Spaniards Stick Together

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(This continues from part 1). 
Colin had joined the illusionists and Tyler while Jesse was seen walking in front of the group.  "What are you doing?" Asked Mat.  "Mr Franco, he's our way to deal with this evil infested town" responded Colin.  Everyone was confused while Jesse walked out facing a couple demons that looked his way.  He flinched feeling that pain again but sighed nodding.  "All right, who's first?" He asked the demons.  Dania and Solange were talking a moment.  Since Solange didn't speak English Dania was being the translator.

The group plus Tyler suddenly saw Jesse transform to this demon with flames coming off him from the windows.  "What the hell?" Asked Shim.  Tyler gasped since this was the first he's seen side effects from when a person was dead.  Jesse took out the demons that were there before changing back to normal.  "The.. Energy of darkness.. He is.. What demons fear" stated Riana.  "Is this what you and him talked about Colin?" Asked Ben.  "I just noticed he seemed to experience similar pain like the comic book superhero, all a matter of deduction" responded Colin.  Jesse walked back in before nodding saying the coast was clear. 

They all walked out but took in that lights emitted from each building in the town.  "Looks like more puzzles" added Mat.  Everyone talked among each other before splitting up into mostly groups of three but one team was a group of two.  In the first location there was Shin, Mat, and Colin as the two sleight of hand illusionists and the deductionist found themselves facing a unique puzzle.   "Anyone studied card throwing?" Asked Shin.  "I've seen the movie now you see me and now you see me two" responded Mat.  "I don't even do card magic, sorry mate" added Colin.  Shin exhaled and nodded to mat. 

Mat Franco confession booth: "we have the master at sleight of hand but never attempted card throwing".  " we have the deductionist who doesn't even do card magic ".  " and all I know of regarding this kind of card throwing is seeing movies ".   " Well... Guess I'm having to attempt to tap into my inner Jack Wilder". 

In building two Marc, Josephine and Elizabeth were seen in a strange room.  "Team Brits?" Asked Josephine trying to lighten the mood.  The duo chuckled agreeing.  "Here we have a note" added Elizabeth picking it up.  "The answer to your puzzle lies in what you can't see".  " Know what hides the identity by hiding your own " she read.  "What does that mean?" Asked Marc.  "Wait..." Added Josephine. 

Josephine confession booth: I reread the note before realizing what it meant.  It was a case of reversal.  To remove the mask of the puzzle we have to put on one.   And luckily Marc is with us. 

"Marc you have to put your mask on" added Josephine.  "Wait what why?" Asked Marc.  "Hides the identity by hiding your own, to remove the mask on this puzzle one has to be put on" added Josephine.  "And you're the only masked magician among all the illusionists trapped here" added Elizabeth.  Marc exhaled before removing his X mask and putting it on.   Sure enough he was shocked to see the puzzle reveal itself.  "We'll follow your lead" added Elizabeth.  
Marc directed them what to do. 

In building 3 Ben, Collins and Riana had reached an odd puzzle.  "Dark magic... My kind... Of puzzle" added Riana twitching.  "Looks like a bit of danger act to fit you as well Ben" added Collins.  "We better work together on this" added Ben.  "Stop!" Added Riana abruptly.  The duo were confused before she approached them and drew this symbol on the back of their hands before doing it to her own.  "Dark magic can bring demons if not careful... We will now be protected" she said.  The duo gulped but agreed. 

Riana confession booth (finally): "They know... I don't talk much".  " but the evil in this place ".  "It seems...I must do. The unexpected".  *does signature head shake*. 

Building 4: Solange and Dania entered looking around.  " Solange, this way " added Dania heading to this one spot.  Solange followed nodding before they saw it was a story kind of puzzle.  Solange saw the attached story beside the board.  "Dania, mira. La historia está en español. Puedo leerlo mientras usas las cartas" [Dania, look.  The story is in Spanish.  I can read it while you use the cards] she said.  Dania nodded seeing she was correct. "Perfect since I do storytelling card tricks" added Dania.  She got in position and nodded to Solange  before the quick change artist started reading it. 

Dania confession booth: "this puzzle was perfect for me and Solange to do".  " Since we both have backgrounds connected to Spanish culture and magic we put our heads together to solve it ".  

After each completion the group rejoined each other but Riana quickly drew the same symbol on each of the remaining illusionists hands.  " It will keep us protected from the demons still around here " she said.  "All these items we collected seem to make some kind of rifle, think it's connected to Jesse?" Asked Mat.  "Makes sense, let's rejoin him and Tyler" added Ben before they met back up with Tyler and Jesse.  "We think this needs to be completed and used by you" Ben stated to Jesse.   The duo looked at it before Jesse nodded a bit.  "I see what you mean... But there's still one piece missing" he said.  Everyone was confused before Jesse assembled it revealing it still needed ammo. 

"I can't use it without the right ammo" added Jesse.  "Our building was a shop, maybe there's ammo in there" added Marc.  "Let's check it out" added Tyler.  They all left taking the rifle with them.  

(A/N: And that concludes to part 2.  I'm sure it's obvious but someone's gonna die getting the ammo.  Part 3 includes the next death challenge and will focus mostly there.  Who's going in?  Who's coming out?   Anyway hope you all enjoy).  

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