Mrs. Nam came out of the house after hearing the commotion. Her husband was upstairs and Jinwoo was still outside.

He stared at the papers on the floor as he held back in tears.

What am i...?

He asked himself. I...a trash?

He doesn't even have a father now.

So... really was he a trash?

Jinwoo quietly grab his bag and was about to leave when Mrs. Nam stopped him.

"Jinwoo dear what happen?" She asked.

Jinwoo looked at this poor lady and shook his head.

"Nothing happen...thank you Mrs. Nam...for all the years you have been very nice to me." He smile softly.

"What--? Wait why are you--?" Mrs. Nam paused.

Jinwoo was walking away and Mrs. Nam noticed how his shoulders went up and down. She knows that no matter how strong Jinwoo is, he breaks down at some point.

He's not a robot. He is a human with feelings too.

She sigh heavily before going back into house and running towards Jinwoo.

She grabbed Jinwoo's hand as she placed an envelope in it. Jinwoo widened his eyes at Mrs. Nam sudden act.

"Oh No Mrs. Nam I cant--"

"Shush! Just...just keep this alright?...I know your mom have been giving you money she get from..." She paused , and sigh, "... anyway take this alright? And promise to me, that you'll study hard!...don't ever think of quitting school okay? If you ever need money or anything, don't asks your da----... don't asks Mr. Park...ask me...I love you my dear and I'm very thankful for what you did to Jooin although he's not anymore but still thank you for being there for my son...and always remember have a mother here." Mrs. Nam carress Jinwoo's face as he ended up crying and breaking down.

Mrs. Nam immediately pulled Jinwoo into her embrace. She hugged him as tightly as she can while holding back her tears. Because she didn't want this boy getting hurt because Jinwoo is the only memory Jooin left her.

Jinwoo and Jooin her son are bestfriend but Jooin suffered in cancer at the age of 10 yrs old, its really hard for Mrs. Nam to see his first child son among the 3 children's they have,  suffering from a diseases, sometimes she just want to died, because she can't take it anymore all of the problems in her life , but it all change when Jinwoo comes in their life he encourage her son to fight, Jinwoo always stay by Jooin side for better to worst, 

The funny thing about them the word 'Jinwoo is just a mistress child' never across their mind
Instead Jooin treat Jinwoo as a younger brother, because he always wanted to have a baby brother and Jinwoo on the other hand treat Jooin as his hyung
They see each other as bestfriend, siblings or more like Brothers forever.

When Jooin is now getting better...

There's a terrible accident happen

Jooin died in an accident. He was hit by a truck supposedly he is not the one who's getting hit, but being a good kid he rescue a cat, The people who witness the incident rush the child in the hospital but his heart already failed to beat and he loss a lot of blood.

It was to late for the Family Park to save the 11yr old Jooin

Because he's already gone.

Mrs. Nam depressions came back, many times she try to end her life 'again', because even his husband doesn't help her to recover, instead Mr. Park always drink,

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