Cards of Carnage

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(A/n: picks up from where the last chapter left off).

Ben and Elizabeth were working on the milk jar escape challenge.  The goal was that their item was in one of the jars but they had to fill them all to find it.  After searching for milk the duo found a huge barrel of it and brought it back to the jar room.  "Ok that'll hurt for a while" added Elizabeth.  "We're gonna have to find a way to get this to each jar so we can fill it" added Ben.  "I'll check if there's anything with the jars that the milk is supposed to go into" added Elizabeth. She started checking the jars before finding what looked like a tube that could suck up something and travel to the jars.  "Ben over here" she called. 

Ben came over and grinned.  "Perfect, let's give it a try".  The duo got the barrel over and checked for parts to hook it up.  After connecting both together they got it running and saw the milk travel immediately up.  It went to the jars starting to fill them up. They looked at the jars before spotting something fall from one after it rose to the top.  Ben went over and picked it up.  " Hilt of a sword? " asked Ben. 

Elizabeth confession booth: "I know there's escapes that have been done with like beds of swords and stuff".  " can't recall if Houdini did one, most likely did ".   "But this is turning into some kind of danger... Escape thing".

The duo ran off to rejoin the group.  Solange and Mat found themselves back with the straitjacket but this time the entire room had transformed into an escape act set up.  "Oh I don't like this" added Mat.  "conozco este acto. parece que tendremos que suspendernos. quién sabe qué tan alto. Tengo miedo [i know this act.  seems we may have to suspend ourselves.   who knows how high.   i'm scared]" responded Solange.  "To follow what Houdini did it'll have to be at least 30 feet roughly" added Mat cringing.  Solange groaned hearing that. 

Solange confession booth: "Tuve que enfrentarme a dragones, perder a Dania, dioses y demonios. lo siento, te estás tomando el estar colgado a 30 pies en el aire en una camisa de fuerza. [I had to face dragons, losing Dania, gods and demons.  Sorry Mat, you're taking being hung up 30 feet in the air in a straitjacket]". 

Solange shook her head and gently nudged Mat forward.  "Estás siendo colgada boca abajo no yo [you're being hung up in the air not me]" she said.  Mat sighed and nods a bit.  "Ok I'll do the hanging and hopefully blood doesn't rush to my head too fast I pass out and miss something" he said.  "Help me get in it?" He added.  Solange nodded saying "Sí".  She and Mat worked together to get Mat in the straitjacket before attaching him to this pulley to get him in the air.  Solange looked at Mat as she stood at the lever to pull him up. 

"Estas lista para subir?[You ready to go up?]" Asked Solange.  "I'm not fluent in Spanish but obviously you're waiting so lift me up" added Mat.  Solange pulled the lever and mat was taken up into the air before she stopped it when he reached 30 feet.  Mat then started searching from his view sometimes moving to swing himself a little.  Solange nervously watched and noticed a inflatable trampoline was also available in case the pulley breaks.  She quickly got it set up.  Mat noticed something on a nearby wall.  "Wait that's directions" he said. 

Mat confession booth: "I'm not afraid of heights but frankly being stuck in a jacket where you have no access to arms and legs is scary".  *shows Mat reading the directions as he narrates*  "So here I am dangling 30 feet in the air reading directions to learn I have to escape the straitjacket and get on the ground to earn the next item".  *back to mat in confession* " ESCAPIST ISN'T MY TYPE OF MAGIC PEOPLE!" "And Solange is down there hopefully setting up a way I won't die cause I'm not ready to die".

Mat sighed and had to think a moment.  "Ok I'm not an escapist, but everyone knows Houdini".  " Come on Mat think ".  He had to think a bit on what to do and worked on escaping the straitjacket.  From below Solange gasped watching Mat working on escaping from high up.  "¡¿Mat, estás loco ?! ¡Eso es un deseo de muerte! [Mat are you insane?!  That's a death wish]" yelled Solange.  "I know what you called me but You have the trampoline to catch me!" Yelled Mat.  He worked on it more before he got himself free and dropped landing in the trampoline.  

The duo noticed a secret door suddenly open and they went in before pulling out a stone shaped chest.  "Sword in the stone" added Mat pointing to the slot.  The duo picked it up and carried it back together.  Once they arrived they set it down.   "A sword in the stone... That explains the other items" added Josephine.  "We better give it a try then" added Marc.  They all got it together with Jesse helping finish the job with his fire abilities.  They all put the sword in making the stone glow. 

It suddenly caused the area to have crystal pillars shoot from the ground around them before they now were in a new area.  Ben found a note and opened it.  "Your final test has come, but this won't be like typical Houdini's".   " Choose two people to take on the test where one comes out alive " he read.   Everyone groaned since they knew what that meant. 

Marc confession booth: "oh my god".  " again with the voting ".  

Elizabeth confession booth: " Can't this murder spree end? ".  " I want off this ride ".

Everyone placed their votes reluctantly before Tyler stepped up to the plate.  He silently shuffled and drew one.  "The quick changer" he said.  Solange freaked out not liking that she was in the death challenge.  He then picked another.  "The card master" he said.  "Whoa time out me?!" Exclaimed Mat.  "This isn't gonna look good" added Josephine. 

Ben confession booth: *exhales running his hands down his face*  "here we go again".   " time to lose another illusionist ".

The duo were taken to this room that was set up as a pitfall trap.  The walls were made of crystal with several slots of open stone hinting that something was going to launch out of it.  The duo gulped looking around for some list of rules.  After seeing there was no list that got the duo confused.  "sin lista de reglas?[No rule list]" asked Solange.  "Guess it's a leap of faith to avoid being killed" added Mat.  The duo gulped looking at the path of plain colored crystal.  They both picked a stone to start with and stepped on it. 

Mat's turned purple while Solange's turned red.  They looked at each other and gulped again.  "Here we go" added Mat.  The duo tried the crystals one by one trying to stay on path.  Almost at the end though Mat suddenly stepped on a crystal that turned blue.  Solange gasped when she saw.  "Oh that's not good" added Mat.  He suddenly was stabbed by several razor sharp playing cards that shot out from the open stone holes. 

Solange screamed in fear seeing Mat's body then suddenly drop and get impaled on the spikes in the pit.  She found a puzzle box piece when she reached the end of her path before running in fear.  She shakily handed the piece to Ben while Jesse and Tyler took Solange aside comforting her.  They all hated that now Mat was dead as Ben put in the next piece.  It suddenly teleported the group to this city scape making them look around.  "A city?" Asked Riana.  "Did we escape?" Asked Marc.  They all suddenly heard shots ring out. 

"That's a nope!!!" Yelled Elizabeth.   They all ran immediately. 

(A/n: and now it's done.   Next magician down.  And now the next trouble brewing.  Numbers are dwindling.  But hope you all enjoy).

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