Death's curse

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Suddenly hearing something coming the remaining illusionists plus Jesse looked before noticing a horde of creatures coming. "Zombies run!" Yelled Jesse seeing what they were. Everyone ran quickly, even Riana looked terrified for once breaking out of her typical character. They were able to hide quickly with Chloe finding an odd plaque nearby. She ran to get a look. "You'll have to read it from there on the safe side!" Added Collins with everyone shushing him. "Tranquilo! ¿Estás tratando de que los no muertos nos maten a todos?" [Quiet! are you trying to get us all killed by the undead?] Hissed Solange. Chloe gasped reading it.

"What's it say Chloe?" Asked Marc. "I will not be friendly this time, you think I'm sticking with one, no another is coming too". " Your only exception is the one just revived, they alone are spared this time ". " No votes, this death curse is for all of you to handle" read Chloe. Everyone was stunned hearing that. "Well that's not good" added Ben.

Collins confession booth: "We lose Tyler, we gain Chloe, and now we have to survive a zombie attack where another life will be taken?!". " Ok after hearing Chloe's story... I think this alchemist has a short temper". "We're going to have to be careful".

"So another one magician sacrifice... Great" added Josephine annoyed. "We got to survive zombies too" added Shin. "Well you're dead, Jesse's possessed, and Chloe is spared because she just got revived" stated Riana. "We'll hold off as many as we can, you all escape as far as possible" added Shin dragging Jesse with him. "Ok ok I'll do it" added Jesse. "Thanks guys, be careful" added Ben. He, Marc, Chloe, Josephine, Riana, Solange and Collins ran off quickly. Shin suddenly used orange and red smoke before launching flaming cards at the incoming zombies with Jesse suddenly letting the demon possessing him take control and he attacked as well.

Meanwhile the group had ran off getting as far as possible before they stopped in this dungeon area. They looked around seeing it was all dark brown, deep black, and had shiny steel barred cells. Inside each cell was a party of at least 6 zombies totalling about 12 cells making 72 undead monsters. "We're surrounded..." Added Marc. "No choices.... Looks like if we pick wrong zombie chow" stated Collins. Solange lectured Collins in disgust. "I don't need to know Spanish to know what you were saying to me" added Collins cringing. "We'll worry about loo mouth later" finished Chloe.

"What do we do?" Asked Marc. "Especially since I'm the only one with a weapon..." Added Ben frowning. "Maybe... Maybe this is the area where we lose the next illusionist?" Asked Chloe nervously. The group looked around trying to find a solution.

Ben confession booth: "let's run the list here of how screwed we are". "First we're in a dungeon area". " Second there's cells all around us filled with zombies ". " And third I'm the only person with a method of defense". "Oh,and fourth thing, I don't have unlimited arrows like the survivors in TV shows and movies so once I run out we're all dead". " How do they expect us to get out of this?!"

An eerie green glow filled the room from one of the upper areas of the chamber. They looked to see a countdown timer saying 5 minutes and counting down the seconds from 60. There was a skull and crossbones flashing in rhythm with the timer as well. "That timer doesn't look friendly" added Marc. "Wait... Oh god the symbol means I'm right..." Added Josephine. "No choice... Back the way we came, let's go" added Ben. The others nodded and left but turned to see Riana drop her doll and face the cells. "Riana what are you doing?!" Yelled Chloe.

Marc confession booth: "We're getting out but we noticed Riana didn't follow". *shows them calling for Riana until she looked at the group that just spoke the message she was saying as Marc narrates*. " But the way she looked us....we all knew what she was planning ".

Riana faced the timer twitching. " whoever you are you will never get out of this alive! ". " Not if we can help it! ". " And don't underestimate Ben Blaque!" She snapped. The rest of the group gasped when a, cell door closed locking the rest of the group with the way out but Riana with the zombie hordes. They all screamed freaking out as the doors opened and heard Riana shriek before silence. The zombies all suddenly vanished before the group's eyes leaving behind Riana's body and their next piece. The door for the group opened up.

"Go quick Collins" added Ben. Collins quickly grabbed the piece and the group ran to the lounge soon joined by Jesse and Shin. "Riana..." Started Shin. "Zombie attack" finished Ben. Collins quickly put the next piece in as the group saw the entire place light up in golden lights. "Usually that would be a good thing.... But I don't think so...." Added Josephine.

(A/n: double death chapters. And still more danger ahead. Just because Chloe is back doesn't mean she is here to stay. But with that being said I hope you enjoy).

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