Jinwoo wiped his hair while sitting at the front of the fan. His mind was wandering everywhere.

'you will find a reason to live again.'

Those words repeat itself like a chant.

"Will I find a reason to live again?"

"Will I be happy again?"

He cease to know what's the true meaning of life. Like why he created and why was he sent to earth?

He doesn't understand anything about his entire existence. Many people around him have figured out and are doing something meaningful in their life.

But what is the meaningful thing for Jinwoo.

He stopped drying his hair and just stare at the small fan in front of him. Even the fan has a purpose in life. It's really starting to eat him up. This whole idea about living.

Jinwoo was about to take a nap when his phone vibrated.

Without even looking at the phone, he somehow could have guessed that it is a message from Jaemin. And it is.



Jaemin: Hey...how are you feeling???

Jaemin: I know it's 12am in the morning but I can't sleep

Jaemin: sorry...for what said this past few days

Jaemin: I'm really sorry...I hope we can be friends again

Jaemin: or at least talk to me

Jaemin: and tommorow is Saturday so I won't be seeing you right?

Jaemin: so I send u a text instead...you know just checking

Jaemin: I hope you will be fine...and do your homework

Jaemin: umm night...eat and study well

Jaemin: ahahaha

Jinwoo scroll through the text and let out a small laugh.

Jinwoo: I'm fine and I do all of my homework (•‿•)

Jinwoo: and why are you Sorry for? I should be the one saying that

Jinwoo: so this is it...Jaemin I'm very sorry for what I said to you I'm really sorry I didn't know that you have a problems too...its just when I see you...you look like you don't have a problem about your life

Jaemin: you still awake? Nah...No problem

Jaemin: apology accepted😊... there's always a problem in life even you don't want to😕

Jaemin: but really... suicide is never the answer to your problems alright?

Jaemin: I'm gonna be as cheesy as I have always been and say, whenever you feel alone, remember that I'm in here for you.

Jinwoo: r u sure u r not gay?

Jaemin: ತ_ʖತ

Despite calling Jaemin gay, ironically, Jinwoo love this side of Jaemin that didn't really care about other's opinion and instead, just do whatever he likes.

And just be himself.

Jinwoo: Thanks, and if you love too we can be friends again

Jinwoo: ( ◜‿◝ )❤️

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