"Want some?" Jinwoo sat down as he offered Jaemin snack.

The boy glanced at it and shook his head although his stomach is growling so badly.

"I can't eat chips...I have an ulcer." He lied

Jinwoo nodded before looking at their mind map. Jaemin had drawn some branches and wrote a word. 'Happiness' in an elegant cursive font.

"That's nice." Jinwoo pointed at it.

"Thank you...have you thought about anything last week?" Jaemin looked at Jinwoo for a brief second before continue writing.

"Nope...sorry I was kinda busy studying and some other stuffs..." Jinwoo awkwardly scratched his head.

"It's okay...by the way, have you gotten used to this school yet? It's huge right?"

"I guess? It's quite big as compared to my previous school... although I must say that this school does not have many club activities."

"Club activities?"

"Yea...in my old school, we have a lots of them and we always end school late at about 7pm?" Jinwoo gave a few markers to Jaemin who was busy writing.

"Won't that make you go home...late? How about homework and all?" Jaemin furrowed his brows.

"Yeah...but school is better than home..." Jinwoo silently mumbled, not realising that Jaemin actually heard it.


Jinwoo sigh heavily before taking a pack of cigarettes out of his right pocket and counting them.

"...when did you start smoking?...if I may...ask?" Jaemin stared at the pack curiously.

Jinwoo shrug his shoulders and played with one of the stick.

"I can't remember, but I do know that smoking makes me feel better." He replied with a soft smile.

"... ironic." Jaemin rubbed his nape.

"...Okay but because I care for a friend, I wanna ask you something...have you...ever thought of quitting?"

Jinwoo stared at Jaemin and thought,

'man this boy ask way too many questions.'

He felt like they are not at the level where they can casually spill out each other's secrets.

Thankfully, he was saved by the bitch Hyerin, who was walking pass the duo. He noticed how Jaemin stole glances of the female, completely ignoring the male in front of him.

Not gonna lie but Hyerin is really beautiful. The only thing that makes her ugly is her shitty personality, and that makes Jinwoo despise her a lot. Because other than that Hyerin reminds of her mother.

He hates someone who abuses their beauty.

Like just because you are beautiful, doesn't mean you can casually do whatever you want. Beauty doesn't solve everything. It doesn't make you superior than others.

But of course, society nowadays would rather look at the visuals than personality and popularity.

Jaemin stared at Hyerin every chance he got but when he saw with her boyfriend, he turn his gaze somewhere else.

"Did you just put Love under Happiness?" Jinwoo tilt the paper towards his direction.

"Yes...it's like love towards your family have you...happiness right? Or your friends? Your girl...friend?" Jaemin sneeze.

"I don't think we should categories Love under Happiness."

"Why not?" Jaemin raised his brows.

"Okay... here's the thing...ermm...what is love to you? Like how do you define love?" Jinwoo tilt his head.

Jaemin was taken aback by the sudden question but he managed to answer it.

"Well...I guess to me...love is like a certain feeling of affection you have when you like a particular person? Maybe...love brings you infinite joy and happiness?" He starched his head before adjusting his glasses.

"Hmm...fair enough...but to me love doesn't always link to happiness..Iove cannot be defined as happiness...love to me is like a random mixture...you know...maybe a fruit salad?" Jinwoo raised his brows, causing Jaemin to laugh.

"Are you hungry by any chance?" He gave out a small chuckle.

"Noo...hear me out, hear me out...You see love, at some point, can be the most beautiful thing in your life...right?...for instance, when you saw your crush." He explain and in a brief second, Jaemin stop laughing, as if he felt like the topic was about to him.

"When your crush smiles, the world seems to be brighter isn't it?"

Jaemin glanced at Hyerin and nodded slowly.

"Well when she laugh, the whole world laugh as well...when she cry, the whole world would be in tears and when she smile, the world seemed to stop...so that it can admire her beauty...love to me is beautiful...to a certain extend." Jinwoo smile as caught Jaemin staring at Hyerin.

"But at the same time, love can be the most painful, terrible, horrible thing in your life..." He continued softly.

"For instance, you look at her and you smile she looked at you and she smile but then, you saw her boyfriend walking from behind you and you realised...that smile wasn't meant for you...and that makes your heart ache because you realise that...the reason behind her smile...is not you..." Jinwoo said softly.

Jaemin blinked his eyes continuously. He knows that he is about to cry soon which is why he tried to control the tears.

"...but I guess that's okay..." Jaemin replied.

"-that is what makes love wonderful...right? Of course it doesn't bring you happiness always...coz as a human being we cannot always have the positive thing in life... without the negative part, we would never learn anything...right?" Jaemin add with a wide smile.

Infact I learn something too...

I could only afford to see Hyerin from afar... because she will never be mine...

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