Jaemin yawned heavily the moment he reach school.

This 1 week day working at the bakery and it proved to be fatal.

Apparently, he didn't realize that the bakery has a lots of customer during rush hour.

With that, he has to move about a lot and since he stayed till closing time, he has to make sure the whole bakery is clean and all of the utensils has been stock up.

"Yo, sleepy head." Hyerin ruffled Jaemin's hair as she took a chair and sat in front of him.

Jaemin held his head for awhile and smile.

"You looked very... tired...have you been staying up late?" Hyerin rest her chin at the back of her hand while staring intently at Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at the female momentarily before lowering his gaze.

"I was procrastinating that's all." He chuckle and Hyerin shook her head.

"Bad boy...you should take care of your health and alright? I don't want anything bad happening to you." She smile.

Author here: wtf ಠ ل͟ ಠ

Jaemin stared at the floor. Somehow, those words remind him of Jinwoo. But the only difference is, when Jinwoo say those words, it makes Jaemin feel warm on the inside.

But Hyerin doesn't have the same result. It felt rather empty.

"By the way, care to join us for break?" She pointed at their gang.

Jaemin thought for a while.

"Can I bring Donghyun along?"

Hyerin look at Donghyun who was seated behind and curse silently.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" She fake a smile.

During break, all of them decided to sit together at one table in the cafeteria.

Hyerin can be seen wanting to sit closely with Jaemin and Donghyun notices that. He tried telling Jaemin but to no avail.

"Oh God I'm exhausted!" Jessi appeared moments later before sitting beside her boyfriend.

"Why the hell were you running?" Hyerin knit her brows.

"Coz I wanna be the first in queue? Duh???"

"You aren't even queuing."

"Well Seohee is...and I already ordered from her so--" Jessi showed a peace sign.

Hyerin rolled her eyes jokingly before turning to Jaemin.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"I haven't decided yet... probably some ramen." Jaemin tap his finger on his chin.

Hyerin nooded and asked Donghyun the same thing. But Donghyun wasn't really listening since he was busy with his phone.

"You are Jaemin right?" Jessi asked.

"Yeah." The boy replied as he took his hand out for a shake.

"Ah...that...that fat ugly kid right?" She said and Hyerin immediately kick her legs,


Jaemin look at Hyerin momentarily and smile.

"Nah its okay...yes I'm that kid."

"Don't listen to her...she doesn't know what bro say and what not to say." Hyerin glared at her friend.

"No it's okay... really... I'm fine."

"Don't take it seriously okay? It's just how we joke that's all."

Jaemin remained silent.

"Oh, where's your bestfriend?" Jessi questioned him again.

"Here?" Jaemin pointed at Donghyun.

"No not him...the other one...who was it...the guy who looks like a zombie you know...with the dark circles and all."

"Jinwoo?" Hyerin asked.

"Yes! That new guy! What's with him anyway? He looks like a drug dealer to be honest...does he take drugs? Looks like someone from a broken family...not tryna sound rude." She held her hands up.

Jaemin stare at her intently.

"He looks perfectly fine to me."

"Ergh...not to me... you know what he needs a makeover hahaha."

"Maybe different people have different opinions but it doesn't mean that you can call people names however you like."

"I'm not name calling him but its true...I saw him at the rooftop earlier on... drinking and smoking...he looks like darn high." Jessi rolled her eyes.

Jaemin paused.


"What thing?"

"What did you say he was doing?"

"Smoking and drinking...IN BROAD DAYLIGHT can you imagine."

"When was that!" Jaemin raised his voice, making all of them flinched.

"J-just now?"

Jaemin furrowed his brows before getting up instantly. Hyerin tried stopping him but Jaemin wasn't listening to her.

His mind is only focused on Jinwoo.

He has gotten back to his old habits and that worries Jaemin a lot. Jinwoo has been bdoing well for the past months and Jaemin knows that the nicotine will only bring disaster to Jinwoo if he decided to continue smoking again.

Oh God Jinwoo what is wrong with you?

Jaemin rushed to the rooftop as fast as he can. Even when there are students around him, he pushed them off just so that he won't reach the rooftop late.

Along the way Jaemin prayed that what Jessi said wasn't true.

But when he reached the rooftop, his knees became weak.

The gate is unlocked and there sat, Jinwoo, with a few soju bottles around him and a pack of open cigarettes on the floor.

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