The Master's Identity

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Ben, Marc, Solange and Collins were catching their breath in the lounge. Joey, Jesse and Shin looked confused wondering what happened. "Merlin looked like he knew who the old alchemist was... And that it's something dangerous" added Shin. Solange looked over frowning. "¿Quizás el anciano es en realidad el alquimista que nos retiene como rehenes? [Maybe the old man is actually the alchemist that is holding us hostage?]" She asked. Ben walked to the puzzle box that still had two empty slots. "Well... This may be the only way we know" added Ben. He put the piece he had into the right slot before the group heard a nearby wall slide away. "There!" Exclaimed Marc noticing a wall got replaced with this dark room.

Everyone nervously entered looking around. "I'm scared... What could we find?" Asked Shin. "That's what we'll find out" responded Ben. They looked around to start a hunt for evidence on the matter. "There's got to be something to determine the alchemist's identity" added Collins. They all searched around the area also to try and find any secrets. "Lights would be nice in here though" added Jesse. "Got it" added Marc finding a switch before turning it on.

The room suddenly blazed to life with ceiling lamps all coming on to give everyone a better view of the room. "¡Ah, ilusiones ópticas! ¡mis ojos! [Ah! Optical illusions! My eyes!]" Exclaimed Solange who turned out to be facing a wall with the special black and white circles that make it look like it's moving. Marc helped out by shielding her vision and got her away from that wall. "Good call" added Joey. "Let's not pay attention to that" added Collins. "Oh wait before we continue" added Joey. He quickly made some makeup appear and Ben nodded immediately joining him. "I haven't got your memories though" added Joey embarrassed.

"Here" added Shin before sharing images with Joey. Joey nodded thanking him before he was able to perfectly get the eye makeup back on properly. "Much better" added Joey once he finished. "Thanks" added Ben. Jesse leaned against something on a nearby wall accidentally pushing it in before a cabinet in the room near Collins opened up accidentally getting him in the head a bit. "Ow what the-wait guys look" he said. He got this journal out showing it to them. Joey seemed to back up instantly recognizing it.

Solange confession booth: "Me siento mal porque Collins recibió un golpe en la cabeza. sin embargo, ¿viendo cómo reaccionó Joey ante el diario que sacaron? Eso suena como sus experiencias pasadas en este lío y nuestra situación actual podría tener un vínculo. [I feel bad that Collins got hit in the head. however seeing how Joey reacted to the journal that was taken out? That's sounding like his past experiences in this mess and our current situation might have a link. ] "

"You ok Joey?" Asked Jesse. "That... Should've been destroyed" added Joey. Ben, Marc, Solange, Collins and Shin looked at him suspicious. "Is this to do with the fact you've been through our mess before?" Asked Ben crossing his arms frowning. "My very first one of four messes.. That was a year before I was trapped with you, Tyler and the other in the Victorian era Jesse" added Joey. "Kinda figured that by how I didn't recognize it" added Jesse. Marc looked at him. "Better enlighten us to how this helps us" he said.

Ben confession booth (now with his eye shadow back on): "I think the times been overdo for the truth". "But now that we got Joey... He needs to talk".

Joey sighed and huffed obviously he hated talking about it. "Fine that journal links to a house I had inherited in 2016, but I didn't read the flags back then when it turns out the staff that came with the house worked with an evil entity to take the place for themselves" he said. "8 friends of mine had been killed, 2 of their souls being sent to hell from the Collector's museum". "It means your alchemist could be any of the three staff members, Arthur the Butler, Sarah the maid, Mike the groundskeeper". " but if you want to talk victims who would resort to this power, this could be my friends Tim, Justine or Sierra, Tim and Justine got their souls sent to hell... Sierra was killed by exorcism due to a mistake on her opponent's part" explained Joey. The five illusionists were shocked hearing this but no one was more shocked then Jesse since he was in a second of Joey's friends to be fighting to death.

Marc confession booth: "Hell trapped souls, corrupted house staff, and an exorcism death?!". " Even I normally would call fake on this.... But nothing's fake to me anymore after what I've endured so far ".

Collins confession booth: " I... I'm not sure how to react to this ". " Taking in a lot ".

Ben confession booth: " Ok even I'm not dumb enough to do that! ". " What was Joey involved in?! "

Solange took the journal and held it. "Bueno, si nuestra cautiva está vinculada a esto, vamos a abrirlo y averiguarlo. [Well if our captive is linked to this, let's open it and find out]" she said. Everyone tried to stop her getting a bad feeling about the journal but she opened it only to be caught in a trap. "What the hell?!" Yelled Collins. A figure dressed like an alchemist suddenly appeared nearby but was masked. "I'm surprised you frond a way to me" the person said. "You're the one holding us like this aren't you" added Ben. Solange was freaking out trying to get free.

"¡Chicos, sáquenme de aquí por favor! [Guys get me out of here please!]" Pleaded Solange. "Wait.... We weren't brought to this room for a search" added Marc getting a sneaking feeling. "Someone's catching on... You're right I set a trap to take care of you all, and that includes your two helpers" added the masked figure. Ben fired an arrow at the person breaking the mask a bit exposing the face. "How about we know you first before we even do whatever you are going to throw us in to" added Ben. The person faced them now with one eye exposed being an odd grey color. "That help you out Joey so we know who we're facing?" Asked Ben. Joey looked and saw the exposed area before nodding a bit.

"I don't need a face to know this identity, that's demon energy I'm sensing...Sierra" added Joey. The figure removed the damaged mask revealing a messy haired, demon possessed Sierra. There were a few leaves trapped on the outfit and hair like what was on a rosary for exorcism. "But that's not Sierra running the show is it?" Asked Jesse. "Demon" confirmed Marc, Collins and Shin. "I'll give you your friend... But you all have a gauntlet to face... She won't be able to participate... Yet" added the possessed Sierra.

Ben confession booth: "Gauntlet again...". " I'm not sure if any of us are ready ". " But this trap was definitely something that took planning... Should've noticed the moment we didn't have any challenge... "

(A/n: Twisted it up to a trap. But also used because we're drawing close to an end. Once this one is done I'll be changing off to my next three planned stories. Anyway either way hope you all enjoy).

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