Chloe's Information

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(This chapter will not be connected to their next challenge.  It'll be all focused in flashback of when Chloe was death). 

Despite being stunned by the sacrifice of Tyler the group returned to the lounge area and helped Chloe sit down.  "Chloe what happened?" Asked Marc.  Chloe held her head and looked at them.  "You mean after burning alive?" She asked.  "Yeah that" added Ben.  Chloe was already brought up to speed with Dania, Shin, Colin, Mat, Elizabeth and Tyler being dead and Shin with the group again but now as a reaper before she had to think about what happened.  "Well... Technically... It's weird" added Chloe.  The group was confused. 

Josephine confession booth: "Chloe is back and says she experienced something weird in death".  " I have a bad feeling about this".

During Chloe's death while she narrates: "I.. It seemed I found myself awake in this place that looked like a church in a way".  "I wasn't sure what to think except... I felt bad for Colin having to witness me die".  Chloe gets herself up and heads inside the church.  "I wasn't sure what I was getting myself in to but I went inside just to see if I could find help or something".  She goes in and gasps when the door slams closed behind her.  *" Hello?!"* called memory Chloe.  She looked around getting no responses until she noticed an odd lavender glow emitting from somewhere in the back of the church.  "No one responded to me yet that light happened to appear the moment I spoke so I went to check what it was".

Chloe ran to the back area where the lavender glow was and walked in before finding herself in a room fit for an alchemist.  " I know we're known for illusions which means there's always to an answer to our tricks except those for and far between that are so good no one knows how they do it".  "However, finding an alchemy room was not on my list".  "But... What disturbed me more.... Was the pages".  Chloe gasped seeing a page filled with information about her illusionist skills.  "The pages started filling with info about each person that ended up dead but I clearly didn't look closely at the first glance".  Chloe shakily went back to it after exploring. 

"Dania, Shin, Colin, all their names were listed.... As are the rest of the group".  Chloe freaked out suddenly seeing Shin's page glow and everything vanish.  "Then Shin's vanished, I got this sigh of relief meaning something must've happened with him... Until...". Chloe heard the door open behind her and froze.  '"You shouldn't be in here"' a dark voice said behind her.  Chloe slowly turned around only to be met by a shadowy figure in the doorway, the light coming in behind the figure colored in red obscured her from seeing the person's face... If it was a person.  *"It's... Your room... You're the one who captured us! "* exclaimed memory Chloe getting the sense of realization.  She went wide eyed as a spear materialized in the figure's hand. 

'" Then it looks like I'm going to have to eliminate you from telling anyone "'.  Chloe gasped and took off running avoiding the first couple spears.  *" Oh brilliant idea Chloe, run away in a freaking dress!"* she said.  "I got away as far as I could before the person caught up... And I tripped ending up on the ground".   The figure revealed to be what looked like a masked alchemist.  '"Any final words before I banish you to hell?"' The alchemist asked.  Phantom suddenly appeared out of no where and grabbed Chloe.  °"She's coming with me, you can thank your friend Riana for this"° stated phantom.  He then disappeared with Chloe.  

The scene now becomes the present time with Chloe, Ben, Riana, Josephine, Collins, Marc, Solange, Jesse and Shin.  " I don't know who the alchemist is, but they're the one who took advantage of your friendly gesture and turned it into this nightmare Ben... You were used" added Chloe finishing her story.  The group was stunned hearing this but no one more stunned then Ben who didn't look happy.  "And they didn't give us the next piece from Tyler sacrificing himself.... That means whoever of the illusionists die next is when progress can be made" added Collins realizing.  The group suddenly heard noises in the distance.  "Something's coming towards us" added Marc. 

Marc confession booth: And looks like the danger continues. 

(A/n: Taking an action break but the action will start again next chapter.  Now more have begun.  And a step closer to the identity of the captive.  Anyway hope you enjoy)

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