Stage of Veterans

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Ben was seen leaving the stage after a performance on the masters of illusion show. "That was fun". He still thought of when he screwed up his one trick which caused his elimination from AGT champions. "Why was I such an idiot for not fully checking?" He said quietly. However he seemed to get an idea after recalling he shared the Got Talent champions stage with a few other magicians. "Wait.... That could be fun, a gathering of veterans and we all perform the ultimate magic show" he said. He got help from his crew and they picked a perfect location and booked it. Ben then started writing this letter and he sent multiple invitations out to some of the best of the best in the illusion world.

Someone knocked on a door and Collins key answered it. "Letter for Collins key" the person said. "Uh yeah that's me" responded Collins before he was given the letter and the delivery person left. He closed the door and opened it. "Dear Collins key, you're invited to" started Collins. "Be one of the magician talent veteran's for a huge show" continued Shin Lim who was currently in his dressing room prepping for his Vegas performance. "I felt as if this might be a fun experience for-" added Dania Diaz who was in her bedroom.

"Those who have shared the got talent stage and want to show their stuff" stated Mat Franco. "Location and a role for you-" continued Colin Cloud. "Will be included on the back of this letter" added Chloe Crawford. "So make sure to know your part well, you'll be bringing-" added Josephine Lee. "It to life on the stage" stated Elizabeth who was doing a spirit meditation. "I hope you are interested and willing to join the fun" stated Marc Spelman. "No puedo esperar a verlos a todos, firmó Ben Blaque" finished Solange Kardinaly. [I can't wait to see you all, signed Ben Blaque]. The sacred Riana wasn't known to talk really so she was seen lowering the letter after reading it before it lit on fire and turned to ash making her gasp.

She was in character currently and twitched a bit. "I sense a darkness on this request, but it's better... To go" she said. Cars started pulling up at the location as everyone started heading in. "Oh my god, x" stated Elizabeth. Marc looked over and greeted her. "We auditioned the same year it's nice to meet you" added Marc.  "You too you're just... Even I was stunned" added Elizabeth.  The duo walked in but explained how each one had the role of the inspirationalist and the medium. 

Shin and Colin showed up next and were automatically talking to each other since they work together on shows now.  However the moment Shin saw Riana he hid behind Colin immediately.  "Hell no not her" added Shin.  "You ok Shin?" Asked Colin.  "Ever heard of the sacred Riana?" Asked Shin.  "Little miss scary who won Asia's got talent, course I do" stated Colin.  Shin pointed to Riana making Colin look and gulp.  "Oh..." He said. 

"I really don't want her to pull her magic on me in revenge".  " We auditioned the same season of AGT and she got sent home in the quarter finals while I won the entire thing" added Shin.  "Don't be daft, I'm sure you're fine, but I guess if it'll make you feel better you can stay close to your fellow avenger of magic" responded Colin.  Shin sighed in relief and thanked him.  They headed in but when Riana made eye contact with the duo even Colin gulped.  "Ok even I don't like the way she looked at us" he told Shin.  They were introduced as the wiccan, the mentalist and the sleight master.  Riana looked around to find Ben. 

Next to show up were Dania and Solange who looked at each other.  "Wait you're the variety mistress/quick changer who auditioned a year later after me" added Dania grinning.  "Cambiador rápido y cantante, pero sí, soy Solange Kardinaly" corrected Solange  [Quick changer and singer, but yes I'm Solange Kardinaly]. "I'm Dania, I was in 2018" she said.  The duo shook hands heading in.  Both were introduced as the storyteller and the variety mistress.  Mat Franco and Collins key arrived next, both being the card master and the digital star respectively.  Josephine and Chloe came after introduced as the escapist and the assistant. 

Everyone greeted each other and were talking.  "This everyone?" Asked Mat.  "Well where's Riana?" Asked Shin.  Riana had found Ben who was coming to greet them.  "Oh jeez hi Riana" added Ben.  Riana just slowly tilted her head before dropping the doll she always carried and grabbed his shirt pulling him down.  "What are you doing?" Asked Ben.  "You make... Grave mistake... There is danger lurking here... We'll all.. Be in danger" she warned before letting go and picking up her doll before walking off. 

Ben stood up worried.  "I really am scared of her".  He joined the others and greeted them but was introduced as savant.  He then basically chatted with everyone as they decided to all get ready.

(A/N: it has begun.  My all magicians escape the night.  But Riana I made like Andrea from season 2.  She's a spooky wizard hence why I made her warn Ben about this.  But the trouble will soon start.  So hope you enjoy.  I probably won't update this one much until I finish my two other stories). 

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