Abracadeath Holmes

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Colin looked at the others worried since someone was joining him.  Ben kept an eye on the cage that held the Shinigami.  Pretty soon  they saw the next words appear.  "I'll take the escapist" read Ben.  Josephine was wide eyed hearing her role name.  "Be careful you two" added Marc.  Josephine and Colin gulped as they entered the cage with the Shinigami.  "This is bad" added Elizabeth. 

Solange confession booth: El Shinigami pidió a Colin y Josephine sin que nosotros votemos. Colin perseguido por un fantasma y Josephine, la maestra escapista. ¡Las probabilidades no parecen favorecer a nadie y estamos estancados! [The Shinigami requested Colin and Josephine without us voting.  Colin haunted by a ghost and Josephine the master escapist.  Odds don't look to be in favor for anyone and we're stuck!!!]

Colin and Josephine suddenly freaked out when the Shinigami suddenly disappeared with them and the trio reappeared in some dark plain.  Everything was cold, dead, and darkness with nothing but eerie whispers heard all around.  "Oh my god Shin" added Josephine suddenly seeing the fallen illusionist, but he was pale white with glowing blue eyes and scorch marks visible all over him from being electrocuted.   Colin was stunned and looked at Josephine.  "Wait... If you're seeing him then-" he started.  "This must be the realm of the dead we were taken to" added Josephine.  The duo were led by Shin to this abandoned castle where the challenge laid in wait.  "There" added Colin before the duo reached this statue. 

"The Shinigami won't return to its own realm until it takes a soul, but it doesn't belong in the realm of the dead" read Josephine.  "Solve the puzzle of the kings of realms and the winner will summon this realm's true king with blood of comrades" added Colin.  They looked at Shin's ghost.  "But what's Shin's role in this?" Asked Josephine.  Shin shrugged in confusion not knowing the answer either.  They went ahead and went to the first puzzle, which consisted of a building project they have to do. 

Josephine confession booth: Blood of comrades sounds like Jesse and Tyler.  Wait.... But what if it's about that Joey guy that we found the SAE note from that led to Tyler?  I mean we found some dark Andrea, he might be next. 

Colin and Josephine completed the towers unlocking the next puzzle.  "Oh why did it reveal to be this?" Asked Josephine seeing the next puzzle were these wall grids with missing pieces and the pieces were in this pool of blood.  "Oh that is just disgusting" added Colin.  The duo each rolled a sleeve up and started searching in the blood for the pieces.  After they finished up the grids the next puzzle was released revealing stone tables with five chalices on them.  The duo looked at each other while Shin's ghost was watching.  "Poison" added Colin. 

They gulped seeing also a set of knives and two wall targets also appeared. 

Colin confession booth: "We complete a riddle, dig through blood and now we have to throw knives and drink cups with one containing poison?".  " Josephine and I really got ourselves a problem here ". 

"Take turns Russian Roulette style?" Asked Colin.  "Yeah sure, then it'll be a fair death" added Josephine.  "I'll go first" added Colin.  He picked up the first knife before throwing it.  Once it missed he choose a chalice and drank from it.  "Water" he confirmed.  Josephine nodded and did her first throw missing the wall.  She drank from her first one. 

"Grape juice" she said setting it aside. "Must be multiple different drinks" added Colin.  He took the next turn and missed drinking the second chalice.  "Soda" he said setting it aside.  Josephine missed on her second shot and gagged on what she had next.  "Sparkling water but the flavoring is bad" she said.  "I'd rather have a properly flavored one" added Colin.   They went through round 3 both missing with Colin getting Gatorade and Josephine getting ginger ale. 

Josephine confession booth: "Colin and I are down to two left".  " Either way one of us is getting poisoned ".  " Then I saw Colin stop a moment like he was contemplating ".  

" Colin what's going on? " asked Josephine.  Colin picked up knife number 4 but instead of throwing it he suddenly cut his hand.  "What are you doing?!" Exclaimed Josephine.  Colin chuckled and picked up one chalice.  "I knew the whole game from the beginning, but I'm doing this for Shin's freedom" he said.  He let the blood drip on the summon area shrugging.  "Blood of comrades is needed" he said before drinking the poisoned cup.  Josephine gasped stepping back watching him suddenly cough up blood before dying right in front of her.  

She witnessed the Shinigami appear to take Colin away.  However she suddenly saw Shin attack it before a second ghost appeared but from the white wings that unfurled the second ghost was actually a reaper.  He sent Shinigami through a portal and closed it before grabbing both Shin and Colin's spirits.  He looked at Josephine protecting the duo.  "ყơųr ʄąƖƖɛŋ ʄɛƖƖơῳ ɱąɠıƈıąŋʂ ąrɛ ąƖƖ ῳıɬɧ ɱɛ ŋơῳ, rɛƖąҳ ɬɧɛყ'rɛ ʂąʄɛ, ცųɬ ɬɧıʂ ơŋɛ ɧąʂ ɠrɛąɬɛr ℘ơῳɛr ɬơ ąıɖɛ ąƖƖ ơʄ ყơų" he said in a silky voice gesturing to Shin.  "Who... Are you what are you talking about?" Asked Josephine.  She suddenly saw Shin collapse but he was visible now except in a grey version of his outfit and carried a white streak in his hair.  She ran over and helped him up. 

"Wait.... You're Joey aren't you?" Asked Josephine.  "We saw a message you left, it's what led us to Tyler and then soon Jesse" she added.  The reaper uncovered his face showing a concerned Joey.  "You'll get your fellow illusionists back, I'll be able to assist the trio that are still alive in the final faceoff against your captors, but I'm giving you back Shin as an ally, unfortunately for the moment he has to be a reaper as well" he said.  Josephine nodded a bit understanding.  "I'll tell the others, don't worry but if you're Joey keep a close watch on Ben, he's the unfortunate magician in your role, Tyler and Jesse told the story" added Josephine.  Joey nodded a little saying he'll do just that before teleporting the duo back in the real world.  The others were shocked seeing Josephine and Shin but no Colin. 

"How the hell did this happen?" Asked Collins.  Shin finally coughed a little smoke escaping his mouth before looking at them.  "Colin.... Sacrificed himself to rescue me" he said.  "But we got a reaper, dude was dark haired but when I called him Joey he looked at me, saying he'll be able to assist whichever 3 of us are alive in the final showdown, give us back our fallen fellow illusionists" explained Josephine causing everyone but especially Tyler and Jesse to be shocked.  They looked at her but then at Shin.  "But how is Shin back to life?" Asked Ben.  "He's not.... He has been made a reaper... Must be to grant us.. Ally" added Riana sensing the energy off him.   Josephine walked over placing the next gathered piece where it belongs only for the group to hear noises underneath them. 

"Guys the ground is cracking!" Exclaimed Mat before everyone suddenly fell through the floor taking them who knows where.  

(A/N: And now next death marked.   Colin trading places with Shin.  But to explain a bit, Shin Lim is one of my favorite magicians.  When I used the random wheel generator to decide all the deaths for this I got heartbroken having to kill off Shin third.   So I decided to pull this and keep him dead but able to help the others in a role like Tyler and Jesse.  So sorry I'm a little biased but hope you all enjoy).  

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