Jaemin chocked on his saliva which gather some attention from the other students.

"W-whut?????" He smack his chest hard.

Jinwoo let out a small chuckle before handing the bottle over to Jaemin.

"It's okay, I don't need it." He replied.

"Really? It's good ya know...organic!" Jaemin pouted as he showed him the label.

"Nah...time heals everything." Jinwoo raised an eyebrow while folding his arms.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and smile.

"Anyway, why did you ask me to come here? I don't have much time actually." Jaemin stared at the wall clock on top of Jinwoo.

Jinwoo leaned in and took off his hat.

"Do you know what's the homework?" He asked.

Jaemin, who was anticipating on the question, ended up being dissapointed.

"Huh... I'm not in your class...how am I supposed to to know? Ask Minwoo." Jaemin pointed at the back although there is no Minwoo around.

"Nah...I just wanna meet you that's all."

"Whut??? Bro you high? Just how hard was the impact on your head?"

Jinwoo chuckled momentarily before pausing to sigh. His eyes slowly stared at the ground as if that wooden flooring actually captured his attention.

"...very hard..." He mumbled.

Jaemin examined his expression and notice that Jinwoo was getting uncomfortable. He was beggining to fidget a lot and perspire. That was when Jaemin knows that he should stop being so comfortable with Jinwoo.

It seems that Jinwoo does not really like people interrogating him. Who does?

"Do you mind if I be...like a bit gay? If that's what you call it...Coz imma get real cheesy."

Jaemin said but regret after that when

Jinwoo looked at him suspiciously.

"Aren't you already???" Jinwoo laughed.

"Come on."

Jaemin throw a hateful look at the lad in a joking manner. He never take anything seriously.

Jaemin then coughed and said in a low tone, almost sounding like a whisper.

"Well...if one day you...ermm feel alone...somehow...and feel like the whole world is against you, please know that you have a friend here that will be...able to...lend you a shoulder to cry on."

As soon as he finished, Jinwoo stared at the male without blinking, Jaemin was expecting. Jinwoo to laugh hysterically but that didn't happen. Instead, Jinwoo just stared at the floor again and smile.

Not the smile you saw on people everytime.

It's a different kind of smile.

A smile which happens when someone is flooded with euphoria.

But Jinwoo's smile wasn't like that at all. It was rather bland.

It was... disheartening.

"Wow... Jaemin...I see a different sides of you everyday." He replied with a small laugh.

Jaemin just showed a peace sign.

"And its only one-fourth of my whole personality." He winked.

"You know, I thought you were a wee bit different when I first saw you." Jinwoo rest his elbows on the table and remembering what Minwoo said

'I tell yah bro once you get to know this guy he's not really the person you see right now, he's kind, fun and many more but you have to discover it to yourself'

It's really true everytime Jaemin was by his side he really enjoys the company of the lad.

"Really?" Jaemin tilt his head.

"Yeah...I thought your were this emo kid who had like a trouble background...maybe there's like a stepmom or stepdad that hates you...idk...and that you are actually experiencing depressions...ya know." Jinwoo said and that made Jaemin serious.

Jaemin knit his eyebrows

He controlled his tears and try his best to not let it flow out easily like always. Jaemin knows that he cries easily...but at least he is good at hiding them.
For all the years he has lived, with the same all problems faced every single day, it's not surprising that Jaemin has learnt to hold back his tears and put a mask over his face.

He knows how to do it every single time. And even mastered it.

But isn't sad?

You get hurt a lot...till you get used to it.

"...yeah... I'm not..." He fake a laugh before checking the time on his phone. "I gotta go now..." He said quickly before picking up his bag.

"Ah...right..." Jinwoo got up from his chair, "- I'll send you back to school."

"No thanks, I can manage it." Jaemin replied.

"-goodbye and take care." With that being said, Jaemin left Jinwoo behind.

"Yeah you too."

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