Trapped within Alchemy

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(Little surprise change up for this chapter with our last female magician Solange).

In a prison cell that only had dark walls dimly lit by torches and chains lined on the walls. Among the chains were Ben, Solange and Marc held by their wrists in shackles unconcious. The trio of illusionists groaned finding themselves waking up and they gasped seeing they were trapped. "At least you three are awake... Don't worry Joey and your friend Shin are fine as well... Just not here" stated Sierra. "Why have you been doing this?" Asked Ben. "You got a lot of it from Chloe... I needed to know all the skills I can". " But... It's how I will finally give Sierra what she wanted... Revenge for what happened to her ". Marc coughed a bit while Solange cussed in Spanish holding her head.

" Joey... We were just your pawns" added Marc. "But you impressed me... Especially the black sheep here..." Stated Sierra looking to Ben. "¡EY, BRUJA! ¡¿TIENES UN PROBLEMA CON LOS MAGOS NOSOTROS ?! ¡VAMOS FOLLADA PERRA! [HEY YOU WITCH! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH US MAGICIANS?! LET US GO FUCKING BITCH!]" Snapped Solange. Sierra blasted Solange making the illusionist scream in pain. "It was Joey first...but now you're my new problem... Better count your minutes.. I've used some alchemy traps that I'll be taking all of your skills by morning... And in return you'll be working with me" added Sierra. She disappeared immediately but the trio got the idea of what she was planning. "We'll be her undead servants if we don't get out" added Marc. Ben smirked showing he already freed himself making the duo shocked.

"Never trap a danger illusionist in something he knows well" added Ben. "Sierra was able to talk long enough I got myself out". He revealed a sharp coiled wire before he used it getting Marc and Solange free. " Now question is did she steal the piece you have?" Asked Ben to Marc. Marc checked his pocket and felt the piece. "Nope she messed up and left it" added Marc. "Parece que la venganza está bloqueando su inteligencia. Pero, ¿qué pasa con Joey y Shin? [Sounds like revenge is blocking her intelligence. But what about Joey and Shin?]" Added Solange rubbing her wrists. The duo looked confused a moment.

Solange exhaled a bit. "She..too think" she attempted slowly. "Joey and Shin?" She asked. "You spoke English, but agreed and I don't know... just that she trapped the duo somewhere" added Ben impressed. "Let's get the item in the puzzle box and then we'll get Joey and Shin" added Marc. The trio quickly got themselves out of the cell and headed to the exit only to hide quickly. A zombified version of Riana was patrolling the area. "It's Riana" whispered Ben.

Ben confession booth: "Escape a cell and learn Sierra may have brought back all our dead friends now seeing zombie Riana?" "We know all their tells". "And they know us". " We're in trouble "

The trio gulped a bit. "How do we get past Riana giving she'd sense us coming?" Asked Marc in a whisper. Solange looked around where they were hidden before finding disturbed dirt and she worked on pushing it away. "What'd you find Solange?" Asked Ben. Solange suddenly removed an envelope and showed it to them. Ben opened it so they all could take a look. "It's Shin" added Ben seeing the signature. Marc and Solange got a better look.

"Guys don't worry, Joey and I were able to escape and have barricaded in the optical illusion room connected to the lounge". " Joey can sense Sierra only brought back certain friends to play with our heads, Riana, Elizabeth, Colin, and Dania probably those four by how they were killed". "Most likely you spotted Riana first but have you noticed something she's missing?". " We couldn't find it but it's probably better that you guys can have better luck... We know where we stand and I'm going to devote towards snapping Colin to sense ". " good luck and hopefully you three reunite with both of us quickly " read Ben. Marc took another look at zombie Riana and noticed it himself. "It's her doll... She doesn't have it" stated Marc. "Then we find the doll first and we'll be able to escape to the lounge and optical illusion room" added Ben with Solange confirming.

Marc confession booth: *Ben, Solange and I made a plan to handle Riana by having one distract her while the rest of us checked the zombie arena where she died ". " guess who became the unlucky bastard that had to distract her? ". *points to self*.

Marc hesitantly comes out towards her when Riana had her back turned. "Hey Riana!" He called. Riana turned her attention on Marc and went after him while Ben and Solange took the opportunity to check the zombie arena. "It's blocked off... That's why Joey and Shin couldn't find it" added Ben after the duo found the entrance. "¿Podemos romper? [Can we break through]" asked Solange. Ben checked and noticed pushing would work. "Come on and help me in pushing it aside" he said. Solange joined him and the duo pushed with full strength able to move the blockage.

Solange ran in finding the doll and ran to Ben. "Entendido, vamos a buscar a Marc! [Got it let's get Marc]" added Solange. The duo ran with the doll to find Marc before noticing the duo. "Peace offering Riana!" Yelled Ben holding it to her. Zombie Riana slowly approached before taking the doll and held it in comfort before slowly raising a finger to the stage building. The trio took off quickly with Marc catching his breath. "You owe me one for that" added Marc. "Sorry" added Ben and Solange.

They ran inside before they were stopped by sudden ghosts in the room. "Elizabeth .... la ... allí.[Elizabeth.... the... there]" stuttered Solange pointing out a spectral form of Elizabeth. "Well we can't fight a ghost head on" added Ben. Marc found a nearby note and grabbed it. "If you really want to combat a ghost then there's one type of magic to use... Find a way to use necromancy to get the ghosts away" he read. "¡¿CÓMO DEMONIOS SE SUPONE QUE USAMOS NECROMANCY CUANDO ESTAMOS RODEADOS DE FANTASMAS ?! [HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO USE NECROMANCY WHEN WE'RE SURROUNDED BY GHOSTS?!] " yelled Solange. Ben exhaled and readied his crossbow. "I can't hurt spirits but I'll distract while you two find a way to use necromancy.

Solange confession booth: "Primero Marc fue una distracción para Riana. Ahora Ben va a mantener ocupada a Elizabeth. Espera, eso significa que probablemente yo podría ser la distracción de Dania. Pero no quiero que Ben o Marc se lastimen. [First Marc was distraction to Riana. Now Ben is going to keep Elizabeth busy. Wait that... means... I could most likely be Dania's distraction. but I don't want Ben or Marc hurt]".

Marc took Solange and ran somewhere while Ben was keeping Elizabeth busy. " wait wait wait there's a spot " added Marc. The duo ran to it and saw it was a ritual they had to do for necromancy. "Tenía que ser un desafío ...[It had to be a challenge.....]" Added Solange annoyed. They started putting it together doing each challenge before activating it. "Now back to Ben" added Marc. "Si [yes]" added Solange before the duo ran back rejoining him. They saw the ghosts leave but Elizabeth left a message.

"Run and hide... Sierra is on the hunt now" read Marc. The trio heard a loud female demonic screech. "That's her!" Added Ben. They ran quickly to get away.

(A/n: first of two part finale done! But the trio is halfway there! The rest of the fights including the mysterious item in the box will be in part 2! Anyway hope you all enjoy!)

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