Jaemin: Thanks for today

Jinwoo: But I think it's the last session

Jaemin: I sent you back a little late am I right?

Jinwoo: Sorry...you okay

Jinwoo: She seemed upset when I saw her😓

Jaemin: kind of...😕

Jaemin: I think I'll just do some simple exercise at home

Jaemin: Thanks for the tips:-)

Jinwoo: But you need physical training as well

Jinwoo: And I already promise to you that I'll make sure you lose weight

Jinwoo: I won't break the promise😉

Jaemin: Thanks but don't worry I can manage well😊

Jinwoo: Oh God I wish I can kidnap you now😣

Jaemin: Me too

The next morning, Jaemin was awaken by the sound of his mother's shouting. She wasn't making a scene with her husband but she was just waking Jaemin up.

"Aren't you late for school?!" She asked as Jaemin peeked through his eyelids.

"Huh? It's the holidays..." He yawned.

"Your teacher just called me and he said that you have extra class for your cultural studies."

"What's the teacher's name?"

"Mr. Choi."

Jaemin got up slowly from his mattress and rubbed his eyes.

There's no C.S teacher in their school by the name, as far he is concerned.

"Ah... I'll just get ready then." He groan inwardly.

The phone call was really from his school and Jaemin figured that is those extra classes he was never informed about.

It happens last year as well. The teacher's told everyone in the class group chat that there's is extra classes. But no one added Jaemin in, so he didn't receive any. Luckily Donghyun help him, even they're not classmate last year.

After washing up and going out off his house, Jaemin realised that is still early.

It's only 6:30am when he took the bus to school. It should be around 7am when he arrived.

He felt really tired but anything is better than staying at home. Who knows what kind of drama would happen if he stayed in his house.

When Jaemin reached the school gate he spot an unknown male standing at the guardhouse. After a closer look, it was Mr. Choi, his teacher.

"Good Morning Mr. Choi." Jaemin bowed while walking pass him.

"Morning...where are you going?"

"To your class sir...?"

"Ah...that... there's isn't any." He said after signing his name on the list.

Jaemin stared at the elder and blinked his eyes.


"I called your mom today because Jinwoo asked me to...it's your bestfriend I presume? He said something about wanting to help you lose weight? And you guys were going to use the school gym." He explained.

"Ah..." Jaemin replied although not sensing any link.

"He said that there's is an issue between you and your mom...so I decided to help you guys out by pretending that you have an extra class...it's wrong, but I too, wanna see it you lead a healthy lifestyle." He pat Jaemin's shoulder softly as they entered the school.

"So Jinwoo asked for your help? And you accept it? But why?"

"Why not? It's good to utilise your holidays meaningfully..." He smile softly, "-anyways, Jinwoo is at the cafeteria so you might wanna join him...I already opened the gym for you guys so just tell me when you are leaving so I can lock it up." He winked at the male before entering his office.

Jaemin thanked him continuously before making his way to the cafeteria.

There, he spot Jinwoo having breakfast alone. When he saw Jaemin, he carved a wide smile.

"So am I being kidnapped?" Jaemin chuckle as he sat in front of the male.

Jinwoo nodded before giving Jaemin his breakfast.

"What's this?"

"Just normal breakfast...eat some before we begin our exercise." He handed him some cutleries.

"Aren't you doing a little too much for me?"

"It's worth it." He smirk.

Jaemin let out a small chuckle as he ate his breakfast with the male.

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