[the following program is intended for mature audiences. viewer discretion is advised.]

Jinwoo heard moaning sounds coming from his mother's room but since it is common, he didn't let her bother him.

Instead, he went upstairs to his bedroom to have a short nap.

"Ouch!" He heard a loud scream followed by the sound of belt hitting against the sofa.

Jinwoo got up from his chair and open his door to get a peek of the scene.

Nothing happened in the hallway yet.

Although the boy could clearly hear something was going on.

In a few seconds, a man was dragging his mom out of the room. Jinwoo widened his eyes in horror. He recognized that man. It was Mr. Gye, one of his mother's loyal customer.

Mr. Gye had a mansion where he lives with his wife and three other kids. Mrs. Park was his mistress and most of the things that they own in this house belongs to him.

"Who is that guy huh?!?!" Mr. Gye slap Mrs. Park as she fell at the bottom of the stairs.

"No one dear he is no one!" Mrs. Park pleaded.

A moment later, another guy came out of the room while zipping his pants. He was much younger that Mr. Gye. Probably around his early 20s.

"Sorry Sir I didn't mean to take your woman away from---" He was interrupt when Mr. Gye placed a gun in front of him.

"GET OUT NOW BEFORE I SHOOT YOUR BALLS!!!" Mr.Gye shouted at the male as he sprint out of the house while grabbing as many belongings as he can.

Mr. Gye was furious for sure. His hands were trembling. Not in fear but anger.

"I gave you everything...but what did I get?" He turned his gaze towards Jinwoo's mother.

"He was seducing me...it wasn't me!" His mother pleaded once more while crying.

"Do you think I'm stupid huh?!" Mr. Gye threw a slap across Mrs. Park face till her lips bled.

Jinwoo, can't afford to a wait anymore, ended up rushing down the stairs and punch Mr. Gye.

He threw a fist against his face, making the old man lost his stand and ended up collapsing to the ground. Mr. Gye wiped the blood on his lips and just as he was about to throw a punch at Jinwoo, the boy kicked his stomach and punched his face to a pulp.

"Jinwoo stop it!!!" Mrs. Park demanded when she saw her son hitting her man.

Jinwoo didn't listen to his mother. Instead, he continued letting out his rage on Mr. Gye.

Mrs. Park kept shouting at Jinwoo but it was no use. Knowing that Jinwoo won't stop, Mrs. Park took a small vase nearby and hit it against his head.

"I SAID STOP IT!!!" She shouted at Jinwoo as the boy fell down.

Jinwoo groaned while holding his head.
Blood oozed out of his head and the pain was unbearable. He doesn't know how much power did his mom out into hitting him but he knows that the impact made his vision blur.

Jinwoo tilt his head towards his mother who was helping Mr. Gye to get up.

"I'm sorry honey... I'm really am." Mrs. Park cried while wiping the blood on Mr. Gye face.

Jinwoo witness that scene and it hurt more.
He wasn't the type to cry easily, but that day, he cried so much.

He cried seeing how his mother cared so much for a guy who dares to throw a slap on her face.

He cried seeing how his mother did not hesitate to hurt him.

He cried knowing that no matter what he does, his mother will never love him.

Mrs. Park carried Mr. Gye towards the door before throwing a disgust look towards her son.

"Imbecile." She muttered under her breath before leaving her son, dealing with his pain alone.

Soft sobs echoes throughout the empty house. Jinwoo was all alone.

While hugging his body, he cried, letting out everything that was bottled inside him.

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