Seeking Merlin

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Ben, Solange, Marc, Chloe and Collins all looked around the transformed location. Jesse and Joey seemed confused over what they were seeing. "50-50 here, we're either facing Merlin gone evil or Morgana and Mordred next clearly" added Ben. "One problem here though" stated Marc. Everyone looked confused facing him. "No offense because I know you like dressing that way and it's cool cause it makes you unique... But anyone we meet is going to think you're an evil warlock in services of Morgana and Mordred Ben" he added. Ben gave a "what the hell" look. "You're kidding me right?" He asked.

"Unfortunately... I see his point, but maybe the outfit will be ok you just have to get rid of your eye shadow temporarily" added Chloe. Ben gritted his teeth closing his eyes. He clearly didn't want to remove the makeup that makes him who he is but there's no choice. "Fine I'll wash it off, anyone have a wipe I can borrow?" Asked Ben reluctantly after opening his eyes. Joey pulled one out and handed it over. "Here leave makeup to me after we are able to get past everyone without them scared of you" he said. Ben nodded a bit before wiping his eye shadow off and throwing out the wipe.

Ben confession booth (now no longer wearing his eye shadow in this case): "Ok I'm not happy having to take my makeup off". " However if that will be convincing enough to get people to trust us as we endure what's next then fine ". " Joey better keep his promise to get me wearing it again right after ".

" Let's see what we'll find " added Ben taking the lead as the group headed somewhere hoping it'll give them at least a town to enter. They soon had entered a small village where they noticed the mark of Morgana was on the door to the castle nearby. "Looks like it's Morgana and Mordred" whispered Collins. They looked around noticing the place seemed deserted. "¿Alguien estaría dispuesto a hablar con nosotros si se lo pedimos? [Would anyone even be willing to talk to us if we ask?]" Asked Solange with Shin translating. Ben thought it over then looked at them. "Maybe not all of us, if we remember correctly, Marc and Chloe have the best chance" he said. Marc sighed a bit knowing what he meant.

Marc confession booth: "Way to put us on the spot Ben"! " Seriously just cause we're British we're the best shot "? *look of realization* " although then again... Makes sense ". *thinks* " Though I'd have to lead given how women were in the medieval time period". "Feel bad for Chloe and Solange both on that".

"ohhh the Brits get the lead" added Joey grinning. Jesse chuckled saying, "This'll get interesting". Marc gestured for Chloe to stay close while the others followed behind. Shin leaned close to Solange. " Be wary, we may get the most insults" he whispered. "People haven't accepted us yet in this time". Solange gulped a bit hearing that. Marc and Chloe went to one house and Marc knocked on the door.

After a few minutes no answer came. "Well... Not that one" added Chloe. They headed to another house only to be pulled in immediately before Marc had a chance to knock. "That hurt a bit" added Jesse muttering. The group looked to find themselves facing an elderly man who had disheveled tables covered in books, herb jars, sage sticks, small animals, everything an herbal medicine man would use for medical practice. "What is a group of youngsters like yourselves doing wandering around... And with foreigners too?" He asked noticing specifically Shin since he was distinct from the others.

Chloe confession booth: "I didn't like the way this elderly man looked at Shin". "I get his facial features are easy to determine, but this guy stared him down like he was this lowlife". "Frankly that's offensive even on my own standards".

"Forgive us, we just stumbled in not realizing we should've gone into hiding" Marc said immediately standing up taking the lead on it like they planned. "We were supposed to just be passing through, myself, my assistant, and our misfits back there" he added. Chloe quickly stood up nodding knowing by assistant he meant her but she noticed how the others looked visibly offended, but played along. "Ah out of towners, well I'll warn you, if you don't move quickly and keep yourself hidden you could be arrested and eventually executed" added the man. "Maybe you better enlighten us on what happened though?" Asked Chloe. The rest of the group looked over. The man was visibly shaken but sighed. "Very well I'll tell you" he said.

Collins confession booth: "While we may be offended over the fact we got called misfits Marc and Chloe are taking the right approach just as planned". *shows the man telling the story with everyone listening as Collins talks*. " He tells us that apparently Morgana and Mordred along with their army had found allies that were powerful enough to overtake the town and the castle". "Many had died trying to stop them but the rest either left town or don't leave their homes". *back to Collins*: " But then he mentioned an important piece of information-".

"Merlin knows how to stop her though but he is trapped somewhere in the woods, not even the dragon he commands is able to locate him" the man said. "D-dragon you say-" added Marc. The man noticed Marc's X mask attached on his side. "The mask of hope" he said. "Sorry what?" Asked Marc looking visibly confused. "He means your mask" added Chloe. The group seemed to notice a change in the man's demeanor. "I don't have time to explain... But use that wisely... Your group may get lucky if you get Merlin" he said.

Marc and Chloe awkwardly thanked him as they all left before heading right to the woods they noticed nearby. "I guess he seemed to know of X?" Asked Ben. Marc shrugged a bit. "Can't explain it".

Marc confession booth: " No really I can't explain it ". " We're in this medieval times town and he knows my X identity? ". " Or well at least the mask I use as some legend? ". " I'm... Not exactly sure what to say to that ".

(A/n: The first to the challenge and next death now done. And a couple weird mysteries to what they encountered. If there's a connection they'll find it. But anyway hope you enjoy).

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