End of escape

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The group had just finished a seance hoping to summon Joey to their aide but didn't see him.  "Did it work?" Asked Collins.  Everyone suddenly heard the beast outside screech but heard what sounded like demonic screeching as well.  They opened the door a bit to look and see a blurr of white corral the ghost monster away from the place and through a portal to an icy realm that closed right after it went through.  Josephine and Shin asked to take the lead and stepped out first.  "Joey?" Asked Josephine.  The white winged reaper turned quickly taking his hood off.  "I take back what I said... Good choice with bringing me over sooner" added Joey. 

"Joey my god" added Jesse coming over with the duo doing a bro style hug.  "Where's Tyler?" Asked Joey.  The group including Jesse looked away or down their faces being enough to give Joey the idea.  "How..." Responded Joey sadly.  "He gave his own life as sacrifice before we lost our illusionist member Riana, but said to tell you he's sorry he won't be getting out" responded Ben.  Joey sighed a bit not liking that. 

Ben confession booth: "I can read it on his face".  " Joey was having bad PTSD flashbacks related to losing Tyler ".  " Obviously he's seen a lot of dead... Sounds like it might've been his friends mainly".  "We only know Jesse's side of the story.. Clearly Joey has been through more then him". 

Catching Joey up on the current situation he sighed nodding a bit.  " the journal is right, I am the one the spirits have to go to and it's due to what happened to me that made me also a reaper".  He placed his gloved hands on his hips.  "But really, out of all the witchy names this girl could think of she choose a cat coat pattern?". "Wherever she is, girl you need a better nickname" added Joey with sass.  They all seemed to chuckle on that.  "That's Joey for you" added Jesse.  They looked around. 

Collins confession booth: "We have Joey on our side but still have a witch to fight".  " Clearly we still have stuff to consider ".  " And someone still may die". 

"Wait..." Added Ben.  He headed somewhere finding himself going through this wall with an odd voodoo symbol on it.  Everyone gasped and nervously followed with them entering a room illuminated in green light with silver statues of people inside each with a specific unknown soul attached to them.  Slowly approaching for a closer look a single wooden pedestal lit up in the center of the room, but.. Jesse was stunned seeing the statues recognizing them.  "It's... Some of our friends" he said to Joey.  An engraved message was on each statue revealing the names of their friends Tana, Alex, Destorm, and Gabbie.  "She's no friend" added joey coldly gesturing to Gabbie's statue.  "I'm guessing that hellfire red aura around these four isn't normal?" Asked Shin. 

Joey was wide eyed.  "It's not" he said. Ben checked the pedestal.  "This may explain it" he said.  "It says these four are feared by Calico because they have the powers hell granted to them on their side from when their souls were murdered in the middle realm purgatory or limbo".   "And there's a few corrupted souls missing that also gained powers from being in hell".  " She could only trap the four we see in front of us, but we need to release them before two must enter the final showdown " explained Ben reading it over.   Joey looked at them shocked. 

Solange confession booth: "Malos fantasmas, buenos fantasmas, fantasmas corruptos, ¡me duele el cerebro! [Bad ghosts, good ghosts, corrupted ghosts, my brain is hurting!]. 

"How do we release them?" Asked Collins.  Ben checked it over.  "We got to destroy the statues" he said.  Solange looked annoyed and said, "¿Ves un mazo? ¡No puede ser tan fácil, Ben! ¡Las estatuas probablemente incluso estén malditas! [   You see a sledgehammer?!   Can't be that easy Ben!   The statues are probably even cursed!].  Marc and Joey were checking the statues along with Jesse.  "Wait.. Letters on the names are loose" added Marc feeling the A in Alex's name wasn't on solid.  The others felt the names and felt the loose letters as well.  "Try removing or twisting them" added Chloe.

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now