be it

The word 'Disgusted' never came across his mind because even when. Jaemin is shock that a Guy confessed to him, he didn't find it weird.

Instead he respect Jinwoo for having the courage to confess his love. Not everyone can do that.

But the thing that irks him the most would be the fact that a person like Jinwoo, which has almost everything, in terms of looks, actually has an interest in him.

Jaemin mentally tore his hair just thinking about it.

"What did Jinwoo do to deserve someone as pathetic as me?"

He sigh heavily before claiming himself down. The only way for him to be able to have a good night (or so) rest is to put all the things that happen, behind him.

When Jaemin woke up next morning, he saw that his phone had over 10+ messages from Jinwoo.

Jinwoo: morning

Jinwoo: it's the holidays already...I bet you are still sleeping right?

Jinwoo: are you mad at me about yesterday?

Jinwoo: it seems like you are...coz you didn't answer my question 😅

Jinwoo: I'm sorry

Jinwoo: it's really okay if you don't reply or anything

Jinwoo: just make sure that you are having enough rest, eat well and don't fall sick okay?

Jinwoo: oh, and about the thing you said, losing weight and all...you still up for it?

Jinwoo: I'm not saying that you should be losing weight to look beautiful...but I find that this actually matters a lot to you...it seems like only by losing weight, will you feel confident...so I'll help you

Jinwoo: Like I said... I'll go through thick and thin to you

Jinwoo: So you still up? I got a few exercise regime i did for myself... thought I'd shared with you some

Jinwoo: But it's not for free😄

Jaemin rubbed his eyes for a minute or two because using his glasses to get a clear view of the text messages.

He knit his brows when he reach the last message. If Jinwoo was going to charge him, then might as well Jaemin sign for a gym membership.

Jaemin: morning 😊

Jaemin: I'm okay and really I'm not mad at all...just puzzled

Jaemin: there's so many things I'd like to say but I'm gonna save it for if we meet...soon.

Jaemin: if you are, then really, thank you so so so much!!❤️

Jaemin: *🤗

Jaemin: but how much will it cost?

Jaemin: and...is it a must to meet you personally?

Jaemin: can't you send me the steps through message

Jaemin: because my mom doesn't allow me to go out tbh...she restricts me from going out unless its with her...so I don't think I can...

He was about to fall back asleep when Jinwoo replied him instantly.

Jinwoo: owh...what is about? Why did you cancel the heart emoji

Jinwoo: 😔😔😔🙁

Jinwoo: anyways,yes I would rather meet you personally

Jinwoo: why don't u try asking your mom?

Jinwoo: just try... if she still doesn't allow then I'll try different ways👍🏻

Jaemin: ok but I can't... guarantee you anything.

Jaemin: I'll see her mood first😁

Jinwoo: sure👌

Jaemin: oh and I just realized that you are using emoji's now😄

Jaemin: this is new

Jinwoo: like it😄

Jinwoo: I just use them with someone close and special like you

Jaemin: wow...now you getting flirty in the morning 😏

Jinwoo: hahaha, btw, tell me what your mom said first and if she's okay with it I'll come and pick you up later alright?

Jinwoo: wear something comfortable.

Jaemin: alright...❤️

Jinwoo: 🤭🥰😘

Jaemin: 🖕

Jinwoo: 😮☹️

Jaemin: 🙄...😘

Jinwoo: 🙈...💘💞👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Jaemin: ya! stop it!

Jinwoo: why 😏

Jinwoo: do I make your heart flutter

Jaemin: goodbye

"What a goofy man arghhhhhhhhhh why do you have to be like thissssss whyyyyyyy!" Jaemin groan while throwing his phone on the floor.

Then a few seconds later.

"OH MY GOD! MY PRECIOUS PHONE! pleAse Please please don't die on me."

"YOO JAEMIN! WHY ARE YOU SO LOUD? IN THE MORNING!?" His stepdad called out.

"Huh? Oh nothing i just... it's not me it's Kijun he saw a spider." Jaemin said... while looking at his brother sleeping peacefully in the bed.

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