Act of Danger

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Ben and Marc gulped walking into this room where they were meant to be.  They were the only two who had to do this next challenge set due to the targeting witch hunt.  "Oh that's not good" added Marc seeing the set up around them.  "Sucks that only the two of us can do it, this is in Josephine's wheelhouse too" added Ben.  "Look we'll figure it out, there, we have some notes" stated Marc.  The duo went over and checked what they said.  "This challenge is different from the previous ones...because it's the first of two gauntlet matches?" Asked Marc reading it.  "Wait what?" Asked Ben before he read it over.

Ben confession booth: "So this challenge first limits it down to Marc and myself as the only participants".  *shows the duo worried as Ben talks* " but we discover that the challenge in a gauntlet ".  "And what does it make us do"?  *goes back to Ben in confession booth looking annoyed*.  "We have to complete the challenge by gambling our friends lives". 

" We stake one of our friends on each challenge?! ".  " That's not fair! " exclaimed Marc.  "Do we really have a choice in this matter?!" Snapped Ben looking at the British Illusionist.  "We're stuck to the end, and have to handle trauma of several of our magicians dying so we can't decide" he added crossing his arms.  Marc sighed out of reluctance and nodded.  "Fine let's do it" he said.  Ben nods before approaching the first challenge.  "Put the written name of your choice on the tablets in front of you into the furnace, lose the challenge that name will fight for their lives" read Ben. 

The duo checked them all seeing Jesse, Tyler and Shin were included meaning they're at risk to die.  "Well... Who do we stake for this one?" Asked Marc.  Ben was thinking a bit saying, "that's hard everyone's contributed".  The duo debated it over before choosing Josephine and threw her tablet into the furnace.   The challenge was suddenly revealed to them as a danger act with nail beds.  "Oh not that act" added Ben.  Marc shuddered just thinking of the back pain the illusionists would get if something went wrong.  They found the rules and checked what had to be done revealing they don't have to lay on the beds but they have to check the top beds that get lowered to solve the puzzle. 

With easy success the duo were able to complete it and it rescued Josephine from being entered into the upcoming death challenge.  They saw a door open and went through it seeing a new challenge in front of them.  Seeing the names minus Josephine's on this bullseye Ben reluctantly picked up his crossbow and aimed it.  "Josephine isn't there" added Marc stunned.  "Maybe each person we remove means they're not in the challenge" added Ben.  They talked over who to risk next and knew if they pick Shin it cheats the system since he's already dead.. And they don't know any way a reaper can be killed.  "Then let's cut Shin from the list".  Been shot an arrow out making it hit Shin's name. 

Marc confession booth: When Ben and I see the next challenge my heart sinks.  Because it's as if I was brought back by a haunting part of my past. 

"A portrait puzzle?" Asked Ben.  Marc froze seeing it.  "That trick cost me Britain's got talent in 2018, I mean yes it opened the opportunity for me to create X but still" he said.  "Come on, we. can't let failed tricks stop us" added Ben trying to hide his own fear.  They worked on the puzzle before completing it and moving forward.  They handled a few more challenges removing Jesse, Tyler, and Riana from the list.  However when they got to this next room the duo seemed to be attacked and lost consciousness.  Waking up though Ben was wide eyed when he recognised where he was.  

Ben confession booth: *look of fear on his face as he looked around*  The trick of my nightmares has returned to haunt me. 

Marc got up and stumbled back a bit.  "Oh Ben no" he said.  Ben freaked out looking at Marc.  "I can't... This trick is my curse".  "I stopped using it after those failed attempts that cost me dearly" he said scared.  "Ben you need to take deep slow breaths, we can't have this stop us and cost a life" added Marc.  "Who's even at risk this time?" Asked Ben.  Marc looked and sighed a bit. 

"Elizabeth" he said simply.  Ben groaned looking up to the ceiling area of the location.  "Ben focus on me" added Marc.  Ben looked at him gulping a bit.  "You need to guide me on this trick, failure or not" added Marc.  Ben shook his head frantically.  "I can't, last three times had two fails and one success" he said.  "See, that one success means you can do it" added Marc.

Marc exhaled still keeping eye contact with Ben.  "I need you, to teach me the trick" added Marc.  Ben took slow deep breaths and nodded.  "Ok I'll teach you".  He was able to give Marc the run down step by step as Marc followed listening to him.  They were able to pull off the trick with success making Ben sigh in relief.  He got himself off the target and ran over to Marc.  They looked to see the arrows popped balloons to reveal a new message. 

"We have to send in Elizabeth and Riana?" Asked Ben.  "Think I know why" added Marc pointing to one sentence.  It was written in blood saying "The mediums must be silenced".  "Oh...crap" added Ben.

(A/n: To explain thought I'd do something different by having a gauntlet challenge where only two people can participate.  And the talk of the mediums must be silenced is because of Elizabeth saying she thinks a mentalist might have done it.  But anyway, hope you all enjoy).  

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