Jinwoo kept massaging his head on his way home.

The school didn't allow him to go home without any guardian taking him back or a pass that he is allowed go home, But knowing Jinwoo, he climbed over the school back gate and escaped from there.

The journey back home was no longer than usual since his vision was unclear and his posture is unstable. Often, he would fall down or trip over nothing.

He sat at the bus stand as he waited for the next bus to arrive.

Jinwoo stared at his feet as he strain his eyes, to see them clearly.

Soon after, he started tearing up.

The image of Jaemin and Hyerin was still fresh in his mind.

Jinwoo doesn't know that love, who people said was wonderful, could also be the most painful thing ever.

He knows that he is not perfect. He has too many flaws and that probably made Jaemin feel disgusted by him.

But he thought that at least, Jaemin would be different from everyone else.

Maybe Jaemin can accept him for who he is.

Unfortunately, he doesn't.

Jaemin is the same like people around him.

Jinwoo look up to the sky and let out a weak laugh. He doesn't have any reason to continue living now.

After boarding the bus and reaching his house, Jinwoo found ba pair of men sandals laying at the front porch.

He rolled his eyes before entering the house.

It wasn't quiet, that's for sure.

Mrs. Park brought a new guy with her and they were making out in the bedroom.

Just as Jinwoo was about to go up the stairs, when her mother came out of her room, in her nightie. She tied her hair bun as she walked pass the male.

"Ask your dad for money." She said.

"Ask him Yourself." Jinwoo replied instantly.

At this juncture, he really doesn't care about anyone else.

"What did you say? Do you wanna die in my hands?" She fold her arms.

Jinwoo sigh heavily as he turned to her.

"You don't have to."

"Of course...and I won't...I see you have a rope hanging inside your room...why don't you put it to good use huh? Your existence is useless anyway, your just a burden that I have to carry." She rolled her eyes before going to the kitchen.

Jinwoo watch his mother's back and silently grit his teeth.

Even the woman who gave birth to him, doesn't want him to live in this world.

So what does that leave him with?


The male lazily drag his legs to his room and close the door shut.

Jinwoo knew that the time has come for him to finally use the rope, And the time is now.

But honestly, he really didn't want to end his life away.

He still wished that there is at least...a small reason for him to continue living.

Jinwoo stare at his laptop wallpaper a picture of him and Jaemin two months ago.

He took out his fingers and caress Jaemin's face before smiling to himself. He miss those moments when Jaemin was by his side.

It has always been Jaemin that made life bearable.

Jinwoo smile to himself one last then before he got up from his chair.

He push the chair till it reach directly  underneath the rope. It breaks his heart to do this but he has no other choice. He didn't want to be burden anyone else.

He was already suicidal from the start anyway. He was just waiting for the day that something will trigger the desire to end his life.

Jinwoo got up from the chair and analysed the rope that was hanging on the ceiling. He test its strength and was glad that is a strong as it used to.

He gently place it around his neck and stare at Jaemin's picture one last time.

"Thank you...my love for everything."

And then he kicked out the chair out of the way resulting in the rope chocking him slowly.

Stay tune for more༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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