"You okay?" Jinwoo look at Jaemin who was laying his head on the desk.

The weather wasn't that cold but yet, Jaemin wore a jacket which looks totally uncomfortable.

"Yeah...why?" The male answered without opening his eyes, it was evident that he felt really sleepy.

Of course he is.

He could not sleep at all last night.

"You look different." Jinwoo mumbled while fiddling with his fingers.

"Good or bad?"

"Just different..."


"You usually have a very bright and positive vibe around you but you look down today."

"...it's tiring...you know...to be happy..." Jaemin snuggle his head in his arms.

In all honestly, he was too tired to start a conversation but he doesn't want to make Jinwoo feel awkward.

"Relatable." Jinwoo laid down on the desk as well.

5 hours later

The both of them were seated in the bench near the basketball court where a game is currently ongoing.

Jaemin tilt his head slowly and fix his gaze on the male who slept next to him.

They hardly made eye contact but seeing Jinwoo close up like this made him realise that this guy is actually good looking. His looks are rather unique unlike normal Koreans.

Which made Jaemin think, how is he not popular with the ladies?

Jaemin peek through his eyelids for a brief second and realise that the other was staring intently at him.

He wanted to avoid Jaemin's gaze but his eyes got stuck to them.

For some reasons, Jaemin's eyes looks captivating.

How can someone with these beautiful eyes called ugly?

"Be careful...if you continue to stare at me like that, you might fall in love with me." Jinwoo joke as Jaemin smile softly.

Which cause Jinwoo blush

God, Jaemin you even look beautiful when you smile.

"Ergh...Yes right." He answered as he got up slowly.

Jaemin massage his nape while examining their schools rooftop from the ground floor. The place where Jinwoo nearly killed himself.

"Do you ever...feel...like doing it again?" He questioned the male beside him.

Jinwoo followed the direction of his eyes.

"Hmm..." He shrug his shoulders.

"Though I said that suicide is never the answer,...if you ever feel...like doing it,...take me as well." He said as tears slowly fill his eyes.

Jaemin is really a guy full of secrets which made Jinwoo felt really attracted to him. Not the love kind. But he really felt that he continuously want to know more about the boy. Jaemin made him feel curious.

Like what is really going on with his life?

"... don't" Jinwoo answered.

"...as long as you are still here with me... I'll make sure that  you'll never want to kill yourself... because you are the reason why I'm still here...if you are not...then there's no reason for me to live...you told me that...along the way... I'll find a reason to live again...so here you go...you are my reason."

Jinwoo knit his brows, knowing that this sound damn cheesy.

Jaemin was probably gonna laugh at him or made fun of him and Jinwoo was prepared for all that.

But he didn't

Jaemin, instead stare at Jinwoo intently.

"You know...you are right...I might fall in love with you...If I continue staring at you like this." Jaemin laugh half heatedly, not knowing that it made the other blush harder like a ripe tomato.

The both of them stayed in silence as they admire the gloomy sky, indicating that it is gonna rain soon.

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