"I don't think I'll make it for prom tommorow." Jaemin told Mr. Choi one day.

He originally planned to stay at the hospital but Mrs. Yoo would found out and its gonna be disaster.

"You guys can...but only for a few hours."

"But I'm working."

"Oh right."

Jaemin sigh heavily. He had already promised Jinwoo and they even bought a pair of tuxedo.

Jaemin even downloaded songs that he wanted to listen while doing the waltz with Jinwoo.

"I'll just see what I can do tommorow."

The next day, Jaemin went to work as per normal. The day went by very long and customer were piling up like crazy.

In the end, his shift was extended to an hour later. Mrs. Yoo who was waiting in the car, looked furious when Jaemin got inside.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO LATE?!" She shouted at him.

"There was a lot of customers." He answered, still trying to catch his breath.

He also felt tired of working when initially, he didn't want to. It was because he wanted to help his mother financially.

"If you are gonna be late this again, then I'm not letting you work anymore! You did it on purpose right?! You didn't want to come home is it?! If that's the case then go! Go out of the house! Just like your sisters and even your little brother, I really regret giving birth to all of you, do you know that?! I wish i live alone!" Mrs. Yoo shouted at him.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and grit his teeth. After a long day at work, he just wants to rest for a while.

"And what are you gonna do after you reach home like always? Sleep! That's ALL YOU KNOW! DO YOU THINK THAT'S YOUR ONLY RESPONSIBILITY Huh? Who is gonna clean the house? Me? Am I your bloody maid?! You MOTHERFUCKERS ARE UNAPPRECIATIVE!"

The blabbering went on and on until they reach the house. Mrs. Yoo continued scolding Jaemin even when its already over.

When her mother went inside of her room, Jaemin stare at the ceiling for awhile.

"I'm tired."

He then quickly grab a bag and fill it up with all the things he need.

He really has got enough of this wrecked family.

Since her mother is in room, Jaemin quickly ran out of the house and hail a cab to the hospital. He know that her mother would flip if she found out about this.

But he can't take it anymore.

He already has the chance when her older sister offered him and Kijun, to live with them but Jaemin insist because he cares about her mother so they only took Kijun.

When Jaemin reach the room, he spot Jinwoo on the bed, looking at the mirror while trying out different hairstyles.

"Oh god...that one make my knees weak."
Jaemin pretended to faint as Jinwoo rolled his eyes.

As usual, Jinwoo would open his arms as big as he can, indicating that Jaemin should hug him.

Jinwoo kissed his forehead as the male sat on the bed.

"...you from work?"

"Yesseu." Jaemin replied.

"...shall we get ready?" Jinwoo asked, obviously excited.

"Of course! But shall we bath first?" Jaemin wiggled his brows.

Jinwoo examined Jaemin from top to bottom and nodded.

Jaemin then help Jinwoo got out of the bed and into the bathroom.

Jinwoo change out of his hospital gown as Jaemin paused, looking at Jinwoo's chest.

"...you had a tattoo of my name?" Jaemin's finger ran through Jinwoo's chest.

"...yea...I found somewhere who belongs here." He grabbed Jaemin's hand and place it close to his chest.

The both of them then stare into each other's eyes before slowly kissing each other's lips.

Jinwoo's hand brought Jaemin's waist closer to him before unbuttoning his shirt. Jinwoo was about to take them off when Jaemin pulled them down.

"I...I still have stretch marks after losing weight...I think you should bath first." Jaemin quickly left the bathroom but Jinwoo grab his wrist and bring him close to him

"I don't care...you are still the most beautiful human being in earth." He whispered in Jaemin's ears.

After showering, both of them wore their tuxedo neatly

Jaemin noticed that his phone had missed calls on it but he didn't care about it anymore.

The both of them had some food while they spend time talking about random stuff.

"Oh yeah, I forgot... remember our project? Project Happiness?" Jaemin raised his brows.

"Yea...what about it?"

"Well we won we got the money...I already gave Donghyun  shares."

"Oh and what about our share?" Jinwoo asked

"I already paid it for the hospital fees although it's not enough... Mr. & Mrs. Choi volunteer to paid for the rest."

"Wow...they did...?

"Yea...I know right we really owe them a big one."

"Sure is."

"Oh I forgot Ms. Han asked me if we can give some words about our project...I wrote some here...you might wanna finish it before we email it." Jinwoo handed Jaemin's laptop.

When night time came, Jaemin played the song Same As You by Jooyoung as the both of of them dance with one another.

They closed the lights in the room an the only source of brightness they have is from the moon which appeared to be very bright that night.

Jaemin stared into Jinwoo's eye's and recalled the day they first met. So did Jinwoo.

It's been a hell of a ride but it was worth it in the end.

"... I can't believe... someone could be this beautiful."
Jinwoo said as examine Jaemin features.

"Stop it... I'll get diabetes if you continue being like this."
Jaemin giggled as he rest his head on Jinwoo's chest.

Just as the song came to an end, they spot a shooting star outside the window.

"Omg omg omg DID YOU SEE THAT?!" Jaemin gasped.

"Let's make a wish." Jinwoo said softly as both of them closed their eyes.

Dear God... please let me live longer so that I can be with the love of my life...I really want us to lead normal lives after this...he means the world to me and I would love to give him all the happiness he deserves...but if you really had a plan for us then let it be.

Dear God...if Jinwoo... can't be saved...if he was destined to go...then please take me as well...for I can't live without this angel by my side...I prayed everyday just so that I would have yeh chance to see him the next day...but if you really had a plan otherwise...then take me with him.

Jaemin & Jinwoo
Because I love him, Together Forever

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