Houdini of Haunts

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The remaining magicians find themselves now crashed into this new place.  Everyone groaned before slowly sitting up.  "Is everyone ok?" Asked Ben.  Everyone gave affirmations of yes they were ok.  "Where are we now?" Asked Mat.  "More like what was under the house this entire time" added Elizabeth.  They looked around but Collins gasped like he knew it.  "Collins what is it?" Asked Ben.

Collins confession booth: "how... The... Hell?".  " why are we-".  "I CANNOT BE THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES IT!".

Everyone then suddenly had a dose of realisation.  " harry Houdini, we're in some kind of Harry Houdini graveyard" added Tyler looking around.   "Shin you, Jesse and Tyler ok?" Asked Josephine.  "Yeah we're good, don't worry about us" added Shin.  They started to walk and explore the place to learn their next move.  "This way I see something" added Marc.  He led them all over to a glass case and there was a straitjacket in it with a note.  "I'm getting a bad feeling" added Elizabeth.  

Ben confession booth: ok we're all in a Houdini graveyard with the famous straitjacket on display.  And yet we got all trapped.   Something tells me we got escapes to do. 

"The note talks about Houdini and it says the challenge  for us is to endure his greatest escapes to collect pieces of a puzzle" stated Marc.  Everyone gulped because they know how professional Houdini was.  "How many of us are alive not counting our helpers?" Asked Josephine.  The group looked at each before Solange cleared her throat.  "bueno sin contar a Jesse, Tyler o Shin ... parece que todavía hay ocho de nosotros vivos[well not counting jesse, tyler or shin.... looks like there's still eight of us alive]".  The group wasn't sure how many escapes could be there in this place.  Shin wasn't sure what to do given what he's turned into.  " I'll help you " added Jesse taking Shin aside. 

"Ok, maybe since we don't know how many escapes are there that we have to face break into pairs?" Asked Collins.  Everyone agreed on that idea and each paired off before going different directions.  The first pair consisted of Marc and Riana who found themselves in a room where a water tank escape was set up.  "The water tank, of course" added Marc.  "The challenge...." Added Riana picking up a paper.  They looked it over to get the idea.  "All right, so one of us needs to take a swim in the tank for a clue" stated Marc.  Riana set her doll aside showing she didn't want it wet and Marc did the same with his X mask.

Marc confession booth: "Riana and I may be of different aspects of magic I of hope and Riana of darkness but we both know when there's a problem".  "Though our situation... And to be honest our height differences, could be a slight problem".  

" So you want to take the swim or me? " asked Marc.  Riana looked up on it before nodding a little.  "I have more range, but don't let me drown" responded Riana.  "Don't worry you won't, I'll strap you in" added Marc.  The duo got in position before Riana got this holder put on her and she was lowered into the tank.  Marc made sure he kept hold so he can pull her out if need be.  Riana started a search and pictured the case of Houdini before she was able to find an item.  She looked up signaling Marc and he pulled her up.  

Riana showed Marc this odd circle piece.  "Looks like something that's sometimes used on bed posts" added Marc.  "Perhaps it's connected to what we're all supposed to put together" added Riana.  "Here, you better dry off" added Marc helping her down and gave her a towel.  Riana nodded taking it and her doll back.  "Thank you... Let's go find Jesse, Tyler and Shin Lim" she said.  The duo left taking the piece with them after Marc grabbed his Magician X mask. 

In another area Josephine and Collins found themselves coming upon a ton of tables with needles and thread on them and a statue of Houdini with its mouth open.  "Oh god I know what this trick is, I'm not the escapist expert for nothing" added Josephine.  "East Indian?" Asked Collins.  "Yep that's the one" responded Josephine. Collins  looked disgusted but sighed.  "We better see what the challenge is".  They approached the statue and Collins checked the nearby plaque.  "Says we have to recreate the trick to fetch what's inside the statue" he added. 

Josephine confession booth: Ok for non experts or people who never researched Houdini the trick that Collins and I are stuck with is basically Houdini stuck a ton of needles down his throat and then sent a thread down before he soon brought the thread back out with all the needles perfectly threaded on it.  So this'll be fun... Not.

Josephine and Collins gathered a ton of needles before throwing them into the statue's mouth.  They grabbed the thread and started working together to solve the trick.  They soon pulled it out with all needles threaded in but at the end was a oddly designed blade.  "A blade?" Asked Collins.  "Wonder what's needed with this?" Asked Josephine.  They quickly wrapped it so neither of them cut their hands and went to join Shin, Jesse, and Tyler.  "Wonder why we need a blade" added Josephine.  Collins shrugged. 

Ben and Elizabeth were the third pair and found themselves in a room with a ton of old fashioned milk cans.  "Milk Can escape" both of them said.  They went to check the challenge.  "One jar holds the key, but it can't be touched, no hands in the jars, no peeking" read Elizabeth.  "Well... That means we need to fill them" added Ben.  They went to find milk. 

Ben confession booth: "Houdini was known to have stuck himself in a milk jar that was filled to the brim with milk".  "It combined both escape a tight space and try not to drown". " Luckily for this Elizabeth and I don't have to drown ourselves ".

Elizabeth confession booth: "I would say if you see me and Ben walking around you'd stereotype us as goth".  " Even though neither of us are ".   "But at least he and I are doing this challenge together".

(A/n: HANGING AT A CLIFFHANGER!   Don't worry I'll get back on that in the next chapter.  But all the focus is on Houdini stuff.   Anyway hope you all enjoy).   

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