Shin's Assistance

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(Continues from A Spark of Hope).

The final group of four consisting of Colin, Shin, Collins, and Josephine are seen entering the third location.  Josephine found an inscription on a table and checked.  "The keeper holds the item you seek, but to earn it requires doing the unexplainable" she read.  "The unexplainable?" Asked Collins.  Colin looked at Shin immediately.  "Then only one wizard has that kind of level" added Colin.  Shin held his hands up in defense.  "Whoa Colin, you can't put me on the spot like that" added Shin. 

Colin confession booth: The inscription says the keeper wants the unexplainable.  Shin is mister unexplainable!  His magic is literally IMPOSSIBLE for people to solve.  If Shin can fool legends like Penn and Teller we've got this challenge in the bag. 

"Dude, your magic is THE unexplainable" added Collins.  Shin exhaled and nodded a bit.  "All right... But I'll need you all aiding with your skills" he said.  They headed in to meet with the keeper.  This was a burley dude who looked like he hasn't had a good day in a long time who sat in this chair.  "What are you four here for?" Asked the innkeeper.  "You looking for any magic acts?" Asked Josephine.  The innkeeper looked at them. 

Collins confession booth: "yeah... Um awkward". 

"You think you can impress me with sorcery?!" Added the innkeeper like he was in disbelief.  "We can" added Shin.  He then demonstrated using Colin as his volunteer before doing his sleight of hand making this card vanish.  "Sir... Check your back pocket" stated Shin.  The innkeeper felt around before freezing and pulling the card out.  Shin smirked taking his card back before turning the entire deck into clear cards.  "I..I..uh... And the rest of you" asked the innkeeper.  "Mentalist, escape artist, and I'm just a variety act" added Collins gesturing to Colin, Josephine and himself. 

"We actually have heard you have something that can handle Bronte?" Asked Josephine.  "Perform your skills and I'll give it over" added the innkeeper.  They grinned and agreed on it before they did their part for an audience.  Once they astounded them they were rewarded with the item.  "Let's get back" added Colin.  The group took off reuniting with everyone else. 

Josephine confession booth: We astound the innkeeper.  We astound an audience.  And we got our item to aide in saving Bronte.  Win-win-win.  But we still... Will lose someone. 

"You guys ok?" Asked Ben.  "Yeah apparently we just had to mystify people" responded Shin.  "At least yours wasn't a weakest enters the voter pool automatically task" added Mat.  They put all items down before Astrape appeared.  "This will do, let me get them together" she said taking the items and leaving a moment.  "We still trust her right?" Whispered Elizabeth.  "She hasn't proved otherwise yet" whispered Collins.

Solange confession booth: "Astrape no ha demostrado que no sea digna de confianza. Sin embargo, no hemos visto a Bronte. ¿Podrían ser lo mismo? como una identidad de dúo o una cosa DID? Sí, sé lo que es DID, no lo cuestiones." [Astrape hasn't shown she's not trustworthy.  We haven't seen Bronte though.  Could they be one and the same?  like a duo identity or a DID thing?  Yes I know what DID is, don't question it.  ]

Everyone suddenly heard loud thunder making them gasp and look.  In the sky near them was another woman that looked like Astrape except this one was in black and grey.  "She has our items!" Exclaimed Colin noticing.  "You all were fooled so well, thanks.. My sister was never here she's my hostage!" Added Bronte grinning evilly.  "Try and stop me but I WILL take collateral for your foolish attempts!" She yelled before laughing evilly and vanishing. 

Solange confession booth: "bueno ... estuve cerca." [Well... I was close].

Tyler and Jesse looked over.  "I guess you probably know what that means" added Jesse.  "Time to vote for who to send in..." Responded Ben.  "Can't be me, I'm already in the vote pile because of being a weak performer" added Elizabeth.  "Unfortunately I was weakest on puzzles, so I'm back in the at risk group" added Ben.  Everyone nodded and started voting. 

Colin Confession Booth: "We can't vote Elizabeth or Ben given the results from their challenges.  I'm... Gonna put my money on Collins.  I want to see what he can do. 

Elizabeth confession booth: even though I'm already at risk I'm gonna vote Shin.  I know everyone calls him mister wizard and other fun nicknames given his magic always fools people.

Ben confession booth: Riana has proven herself a lot.  But I want to see her face the death challenge.  I'm probably gonna be cursed by her for doing this.  So immediately I apologize Riana. 

Once everyone sat down Jesse and Tyler started the voting choice.  They both picked one name.  " The illusionists going in are... " started Tyler.

(A/n: And cliffhanger!  I'm saving the death challenge for next chapter.  But anyone is possible.  Even Ben versus Elizabeth.  But Bronte could pick anyone as her "collateral".  Even someone not in the death challenge.  Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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