Seeking out leads

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After a odd encounter when they first entered the town the group found themselves entering the woods to see about locating Merlin.   The words about what Marc carried bothered them though.  Did the man read of X, or someone like X?  "So he could be pretty much anywhere that's deep in here" added Chloe.  "We just have to start looking and hide every time we hear the dark magician troops" stated Collins.  They looked around the woods.  "Shin can you-" started Ben.  Shin created some of his light glow cards saying "Way ahead of you". 

The others each took a card before using it to help them see where they were.  " Let's see if any of our lights will give us Merlin's location " added Ben.  Joey was impressed at how much Ben has gotten better in his role of leader.  They all split up into duos and went different directions.  The first consisted of the girls Solange and Chloe, second was Collins and Jesse, third being Marc and Shin and the final duo being Joey and Ben.  Chloe and Solange were looking around as they were walking.  However a rustle was heard making the girls freeze and look at each other. 

Solange confession booth: "Estoy atrapado con Chloe y ya ambos estamos escuchando ruidos locos. Esto podría ser cualquier cosa ... o cualquiera ... el bosque parece lo suficientemente espeso para eso [I'm stuck with Chloe and already we both are hearing crazy noises.   This could be anything... or anyone... the woods sure seem thick enough for it]". 

The duo shined their card lights towards the noise.  "What I wouldn't give for it to be a harmless rabbit or even a deer" added Chloe.  They gasped seeing it was a cat and Solange scooped it up.  "¿Por qué estás perdida aquí, linda gatita? [Why are you lost out here pretty kitty]" she said petting it.  "Wait look at the collar" added Chloe.  Solange looked and saw it included a tag that seemed to point a direction to go.  She nodded a bit and put the kitty down.  "muéstranos el camino [show us the way]" stated Solange. 

The kitty headed off somewhere.  "Wow it actually understood you" added Chloe.  The two followed the kitten wondering where it would take them.  Collins and Jesse were exploring in their direction staying more on alert.  "You got the super powers, so I'll be relying on you more" added Collins.  Jesse shrugged saying, "If you call possessed by a demon a superpower".  Collins shrugged as they kept looking around.

Collins confession booth: " Frankly he may not be freaking out by it but I'm sure it's not easy for Jesse ".  " I mean a demon included when he was revived? ".  " To be honest I myself would be scared ".  " but yet at the moment I'm definitely safe around him".

The duo noticed a pair of statues and approached them.  "Jumanji much?" Asked Collins.  "You really are a movie buff" added Jesse.  The duo decided to try and get a higher vantage point by climbing the statues.  However an area crumbled under both of them and they screamed falling down only to fall through a hole that appeared below them.  Both groaned once they hit the ground and got up.  "Looks like we're using an underground system" added Collins.  The duo went to search. 

Marc and Shin found themselves near a giant tree that seemed to stand out from the rest.  Marc checked knocking on it before nodding.  "It's hollow" he said.  Shin checked as well and pulled back.  "How do we get in?" He asked.  Marc frowned a bit.  "Good question let's see what we can find". 

Marc confession booth: " I'm getting a feeling we're looking like something out of a book".  "Shin and I are trying to figure out exactly what to do to get into a hollow tree yet I'm getting flashbacks with reading some books with my daughter".   " maybe it works the same way? ".

" Hold on...I remember a book I read with my daughter that included this" added Marc.  "Harry Potter?" Asked Shin looking over.  "Are you peeking in my head now?" Asked Marc.  Shin shook his head stunned.  "I wasn't... Wait... You might've accidentally bumped me or something but it's almost like I now know all your memories and fears" he said.  "Your reaper power" added Marc.  They gasped getting the tree open to a staircase.  "I lied by the way, I didn't look at your memories... It was just common sense cause who hadn't read Harry Potter at least once in their life time" added shin.  Marc chuckled as the duo headed in. 

Joey and Ben found themselves stumbling onto a strange campground.  "Gypsies" added Joey noticing the symbol in front of one tent.  They were quiet in approaching to talk to them.  "One thing though... You got a better savant advantage over me" added Joey.  Ben looked at Joey confused.  "What do you mean?" He asked.  "I was stuck in the role for four years and never had a weapon of defense, and you got the capability to take someone's eye out or take down a target from a distance" responded Joey.  They headed forward.  

Ben confession booth (still no eye shadow): *stunned confusion* "Did...I just get complimented and insulted via jealousy at the same time"?  " either way we're facing gypsies ".   " I just hope they're willing to help ". 

(A/n: I'M GONNA CLIFFHANGER YOU ALL HERE 😈.  Sorry no photo at the moment but will add later.   Don't worry the next chapter will draw the Merlin related mission to a close.   But who's not going to survive?   Hope you all enjoy).

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