Illusionists Targeted

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Ben, Solange, Marc, Collins, Josephine, Elizabeth, Riana, Jesse, Tyler and Shin currently were running.  They dove into a building that was abandoned and hid catching their breath.  "Dragons, demons, ghosts, gods, Houdini, and now we're being shot at?!" Exclaimed Josephine.  Everyone shushed and Elizabeth covered Josephine's mouth as they heard footfalls.  Jesse looked at Shin nodding.  "Try out your abilities" he said quietly.  Shin gulped nervously but nodded before concentrating hoping something comes to mind.  "Check the buildings they must be in one of them" the group heard a voice say. 

Riana confession booth: "None..of us know.. Why we're.. Being shot at".  "Clearly.. A hunt is happening".  " maybe they won't.. Kill me cause.. I look younger then.. I am ". 

Everyone was trying to hold their breath currently to not be caught before Shin suddenly unleashed a magenta style energy from himself that became a card before he threw it somewhere causing an explosion.  "They're that way!" Yelled a person before everyone heard them leave.  The group was stunned over what they saw before they got up immediately cheering for Shin pulling it off.  "Ok that was awesome" added Ben.  "Oh my god that was amazing" added Josephine.  "Guys chill, but no problem" added Shin trying to maintain his composure from the shock he did that.  "There we go, now you are getting it" added Jesse. 

Collins key confession booth: "Um... I'm starting to question why I stopped doing magic".  " I mean that's what I'm known for, and now I'm doing pancake art and Yeet videos?".  "I think it'll bring people back to even my channel". 

The group saw the coast was clear and stepped out.  " Ok big question here, why are we the targets for these guys? " asked Marc.  "Yeah we better figure that part out" added Collins.  They started to explore the city they were in hoping to spot something that might shine a light on the problem.  Riana and Collins noticed something and they grabbed it.  "Over here guys!" Called Collins.  The others came over confused.  The duo had a letter but it required someone to read it in a different language so Riana gave it to Solange.

Solange checked the letter and gulped before looking at Shin.  "Think she thinks you can easily translate anything" added Ben.  "Ok I may be a reaper now but don't put me under too much pressure" added Shin.  Ben apologized but let Shin join Solange.  "La carta habla de que nuestro captor nos golpeó. Este lugar nos tiene miedo, por lo que hacemos. Ugh Salem brujas juicios mucho? Y que nos van a cazar para que nos capturen y luego nos maten [The letter talks about that our captor put a hit on us.  This place is afraid of us, because of what we do.  Ugh Salem witch trials much?  And that they are to hunt us down to be captured then killed] " stated Solange to Shin.  To the other magician's shock he actually did understand her now and couldn't believe what he heard.  "Well... I do find that a little weird that I can now understand her, but the letter worries me more" added Shin.  The group was confused and worried. 

Marc confession booth: "I have a bad feeling this is a hunt".  

"She said the letter is from our captor ordering a hit to capture and eventually kill us in this magician fearing city we're stuck in, similar to the Salem witch trials but I guess 21st century style" added Shin.  The group was wide eyed but Ben was confused.  "Then why would I be one of the targets?" Asked Ben.  The others were wide eyed realizing the point he was making.  "Wait you're right, out of all of our skills yours is the least illusionist like, you're a danger act that doesn't require many magic esque elements" added Josephine.  "Same with Marc, he doesn't need magic esque elements because his true magic is his family that leads to his skills" added Shin.  Marc frowned a bit thinking on that.  "So in other words Ben and I are the outliars here" he added. 

Collins checked the area before accidentally stepping on this loose stone that revealed to actually be a door to a different building.  "Ok that's not normal" added Elizabeth.  They all headed in before the doorway closed and the lights turned on in the building.  "Wait... It's set up like a bunch of danger traps" added Josephine recognizing some of the stuff.  "Then... We have to.. Risk ourselves" added Riana twitching like normal.  Tyler found something for them and handed it over before Ben took it.  "A challenge has been intitated, to find the secrets to this city you must show your stuff to beat the world of danger, but... Only the ones who don't count to the hunt can take it?" Asked Ben.  Everyone groaned hearing that.  

Elizabeth confession booth: "HOW THE HELL DOES THIS MASTERMIND KNOW OUR EVERY MOVE?!".  *shows the group as she speaks*  " I don't know how this captor keeps knowing what we're doing, but actually that note suddenly sets off a lightbulb in my head ".  *back to Elizabeth*  " I think I have a thought to this ".

Elizabeth looked at everyone suddenly.  " guys... Wait... That way the note is written ".  They looked at her.  "What about it?" Asked Marc.  "Marc is capable of it in his own unique way, Colin was a deductionist which is a more advanced version, I think our captor might be a mentalist" she said.  The group was shocked because she had a point.  "If it's a mentalist, we're looking at a powerful one, or its more then one, but why would an illusionist target others like them aka us?" Asked Ben.  Tyler and Jesse looked like they got an idea. 

"If you're talking mentalist, then he or she is doing this like a game, or you all are in a huge illusion, as are Jesse and myself" added Tyler.  Everyone looked around a bit stunned.  "Well, I think the only way we'll break out is by finishing this nightmare story, so ready Marc?" Asked Ben.  Marc exhaled a bit and nodded. 

Ben confession booth: "If this is an illusion... Then hopefully winning this nightmare will wake us up".  " Only one way that can be done, and Marc and I are the ones to complete the next part ".  " This is going to get dangerous even more, but time I bring my skills full force ". 

(A/n: The next part has started.  But Elizabeth brought up an interesting theory.  But is she right?  We'll see.  For now hope you all enjoy).

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