Jinwoo's studio was filled with gym equipments which ranges from weights to treadmills. According to Jinwoo, he would train occasionally whenever he doesn't feel like staying at home. Or sometime he allowed somebody to use this but there's a charge.

"Shall we do warm up first and then get started?" Jinwoo asked as he took off his jacket.

Jaemin widened his eyes as he looked at Jinwoo's chest and biceps. He was wearing a tank top but his muscles could be seen clearly. And also, he had a quite  number of tattoos which Jaemin didn't realise existed in the first place.

"Isn't it painful?" Jaemin questioned while pointing at Jinwoo's chest.

The male looked down and shook his head.

"If I could go through life with ease, then having a tattoo is really nothing." He winked.

Jaemin nodded in agreement. He wanted to try having one but Mrs. Yoo is very strict about tattoos.

"Ever thought of having more?"

"Yea... actually... I've been wanting to fill up my chest area with something but I couldn't find anything worth putting..."

"Have you found one?"

"Depends... what's your surname?"




"Yea...I found the right one." He smile softly.

They began with the normal warm up before trying out the different gym equipments Jinwoo has.

The time went by and they spent at least 3 hours covering what Jinwoo had originally planned.

He even gave Jaemin a list of things he ate to lose weight and maintain a balance diet.

"Avoid sweet drinks only drink plain water...try it for this whole two months and you'll see a difference." Jinwoo pant heavily as he-aranged the items back to its place.

"That sounds difficult." Jaemin thought for a second, "but I'm willing to make sacrifices."

"Of course...after all, you wanna make this two months worth while right?" Jinwoo smile as Jaemin nodded cutely.

Jaemin pass a bottle of water to Jinwoo before the male sat beside him.

"Today felt good." He stretched his arms as they seemed to be aching.

"I won't train with you everyday coz' you need some time to rest your muscles...you don't want to overwork them...and plus, its only two months...you won't see much difference..."Jinwoo grab his wallet

Jaemin agreed instantly.

He knows that he won't be extremely thin and buff at the end of the two months but at least there's a slight difference.

"Oh here...I wanna show you something." Jinwoo flipped open his wallet and showed a baby picture of himself.

"OMG IS THAT YOU?!" Jaemin gasped in awe.

Jinwoo was sitting on a table while eating a watermelon, making a mess around.

"Yeah... I look extremely fat didn't I?"

"You look adorable though..." Jaemin took the photo and analyse it.

"I was fat since young...until I reach highschool...and this was when I was at my heaviest weigh ever." He showed another one.

It was his photo of and it's true that Jinwoo looks very chubby. But to Jaemin, he looks darn adorable.

"Your cheeks though." He couldn't contain his feels.

"Many people were making fun of me...calling me all sorts of nasty things." He continued.

"Those people are jerks."

"Exactly." Jinwoo looked at Jaemin

"But how did you manage to lose all those wieght? And why?"

"I was told by a doctor that I'm close to being obese and there is a high chance of getting diabetes alongside high blood pressure...so I decided to change my lifestyle and start exercising as much as I can while eating healy food." He explained thoroughly.

"Ah... I see... I'm glad you...avoid those sickness..."

Jinwoo played with his fingers before getting up.

"Come on, we need to send you back home or else I'm gonna get scolded by my mother in law." He said momentarily.

Jaemin rolled his eyes as he followed the male.

True enough, after Jinwoo send Jaemin back home he got a good scolding from his mom. Apparently, Jaemin went back late and that made her mother fumed up.

She started scolding everyone else including her husband and Kijun who was just laying down watching TV.

It was a chaotic night and honestly, Jaemin doesn't know why he is being scolded.

It's not like he went out drinking with his friends or doing drugs, he just went for an exercise with Jinwoo.

"If you are going to leave me right then LEAVE OKAY?!" She shouted once more before slamming the bedroom door shut.

Jaemin sigh heavily and look at his brother.

Kijun shrug his shoulders.

No one can understand their mother's character.

At times she can be loving and other times, she can be hateful.

"Hyung can you help me with my homework?" His younger brother ask.

"Yes...sure... let's go to our room?"

Sometimes Jaemin asks himself when will their mother changed can they all just go back from the time where their life is better.

"Oh... Kijun what will happened to you if I'm not here anymore." Jaemin thought for a moment while playing the hair strands of his brother.

"What do you mean hyung? Are you sick?" His brother stare concern into his eyes.

"No...just tired... nevermind... where's your homework?"

The Chapter 26 to 30 will be released on
Thursday August 20, 2020

So stay tune😊

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