"am I late?!" Jaemin asked when arrived at the rooftop.

They had just finished lessons so definitely, Jaemin wasn't late.

"No actually." Jinwoo laughed as he ushered Jaemin to his seat.

The 'candlelight' dinner that Jinwoo made actually looks very cute.

Instead of having actual candlelight, he used two birthday candles and place it between their Dak gangjeong and bulgogi pizza that he order from Minwoo's family restaurant.

It was simple yet, the thought that counts.

I guess you light up the candle a bit too early." Jaemin chuckle as he examine the lightless candel.

Jinwoo awkwardly scratch his nape as the both of them sat in front of one another.

Jaemin look at the food in awe. It has been awhile since he tried them.

"So... how's your first day of school?" Jinwoo asked as they stared eating.

"Great to be honest... everyone was so friendly towards me."

"Really? What did they do?"

"Well...some people were passing compliments to me and a few girls bought me my favorite strawberry milk." He grin.

Jinwoo smile softly.

"It felt really good! Now everyone starts noticing me." He blush, "Oh! And Hyerin too!"

He then went on talking about Hyerin, not realising that Jinwoo wasn't paying the slightest attention to what he was blabbering about.

"And she said that I'm really nice." Jaemin covered his burning cheeks.

"Ah... that's awesome..." Jinwoo answered briefly.

"How about you? How's your day?" Jaemin asked him back.

In reality, Jinwoo has a lot of things to say. But after Jaemin kept talking about Hyerin, he lost interest in the conversation.

"Same old."

"Ah...I hope its gonna be better soon!"


"Oh! I brought you something!" Jaemin clapped his hands as he rummaged through his bagpack.

Jinwoo dispose all of their leftovers in a plastic bag and drank a bottle of water.

"Here!" Jaemin passed a mason jar to Jinwoo.

The male knit his brows as he analysed it.

"...chill pill?" He read the label.


"What's this for?"

"Basically, its a jar full of motivational quotes that I came up by myself...the thing is the small notes inside the jar represent a pill. And whenever you feel down or sad, you'll take a 'pill' from the jar with hope that it will make your day better..." He smile broadly.

Jinwoo looked at the jar and let out a small chuckle.

"Are you mocking me?" Jaemin pout.

"Nope...I just find you really adorable that's all."

"Really? That's what everyone said to me even Hyerin." Jaemin laugh as he played with the hem of his shirt.

Jinwoo stared at the jar in his hand and back at Jaemin.

"... Jaemin-ah..."

"Hmm?" Jaemin covered his red cheeks.

"...do you like Hyerin?"

Jaemin arch his brows. He stare at Jinwoo's eye's for a moment before avoiding them.

"I guess..."

"...you should ask her out."

"You think so?"

"...yeah...it seems like she likes you back."

"But I'm not sure though..." Jaemin scratch his head.

At this point, Jinwoo wished that Jaemin would not take it literally.

He wanted Jaemin to look disgusted and say he would choose Jinwoo instead.

But who was he kidding...

Of course Jaemin won't do that.

It seems like he really likes the idea of being with Hyerin.

I was a stupid fool...

"Just try...it seems like you love her a lot..." Jinwoo adjust his voice.

His tears were slowly filling up his eyes and Jinwoo knows that he will cry if he kept talking to Jaemin.

"I do..." Jaemin said.

Jinwoo gulped nervously and quickly got up, pretending to stretch his body.

When their eyes no longer get in contact, Jinwoo let out all the tear he kept inside him.

His back was facing Jaemin who was staring into his space, not realising that the other person was crying.

Jinwoo stared at the floor and played with his feet.

He scolded himself for being so stupid in love.

Jaemin is straight and he will never ever fall in love with him.

It seems like Jinwoo fall in love so easily.

Everytime Jaemin does something nice, he would think that Jaemin likes him.

But in reality, Jaemin doesn't like him in that way.

He probably likes him as a friend.

"Oh and by the way, I'm starting work tommorow." Jaemin snap his finger.


"Oh some coffee shop...I decided to help my mom out...our family is not coping financially." He sigh heavily.

"from what time to what time?"

"7pm to 9:30pm."

"But aren't you gonna be tired...?"

"Yeah...I know...I guess I have to sacrifice my time for my mom." He smile.

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