When Jaemin entered his classroom the next morning, everyone was looking at him strangely. They knew it was Jaemin but somehow or rather, it doesn't feel like it.

"Woah..." Donghyun gasped as his bestfriend sat beside him.

Jaemin awkwardly place his bag on top of the desk and smile.

"Do I look weird?"

"No...to be honest...you look good!... I think I'm going to dumped my girlfriend and choose you."  Donghyun showed thumbs up.

Jaemin grin awkwardly as he fidget in his seat. Althoy everyone was minding their own business, he felt like their eyes would constantly stare at him every few seconds.

And they did.

And it makes him feel nervous

"I'm feeling nauseated..." He hugged his tummy and look at Donghyun.

"Have you been on a strict diet? Isn't Winter all about having fun??? Sitting in your comfy couch while drinking hot choco."

"I don't mean it literally."

"Ah...but you still shred lots of wieght though..."

"I know but that doesn't make me feel nausea now."

"Why are you feeling like that?"

"I feel like everyone is staring at me."

"Technically...You lost weight and your so PRETTY! Of course everyone would be shock." Donghyun whisper- shouted.

Just as they were talking to one another, Hyerin entered the classroom.

Of course, whenever she enters, all the guys would stare at her and make whistling sounds.

Jaemin made eye contact with the female and when she notice it, she flashed a soft smile at him.

Clearly, she doesn't know who it is.

But it caught her attention alright.

"Hey, who is that?" She nudge Seohee's elbow the moment she arrived at her table.

"That? Its the fat kid remember?? Jaemin?"


"Jaemin, YOO JAEMIN...your project team mate! Remember? Project Happiness the one you never cared about?"

Hyerin widened her eyes and gasped.

"That fat kid?!" She whispered shouted as Seohee nooded eagerly.

"-gosh...what happened to him?" She tilt her head towards the Jaemin who's busy chatting with his friend.

"-he's kinda handsome now to be honest, not tryna sound like a hoe...just complimenting." She raised her hands up in defence.

"I totally feel you...oh! By the way, what happen with you and your boyfriend?"

"Argh...i just don't feel like it you know...he doesn't put in any more effort! Do you know that he forgot my birthday just cause his sister like graduated from university??? Just coz of that... its not like she is the valedictorian or anything." Hyerin rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? I think it's better if you just leave him."

"Exactly!...but who should I choose next? You know I must have a guy around me right? Its essential."

"I totally get to you...has any guy ever confessed to you?"

"Nah...ever since I'm with Seunghoon, no one asks me out anywhere."

Seohee nooded before her eyes land on Jaemin who was talking and laughing about with Donghyun.

"How about Jaemin?" She pointed at him.

Hyerin turned around and fix her gaze at the male.

"What about him?"

"Rumor has it that he has a crush on you since...I don't know...freshman year's?"


"Yeah... maybe you should try him for a change...you know I heard a quite number of people talking about him on my way here."

Hyerin thought for awhile. Just as she was about to disagree, she spot a couple of girls and boys too? Walking pass their classroom and whispering among themselves while pointing at Jaemin.

They looked shy and somehow blushing.

"...maybe..." She paused, "I'll give it a try." She raised a brow.

During break time, Jaemin went to meet Mrs. Han for his tests papers and consultation so Jaemin stayed in the classroom for awhile.

Hyerin saw this as an opportunity to be close with the male.

"Hey... Jaemin right?" She approached him who was packing his bag.

Jaemin blinked his eyes for a few seconds and nodded.


"We were supposed to be doing a project together I assume?" She tilt her head and Jaemin nodded once more.

"Y-yea...i thought you didn't want to--"

"How could I?! I mean... its for our end year exams anyways right?" She smile

Jaemin was about to say they're almost done but

His heart beat rapidly seeing Hyerin's sweet smile after a long time. It seems like he fell in love with her all over again.

"So...you are joining our group again?"

"Of course! Anyway...ermm...do you wanna have break together? It's gonna end soon... let's go to the cafeteria!" She blinked her eyes cutely.

Author here: I'm going to vomit

Jaemin blush for a moment as they went out of the classroom.

Jinwoo, who previously had planned to have break with Jaemin, felt disheartened when he saw the two of them together.

He was about to press the send button of the text that he wanted to send to Jaemin but upon seeing the two of them, he decided not to.

Jaemin was seen laughing and giggling with Hyerin and the female continuously threw playful punches on him.

The look of Jaemin face somehow made Jinwoo felt stupid.

He admits that Jaemin's smile is the sweetest

But it felt nothing when he found out that the smile of Jaemin had on his face wasn't meant for him.

It was for her.

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