Myths are real?

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(No escape the night story is complete without some element from the actual series.  P.S. The first death challenge is part of it): All of the illusionists looked around at share they were.  "Ok something's wrong... I'm sensing dead walking among us" added Elizabeth.  "They know... the mess that we're in" added Riana.  "Lovely we're haunted by ghosts on top of everything" added Josephine annoyed.  The group started exploring to find any clues connected to the state everyone's trapped in.  "Something in this tent" stated Shin noticing a glowing cabinet.  "And here too" added Dania pointing to another glowing tent.  In total they noticed five glowing lights coming from this line of tents. 

Marc confession booth: There's something in each tent, our mediums are sensing ghosts around us, clearly this is more then just simple illusion.  Frankly even though I keep my confidence up I can't help but worry. 

"We need to split up, there's twelve of us and five tents" added Ben.  "Two teams of three then" added Chloe.  They all broke off with Colin and Shin taking tent 1, Josephine and Chloe for tent 2, Riana and Elizabeth for tent 3, Dania, Mat and Solange for tent 4, leaving Collins, Marc and Ben for tent 5.  They froze hearing something and hid in each respective tent.  Mat peeked out to look around and gasped pulling back in.  "What's wrong?" Asked Dania.  "What I just saw was impossible" added Mat.  Dania and Solange looked before gasping and pulling back inside.

Solange confession booth: ¡Hay estos ciclistas con apariencia de dragón deambulando! Dania, Mat y yo ni siquiera podemos compararnos con lo que vimos. ¡¡¡Todo es tan imposible !!! ¡¿QUÉ DEMONIOS ES ESTE LUGAR ?!  [There's these dragon looking bikers wandering around!  Dania, Mat and I can't even compare to what we saw.  Everything is just so impossible!!!   WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLACE?!]. 

In tent 4: "You two saw right?" Asked Mat.  Both Dania and Solange nodded.  "Si" added Solange.  "This whole thing is becoming buckets of the impossible" added Dania.  "Wonder if the others will notice at some point" added Mat.  Solange looked to this crate and headed over before starting to attempt opening it.  "¡No te quedes ahí, ayúdame!" [Don't just stand there help me!] She called.  The duo joined her and they opened it before stepping back to see there seemed to be some of the same uniforms that the creatures wore.  

Dania and Mat gasped realizing what this called for.  "Solange I think you're about to become a spy for us" added Mat.  "QUE??!!!!" [What?!!] Exclaimed Solange. 

Tent 1: Colin and Shin were checking over the interior of their tent.  Shin stopped a moment after hearing something outside.  "What is it?" Asked Colin noticing Shin stop.  Shin quietly shushed Colin and took a look outside before returning inside freaked out.  "Um... Colin I know you think like Sherlock but what would you say explains dragons dressed like bikers?" Asked Shin.  "As in people wearing dragon costumes in leather?" Asked Colin confused.  Shin shook his head slowly and Colin could read the fear in his eyes.  "Wait as in.... What?!" Exclaimed Colin only for Shin to shush him. 

Everyone in the tents were having the same reactions noticing the creatures.  "Ok we have dragons... What do we do?" Asked Chloe.     They all noticed different chests and crates in their tents so they got them open.  Ben found a note in the chest in his, Collins and Marc's tent.  He opened it while the other two joined him.  "Dear Ryu and Jael, we have a situation but luckily Nikita, Mat and I are left out".  "There's a new enemy and they're trying to keep these deadly events going".  "Mat scouted ahead studying the problem and I sent a survivor from the Victorian Era massacre undercover" read Ben. 

Collins confession booth: "Hold the phone!".  " There's a survivor?! ".  " here?!'

Marc confession booth: "So there's some note and now we learn there's someone who had survived".  

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now