"You going back first?" Jaemin looked up at Donghyun who was packing his bag.

"Yeah...I need to pick up my brother up from school." Donghyun sigh heavily as he slowly waved goodbye to Jaemin.

The lad then quickly pack his bag when the class president told him that she is locking up the class.

"Do we have homeworker?" Jaemin questioned her.

"Nope..don't think so...now pali-pali! I can't wait to see my oppas~~" Minjung pout as Jaemin laughed and quickly make his way out as fast as possible.

"Bye Jaemin be careful on the road." Minjung waved goodbye to Jaemin.

"You too noona."

Noona: honorific title used by males to address elder sisters or older females in korea.

Oppa: honorific title used by females to address elder brothers or older males in korea.

pali-pali: which means fast in korea.

The lad walked slowly towards the stairs and thought,

Why does my class have to be this high from the first level?

He adjust his pants and walked down slowly.


_Mom, I'm on my way home now❤️

Jaemin was texting his mother when someone suddenly appeared from behind.


Jaemin flinched but smiled at the lad.

"Hey! Geez you scared me."

Jinwoo got his hoodie with his hood on covering his hair.

"You going home?"

"Yeah." Jaemin replied briefly.

Jaemin didn't really like walking in the same direction with someone he knows but not that close to. The silent atmosphere always kills him.

Jinwoo on the other hand, didn't mind the silence. He is okay as long as the person acknowledge his existence.

"Do you have a thing drive?...by any chance?" Jaemin broke the awkward atmosphere that was surrounding them.

"Yeah." Jinwoo replied.

They both got out of the school compound and Jaemin sigh harder when he found out that they are taking the same route.

"Err...you going back this way too? Jaemin raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm." Jinwoo nod his head.

Jaemin followed his gesture as they both walk together to the bus stand.

The lad then took out his earphones when they reach the stop.

"Can I listen to music?" He grin akwardly.

"Why do you have to ask me?"

Jaemin was about to get really shock but the long answer this time but he smiled anyway.

"Coz I'm scared that you might want to talk to me but I wasn't listening...and you'll get embarrassed...and can I call you hyung?" He laughed

Jinwoo lips carved into a small smile. "It's your choice....I dont mind...How old are you?


He then took out his pack of cigarettes and took one out before lighting it up.

The male was unaware of the eyes staring at him like a hyena or so he thought.

"You smoke?" Jaemin's voice suddenly became soft as he dramatically removed his earphones.

"Ah...yeah?" Jinwoo let out a puff.

"Wow..." He stared in awe.

Jinwoo looked around him, wondering if anyone was staring at him the same way as Jaemin did.

Jaemin suddenly coughed when the smoke got into his nose.

"...w-w-why do you even smoke...I mean- not tryna be rude though...just curious." He scrunch his nose.

Jinwoo let out another puff and stared at the smoke that filled the air. He shrugs his shoulders. He was curious too.

"I happened to wake up one day and decided to smoke that's all."

"Really?" Jaemin knit his eyebrows.

"So...you got a smoke dream?" He squint his eyes.

What is wrong with this boy?

Jinwoo thought.

"Man...are you high?" Jinwoo shook his head and throw the cigarette on the floor.

"-lets go." He gestured to him.

Jaemin read the number on the bus while adjusting his glasses to get a better look.

"How did you know that I'm taking this bus?" Jaemin asked.

Jinwoo paused, realising that he fucked up not literally more like a mistake.

"Wild guess." He took out his card.

"Oh well...okay???" Jaemin knit his brows before taking out his pass as well.

Jinwoo occupied the center of the bus, followed by the other male and a few other passengers.

Jaemin decided to hear some songs while working on his some science notes as Jinwoo stood beside him, doing the same thing.

But of course, he doesn't do revision.

He jot down notes.

Notes on what his family has to do incase he ever dies one day.

The male wrote another note before keeping his phone back in his pocket.

"Hey, its my stop! You gonna alight too?" Jaemin pressed the bell.

Jinwoo was about to bod but retreat. He knew that Jaemin felt awkward being around him.

"Nah...I stay further away from here." He replied briefly.

Jaemin smiled and waved goodbye to the male.

Jinwoo waited for him to walk a safe distance before he ask the driver to stop.

"Sorry, I accidentally slept earlier on." He tapped his bus pass before alighting the transport.

Jinwoo looked around and noticed that Jaemin was gone. He let a long sigh of relief as he massaged his nape.

To be honest, Jinwoo felt weird walking together with Jaemin since he always have that constipated look on his face. Its like as if the silence can kill him.

"Hyung! You are here!" Jaemin widen his eyes.

Jinwoo turned around and stared at him, bewildered.

"Didn't you alight just now?"

"Yes...but I wanted to throw something and the rubbish bin is here."

"-by the way... isn't this further away from your house?" Jaemin tilt his head.

As Jinwoo finds it cute but he's gonna think a worked out solutions in his head before pointing at the convenience store.

"I was about to get some bread."

Jaemin looked at the store.

"Ahhh..." He cooed "-I was gonna go there but nah."

"Why?" Jinwoo asked.

"Coz its awkward walking the same direction as yours and not having anything to talk about." He fidget before he slowly making his way back home.

"Bye!" Jaemin grin while putting back his earphones.

Damn that was awkward

Hyung: is a word used by younger male to refer an older male. But in reality means older brother.

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