A Spark of Hope

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After returning without Dania Marc had taken Solange aside to talk a bit with her.  "Listen I may not be speaking the same language as you but this is something that shouldn't falter figuring out what is going on" stated Marc.  Solange whimpered a bit but sighed and nodded.  "Entiendo. Ella querría que siguiera luchando. Gracias ... Marc." [I understand.  She'd want me to keep fighting.  Thank you... Marc].  Marc nodded a bit understanding at least the last part.  "Let's get back to the others" he said.  The duo returned only to freak out hearing the thunder.  "Where's the storm?" Asked Marc. 

"That we're about to find out" added Ben.  "Go for it Colin" added Ben.  Colin did a study of the vicinity.  "Let's see we had thunder, and an energy spread in these directions" he said.  "Is he always like this?" Whispered Tyler to Ben.  "Yep" the group responded.  Colin then started heading one way and everyone followed.  Colin felt the doorknob on one door before jerking back like he got shocked by it. 

"It's through here" responded Colin.  Marc took the lead remembering he's got gloves on and opened the door.  Everyone gasped seeing it was like a temple through the door.  "Ok, I know we're fighting for our lives, but that looks cool" added Josephine.  "Be careful, anything is possible" added Collins. 

Solange confession booth: "Primero el salvaje oeste y ahora un templo. y todos escuchamos truenos antes de entrar. Nada debe considerarse genial cuando tu vida está en juego. [First the wild west and now a temple.  and we all heard thunder before heading in.  Nothing should be considered cool when your life is on the line]". 

The group headed in but obviously they all were nervous given they've already lost two illusionists.  "Weird...I don't see anyone" added Shim.  They looked around only to freeze hearing a new noise.  "A bird?" Asked Elizabeth confused.  They all screamed when something bright yellow and sparking lightning everywhere swooped at them making them duck.  It screeched suddenly transforming into a blonde female wearing a lightning yellow dress and had matching gloves and boots on but her son was bright white.  "The Thunderbird turned into a woman..." Added Mat stunned.  The woman jumped off where she stood and soon had landed right in front of the group.

"Ok I know we all have different forms of magic, and have seen different forms but how the hell did she do that?" Asked Shin.  "I mean no harm visitors... I am Astrape, for once you have an ally" she said.  Jesse and Tyler gave the "am I a joke to you?" Look.  "Goddess of lightning.. " responded Riana.  "She's correct, but I can't do my job without my sister Bronte, goddess of thunder" stated Astrape.  Everyone looked around confused.  "Um... Where would she be?" Asked Mat.  Astrape sighed sitting down. 

Josephine confession booth: I think she's got the hint to us.  Whatever is going on.  Bronte is most likely the one who's going to murder the next illusionist whoever that may be.  And that's not good. 

Elizabeth confession booth: Astrape and Bronte.   Well seems we got a problem.  And an attack by gods.  

"Bronte isn't acting herself, I fear she might be under some dark influence" added Astrape.  "You need us to try and wake her?" Asked Ben.  "You can't face thunder alone, here I have some things you'll need to get that will give me the power to help".  She provided the list to the group.  "Bring these back to me and I can make up something to help wake up my sister".  Everyone took off to start a search around the temple.  "Ok, how shall we split this" added Collins.  They all decided to try one before splitting into 3 groups of 4.

Group 1: Riana, Elizabeth, Tyler and Mat were in this area that looked like a training room.  Elizabeth found something on a pedestal in front of them.  "To face the thunder prove you're worthy to be tough" read Elizabeth.  They looked at the area.  "It's in stations, we try each station" added Mat.  "Wait there's one last thing" added Elizabeth.  "The weakest person will be entered in the death challenge vote" she added.  "That means one of us three is going in either way" added Mat.

"We must... Be careful..." Stated Riana twitching.  "Since I'm an ally I don't count to participate so I'll put together all of your scores" added Tyler.  Mat, Elizabeth and Riana all got started.  Riana had set her doll beside her when she went.  Tyler still was creeped out by her.  

Mat confession booth: "So we are left having to do these tasks to prove ourselves".  " I'm left shocked with everyone showing themselves but by the end of it Elizabeth had been the weakest performer which unfortunately meant she's at risk to die".  

Group 2: Marc, Solange, Ben, and Jesse  were in the next area.  They had reached an odd set of puzzles.  Jesse pulled off a note.  "What are we up against?" Asked Ben concerned.  "Says this puzzle set is on a time limit".  "If you take the longest or don't solve the puzzles in time then you're in the death challenge vote" read Jesse.  "Unfortunately it's only you three who can participate since you're the ones in danger" added Jesse frowning.  "no nos lo recuerdes. apesta [Don't remind us.  It sucks]" stated Solange. 

The trio got to work on these puzzles.  Jesse was concerned hoping they'll be ok. 

(A/n: Leaving it off here on purpose.  Especially with the next chapter's name.  But for now a new situation has started.  Anyway hope you all enjoy).  

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