"I thought it was gonna rain." Jinwoo sigh heavily.

They were seated at the rooftop while having some snacks. It was 1:30 and classes have ended. Initially, Jaemin has extra class at 2pm but since it was cancelled, he thought why not spend some time with Jinwoo.

Jinwoo wanted someone to talk to anyway. And Jaemin is the only friend he has which is free.

"How did you even manage to get up here?" Jaemin look around for any guards that might pop out of nowhere.

"Skills." He winked.

"I hope this doesn't get us into trouble."

"Relax...the cleaners would come in after 5pm to do their last spot check."

"How do you know this? Aren't you new?"

"Because I sneak into their room and took a picture of their schedule." He proudly showed Jaemin the evidence.

Jaemin nodded, envious of Jinwoo's skills. He wish he could do something as cool as that.

"Where's Donghyun?" Jinwoo asked as he offered some kimpab to the boy.

"On a date... apparently he met a girl on the internet and stared going out with her." Jaemin squint his eyes.

The weather was gloomy but is extremely hot as well.


"Same case."

"I wish I could go on a dates as well." Jaemin pout.

Jinwoo look at him momentarily.

"About the project..." He sat and cross his legs. "...when you wrote there 'to know that you are the reason behind her smile'...you were referring to...Hyerin right?"

Jaemin widen his eyes.

If Jinwoo knows that Jaemin likes Hyerin, he'll probably laugh at him.

"No!" Jaemin quickly shook his head.

"Don't worry...Everybody wants what they want, love who they love...I wouldn't judge, and I can keep a secret so." He smile.

Jaemin sigh and hung his head low.

"It's weird...isn't it...and where do you get that line?" He mumbled while playing with the hem of his shirt.

"Oh...that? It's from a song that I listening but whatever... and what do you mean Weird? No... love is not weird." Jinwoo fish out his pack of cigarettes and count them.

"Who am I kidding?...i can't fall in love with her...how did I even have the audacity to love her." He massaged his temple.

"Everyone has the right to fall in love...but... I'm curious...why did you like her? Was it because she's beautiful?"

"No... everyone in this world is beautiful...the only thing that made them ugly is their personality...so no...it wasn't because of her beauty."

"Then? I'd guess its her personality but...ergh." Jinwoo lit one of the sticks.

"... would you trust me if I said that it was her smile?"

Jinwoo cough hard the moment Jaemin end his statement.

"Oh God nooooooo... where?" He coughed harder.

Jaemin wanted to get mad at Jinwoo but he ended up laughing.

"I'm weird I know... its just that she has a really sweet smile and it actually brighten up my day." He blush slowly.

Jinwoo analysed Jaemin's actions and that made his heart ache so badly. Jaemin love Hyerin so much but all the girl did was to degrade him. She brought him down so bad and all he ever did was to love her even more.

"Sometimes...when its not meant to be...it isn't." Jinwoo let out a small puff.

"I'm trying to forget her...so I can move on...its painful falling in love with a Hyerin to be honest." He let out a small groan.

Jaemin then got up slowly but his legs gave away. He was about to trip when... Jinwoo help him up.

Unfortunately, Jinwoo grabbed his wrist where Jaemin made cuts on it. And it is still fresh.

"Ouch!!" Jaemin pushed Jinwoo's hands away as he stabilise his posture.

"Why why??" Jinwoo widened his eyes before stepping on the cigarette butt.

"N-nothing." Jaemin slowly head his wrist.

"You know...the weather is damn hot and I see that you are perspiring." He pointed at Jaemin's forehead.

"I'm just not feeling well...I think I should--"

"Are you hiding something from me???"

"We have been friends for 4 months and I think that's enough time to know all about you Jaemin." Jinwoo knit his brows.

Jaemin tilt his head but upon making eye contact with Jinwoo, he quickly avoid it.

"I'm fine...don't worry." He fake a smile.

"Give me your hand." Jinwoo said sternly.

"Why?" Jaemin hid them.

"If you don't have anything to hide, then show me."

"I'm really tired Jinwoo I don't think-"

Jinwoo grit his teeth silently before pulling Jaemin hands. Since Jaemin totally didn't anticipate on this, he didn't have time to defend himself.

In the end, Jinwoo managed to take out Jaemin's jacket and caught a glimpse on a scar.

The both of them stare at each other before Jaemin let out all the tears he had been controlling.

He held his hand tightly and closely to him.

Jinwoo who saw Jaemin cried couldn't stop blaming himself. He didn't know that Jaemin would've ever do such a thing to himself.

Just what did he experience to resort to self harm?

"...Jaemin-ah..." Jinwoo slowly voice out.

Jaemin just stared at the ground as tears slowly trickle down his cheeks. He knows that he looked terrible now. To him, a boy crying isn't manly at all. Boys shouldn't cry.

But Jinwoo thinks otherwise. Boys or Girls, we are Humans and at some point of time in our life. We will definitely encounter something that would make us cry.

"... I'm sorry." He immediately pull Jaemin into his embrace.

Even if Jaemin were to push him away, he would still hug Jaemin and tell him that everything is alright. He wants Jaemin to cry as much he can and let out all the tears he has been bottling up inside him.

Because he wants Jaemin to know that even when the whole world is against him, Jinwoo is here.

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