Jaemin sigh the moment he reach home. His parents were fighting again and honestly, he wished that he would have to stay longer in school. But being in school consumes too much energy and time.

"If you think I'm nobody then leave! Don't you agree Jaemin? If your stepdad thinks that I'm a slut, THEN FUCKING LEAVE!" His mom shouted while throwing her spatula towards the direction of his stepdad.

Thankfully, the old man managed to avoid it.

"Remind me not to answer to your pleads woman!" He replied."-and don't include your son here!"

Wow... acting like he cares

"Okay I admit that I begged you to come back but that because I thought you changed!" She shouted once more before slamming the door of their apartment.

Jaemin sigh before putting down his bag. Honestly he had given up his mom. True, he loves her deeply but she never learns her lesson.

Jaemin told many times that if her husband leave her, do not ever take him back. Because, Jaemin knows that his stepdad would never change. But his mom was weak.

It was as if she could not live without a husband. And that is why she begged him to come back after she threw him out a year ago.

Jaemin remember crying when his mother scolded them because of his stepdad.

Basically saying,

"You guy's weren't there when I'm sad."

"I need someone to support this family."

"I didn't want a divorce but you GUYS influenced me to."

"I won't go home without him."

It seems like no matter how many times, Jaemin reminded her not to come back to him for her own good, it always goes down to Jaemin being a bad influence.

Jaemin being the marriage ruiner.

But it wasn't him.

It was his stepdad, Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang was never faithful towards Mrs. Yoo. Whenever they went out, Mr. Kang never says that his wife is beautiful, instead he looks around and admire all the young girls around him. Looking at their cleavage and other things that I don't wanna discuss.

Mrs. Yoo is indeed beautiful although she has a plump body. But so is Mr. Kang, the only difference is that Mr. Kang has no good looks.

Jaemin always asks himself "why did my mom married this goblin?"

Jaemin didn't know what to do but just as he was about to rest, Mrs. Yoo opened the door and called him. He knows that this was going to about Mr. Kang.

He sighed and made his way to the room.

There, stood, Mrs. Yoo crying while playing with the hem of her shirt, Jaemin immediately hugged her so that she would stop. Jaemin was always there for Mrs. Yoo whenever she is sad. Which is why. Jaemin is her favorite son amongst the 3.

"I really fucking hate him." She said.

In reality, Jaemin is tired of hearing all this. His mother has been saying the same thy for the past 10 years but nothing change.

Jaemin and his siblings constantly ask her to seek divorce from her husband but she kept extending the time. Saying that it was a waste and all. Jaemin is aware of the procedure she has to go through but its worth to wait right? Just bear with it for a few months and you can be happy again.

"It's okay eomma... I'm here..." Jaemin replied after thinking of a good response.

Eomma in korean means mother

He was about to say all sorts of things but his mom would never listen to him anyway.

"Why is my life so shitty? Why am I always so sick...when he can do everything he likes? Why does God never reply to my pleads? Why?" She continued complaining.

Jaemin tried to calm her down. The only problem with Mrs. Yoo is that she always blame God when life gets unbearable. Jaemin know that its wrong.

"Mom... don't say that...you know...God gives the hardest trials to his strongest soldier...it may be difficult now but I'm sure if we put our faith in him, he will help us..." Jaemin calm her down.

"No one understands me Jaemin...no one...not even you...its easy for you to say because you lead an easy life." Mrs. Yoo push him away before asking him to leave the room.

Jaemin sighs as he went out of the room.

I lead an easy life...sure...

He wiped some tears that was streaming down his cheeks before making his way to the bathroom.


Author here: you know sometimes i ask God too
Why it has to be me? Why do you have to give me this shitty problem there's a day that sometimes I was about to blame God.
But I realized this is just a challenge maybe if I passed this challenge something good will happen right?

That's why FIGHTING

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