"He just wants to help me lose weight that's all." Jaemin said for the umpteenth time.

Mrs. Yoo stared at him momentarily.

"Alright...but only for an hour...and be back early." She said.


"Do you want me to change my mind."

Jaemin then fish out for his phone and texted Jinwoo.

"How can i be sure that you guys went for an exercise and not simply going out??"


"You know how kids nowadays...going out with friends and reach home late at night...who knows what happen when they are outside...you better not be that kid who shamed this family again like your sisters when they both get impregnant by their boyfriend's." His mom stare dead into his eyes.

Jaemin nodded slowly. Its funny how among the siblings, Jaemin is the most prude and yet his mother thinks that he is the one who will bring shame to the family.

Jaemin never disobeys her or whatsoever.

All he does is to go to school, come back, clean the house, help his little brother, do his homework and done.

He never had the chance to go out, even with Donghyun.

Once, she actually allows him to watch a soccer match but then, as soon Jaemin comes home, she throws a hateful look at him. Saying how he was late and how she knows that he put his friends before his own mother.

The whole thing was annoying to handle and Jaemin knows that if this happen again. He is going to be told off by his mother.

"Jinwoo is picking me up later...so you can personally ask him questions."

"Why must i? Didn't you said I should trust you? Don't tell me what to do."

"Just for confirmation... that's all."

"If I don't trust you, then what makes you think that I'm going to trust your friend who I didn't know existence until today huh?"

Jaemin sigh inwardly.

He wanted to cancel the meeting but then again, when she allowed him to, he had already texted Jinwoo.

"I'll text you every time alright? Wherever I go."

"Whatever...you and your sisters, along with your brother always cared about your friends and never cared about me." She rolled her eyes as she went inside the room.

She did let Jaemin out to meet Jinwoo but it seems that after today, Jaemin wont be able to anymore.

Jinwoo: Great! Pick you up at 4 is that alright?

Jaemin: yea...

Jinwoo: u ok?

Jaemin: yeah I am...see you later!😊

He massaged his temple.

Jinwoo did come at 4pm on the dot.

He noticed Jaemin's apartment was way different than his.
Jaemin's is apartment is pretty clean
Unlike him...his house is always dirty, the only clean part of the house is his room because he always clean it...he even cleans the house but his mother and her costumer always trash it.

That's why he got tired of cleaning it.

"You ready?" Jinwoo mouthed at Jaemin before Mrs. Yoo appeared.

"Jinwoo?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am?" The lad bowed respectfully.

Mrs. Yoo smile.

"Take care of my son alright...and don't you two do anything else other than going for exercise."

"Yes ma'am, I promise to take good care of this little one."
Jinwoo replied, not realising that Jaemin mentally smack his head at the back.

Mrs. Yoo nodded for a moment before going back to the kitchen.

After dismissing himself, Jaemin joined Jinwoo who was standing outside the apartment.

Now that Jinwoo is in front of him, Jaemin felt the awkwardness between them. They walked in silence until they reached the bus stand where Jinwoo decided to finally speak up.

"You said you hated the gym right? I have a studio where I place all the exercise, I use... I'll bring you there...if its okay with you??"

"Yes...sure...but is it far?"

"Just a few blocks away from our school."

"Do you own it?"

"Yep...at least those money are put to good use." Jinwoo said, referring to his mother's job.

Jaemin nodded.

"Thank you so much...oh and how much must I pay you?"

"Did I mention that you need to?"

"You said that isn't free."

"Ah...that..." Jinwoo mumbled as they board the bus.

"_since I'm helping you to gain confidence, you need to help me as well."

"Sure! But what is it?"

"... help me...to stop smoking."

Jaemin tilt his head, his eye sparkle at the thought.

"Stop smoking???"

"Yea...do you like someone who smokes?"

"Not at all."

"So yeah...help me quit smoking...my breathing is getting really bad lately."

"I'll definitely help you but shouldn't you be seeing a doctor?"

"Doctors don't always cure everything."

"Of course...if they do, then they will be called 'God'...which they aren't...and I'm not saying they can automatically cure your problem but at least you will know how serious your problem is..."

Jinwoo stared at the scenery outside the bus before tilting his head to see Jaemin.

"You sounded concern...it felt kinda good to be honest." He smirk.

Jaemin blinked his eyes for a few seconds before avoiding eye contact with the male. He doesn't want Jinwoo to see his red cheeks which he didn't know why it appeared.

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