Jinwoo wake up one morning and stared at the ceiling of his room. He heard his mom's footsteps and Mr. Gye. Guess they were going out again.

The male laid on his back and listen to music. It was another Monday. Two weeks had passed since he last went to school, although his teachers understand because he gave an excuse letter and the some medical certificate. The doctor said that he needs to rest until his wounds will fully heal.

Jaemin has been kind enough to collect his homework for him and putting in his mailbox.

Since he cannot go out, Jaemin had to send the homework through the postbox. It was weird to be honest. Its not as if Jinwoo...Want to do them anyway. But because Jaemin made an effort to send it to him, he did most of the work.

Just as he was about to figure out how to make a glowing unicorn, the door of his bedroom opened wide, There stood, his mother in her skinny clothes and thick make up.

"It's the 25th...get your father to pay up." She said briefly before leaving.

Jinwoo sigh heavily as he looked at the clock beside his head.


He was late for school for about 30 minutes but that doesn't seem to bother him.

After sensing that his mother is out, Jinwoo went to the bathroom and have a nice shower.

He came out 15 minutes later and put on his school uniform and jacket. Jinwoo sigh at the thought of having to meet his father again and asking for money.

He hated seeing that man.

After wearing his shoes, Jinwoo exit his house and head outside to the bus stand.

He sent a text to Jaemin, saying that he is 'finally' going to school. It wasn't necessary but Jinwoo felt like Jaemin might want to know. And sure enough, Jaemin replied right away.

Jaemin: Really??? Your late but don't worry the teachers in on their meeting. SEE YAH LATER THEN!!
You should have told me earlier so that I can prepare a piñata or something to celebrate!(^‿^)

A small chuckle escape from his mouth as the male board the bus. Mr. Park's house wasn't really that far from his school. So he decided to head there first before going to school.

When he arrived, the house had an 'ON SALE' sign stuck into the ground at his front yard.

Jinwoo rubbed his nape. As far as he is concern, the last time he visited this house, there wasn't such sign.

He was about to walk off, thinking that this might be the wrong house when a middle aged lady called him.

"Jinwoo-ah!" She waved her and hand before taking out boxes from her house.

Jinwoo turned around and smile warmly. It was Mrs. Nam, Mr. Park original wife.

"How are you dear?" She approached the male and gave a warm hug.

Jinwoo nodded in response.

"I'm fine...how are you? And...Mr. Park?" He asked.

Mrs. Nam sigh.

"Still not gonna call him dad?" She cross her arms.

Jinwoo shook his head.

"I understand...must be hard for you isn't it?... anyway, come in! I'll make some drinks for you." She pat his shoulders but the male declined.

"Its okay...I was actually heading to school when I realise that...ermm... today is..." He mumbled softly.

Mrs. Nam doesn't need to know Jinwoo to explain further. She understands him. It's been almost 10years.

"I'll call him in a minute alright? In the meantime, you can have a seat at our front porch. She pointed at the small chair and table.

Jinwoo thanked her as the lady ran back inside her house.

Mrs. Nam is one of the nicest lady that Jinwoo have ever met. She understands his situation even when she finds it difficult to accept the reality that her husband had a mistress once.

Instead of lashing out at Jinwoo, she gave him support and motivation because he didn't do anything wrong he was just a child, more of that Mrs. Nam treat's him like her own son.

"Why can my mother be like her?" Jinwoo say.

"What? Again? Tsk... that kid...when will he ever finds his goddamn money." Jinwoo heard grumbling sounds coming from Mr. Park as he walk down the stairs.

"Honey don't say that...that poor boy might hear you...and for what I remember his still your son...why can't you give him the love of a father like how you treat our childrens?" Mrs. Nam replied.

When Mr. Park came out of the house, Jinwoo knew that this wasn't going to end well. His face looks angry and annoyed.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you I'll extend your money for this month?" He cross his arms angrily.

Jinwoo got up and was about to shake his hands when the old man push them away.

Jinwoo silently stood there as he caressed the back of his hands where his father had pushed away roughly.

"I'm sorry...but I need the money...for school." He answered politely.

Although he really needs it because the money that his father gave, is already expend because he use the money to pay for tuition and hospital fee's.

Mr. Park rolled his eyes.

"Till when are you going to ask me for money huh?" He stared at the boy in front of him.

"-till when must you rely on me?! YOU ARE BLOODY 18 YEARS OLD GODDAMMIT!" He shouted.

"-CANT YOU STOP BEING A BURDEN TO ME?!" He lashed out at the male as if he has been holding back his anger for far too long.

Jinwoo knit his brows in confusion.

"Why are you angry at--"


"...But isn't that your responsibility as my father---"

"AM I?!?!" He asked the boy.

Jinwoo paused momentarily and stared at his father.


"Am I, your father? Am I? Really?" Mr. Park stared at the boy intently.

Jinwoo didn't know what to answer to the older. This must been just Mr. Park spouting nonsense.

Mr. Park scoff before throwing all the bills at Jinwoo's face.

"Do you see all these things that I have to pay?! Huh?! Your mother has been sleeping around with guys and NOW, I HAVE TO CARRY HER BURDEN?!" He pointed at Jinwoo as if he is a piece of trash.

"_have you really asked her where did you came from?...i took the blame and paid you money every year but then I realise that... you are not even mine!"

"-you are just a Big MISTAKE!" Mr. Park said as if it didn't hurt Jinwoo's feelings.

"-Your dad must have been some drug addict your mother had sex with and then you came out...I didn't know...but what I know is...you are not mine...and from today onwards, don't bother coming here to get your money...coz I won't waste any more of my wealth on a piece of trash like you."

Mr. Park rolled his eyes before going back into his house.

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