Give and Take Away

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From the areas of each of the four duos they found themselves coming face to face with different beings hidden in the woods. Joey and Ben at a gypsy camp, Jesse and Collins found a witch named nimue, the girls aka Chloe and Solange found a group of thieves finishing with Marc and Shin facing an elderly alchemist. "Can you help us?" Asked Ben, Chloe, Collins and Marc with Solange saying the same thing but in Spanish. With each duo providing the situation it got the attention of who they were around. Nimue giggled a bit sounding evil before saying to Collins and Jesse, "I may hate Merlin but I hate Morgana more... I'll point you to where Merlin was last seen". She brought the duo to this basin filled with seawater and pressed a finger on it. The water suddenly rippled before it materialized an image that looked like an island in the middle of a lake. The duo gasped stunned.

Collins confession booth: "Ok water use with magic". "but I don't trust this sea witch". "If this lead is a trap we're screwed". "And I can see Jesse didn't trust her either".

Nimue looked at the duo then seemed to cock her head at Jesse. " Going there though is a death wish... But I sense at least you're not normal". Jesse looked serious with eyes that could see the soul figuratively speaking before saying "You're right... I'm not.. And it's best you don't meet that side". She sent the duo on their way to get to the island. With the girls they noticed a thief drop a note and leave with the group. Solange picked it up and showed it to Chloe. "¿Por qué obtendríamos un mapa? [Why would we get a map?] Asked Solange. "Maybe it's where we go" added Chloe before the duo took off following it.

Joey and Ben found themselves facing this woman who looked like she was a dark witch in a gypsy camp. "Who the hell?" Asked Ben. "You want to take my sister down, I'm your way how, my name is Morgause" she said. The duo were wide eyed.

Ben confession booth: "Morgana has a sister"?! " Clearly things aren't good! ". "AND omitted from history". " I don't trust her... ". " This feels like we may have a betrayal and I can't believe I'm starting to be this alert". "I guess this situation is really making me aware of other dangers then what I'm used to".

Joey and Ben seemed to be hesitant. " Be suspicious of trusting me all you want but here this is your best location choice " added Morgause. She gave a map with information of the island. "Once you get Merlin come back to me, I'll be the lead to getting you my sister". The duo left to head to the island. " I don't trust her " added Ben. "Me neither" added Joey. They went to the location as well.

The elderly alchemist silently provided the location to Marc and Shin. He just pointed to the island and shooed them off. The duo left confused and looked at each other. "Red flag vibes?" Asked Shin. "Major red flags" confirmed Marc. They headed to the location.

Marc confession booth: "Sorry to be like Colin, rip, but I got a bad reading from that alchemist we met". "And frankly Shin was getting it too". " We knew this was important to share ".

Shin confession booth: " How that alchemist acted seemed to make me recall what Chloe described when she was dead ". " I could be wrong, but that elderly alchemist could actually be our captor".

Once the whole group gathered on the island after taking boats there that they found on the shore the group found themselves entering an odd stone surrounding like a shrine. Shin and Joey covered their ears meaning they could hear loud whispering spirits around them. "Look a note" added Ben picking it up. "Betting 5 dollars it's our death challenge" stated Collins. "solo cinco dolares? hubiera apostado cien [Just five dollars? I would've bet a hundred]" responded Solange. "Are they right?" Asked Chloe to Ben. Everyone looked at him including Joey and Jesse. Ben looked at them and grimly nodded silently.

The others groaned in response. "I freaking knew it" added Collins. "We all did" added Marc. Ben cleared his throat to start reading. "You seek the wizard Merlin, know he has been gone a long time as sacrifice to try and revive fallen king Arthur". " However the shrine can return him to the land of the living, but it must take the soul of one person in your group in return ". " Have your chosen two people enter a duel with the dead, who loses the match is taken in result " read Ben. An area of the shrine suddenly glowed in green light before these walking skeletons with green energy in their bodies and dressed in ragged chainmail appeared making the group gasp.

Ben confession booth: "dead zombies were already bad enough". " Now we're dealing with possessed walking bags of bones?! ". " although a plus side is we don't get the smell of decaying flesh". "But killing skeletons with weapons that don't include ones that can smash them to pieces isn't fair".

"¡Oh, eso es solo una trampa! [Oh that's just cheating]" stated Solange annoyed. Joey made the cards appear for them. The five illusionists each voted themselves again and waited as Joey shuffled before letting Jesse and Shin each pick one. Everyone was freaking out especially Chloe who knew that despite being revived she wasn't immune. Jesse showed his first. "Better exchange the crossbow for a sword" he said revealing it was Ben. Shin looked at the one he picked before gulping. "Fight for your life Chloe" added shin showing Chloe was the one he picked.

Ben and Chloe looked at each other before Ben set the crossbow down and the duo entered the fight arena. They both picked up a sword ready to fight. "Be careful you two" added Collins as he, Marc, Shin, Joey, Jesse and Solange were stuck having to watch. The duo in the death challenge gulped. "Good luck" added Chloe. "Same to you" added Ben. The duo started in the duel with the skeleton knights.

Marc confession booth: "Solange, Collins, myself and our helpers Joey, Jesse and Shin are literally sitting ducks here". *shows the group watching Ben and Chloe duel the skeleton warriors as Marc talks*. " We're seeing Ben and Chloe having to fight for their lives ". *back to Marc* " but how do you destroy bones with a sword? "

Ben and Chloe were trying their best to win the duel but it was proving challenging. "We can't stab them so what do we do?!" Exclaimed Chloe. Ben didn't answer even though he really wanted to he was horded at the moment. However he noticed something on the lead skeleton making him swing across breaking the skull clean off the body before the green energy transformed into, to their surprise, Morgana who suddenly yelled "NO!". " Who are you?! " exclaimed Chloe looking somewhere before she gasped as a huge sliver beam suddenly shot right through her sending blood from her chest flying. Ben looked seeing Morgause was the cause. "You'll be ours now dear" added Morgause. Chloe's limp body crumpled to the ground her chest literally covered in blood.

Ben confession booth: "CALLED IT!". " Joey and I knew she couldn't be trusted!".

The others were wide eyed as they watched it happen. "I'll take the pretty boy for myself as payback and for Mordred" Stated Morgana. Ben was wide eyed knowing that meant they wanted to kill him too. "BEN GET OUT OF THERE!" Yelled Collins. Someone stopped both sisters revealing to be this wizard who held them in place. Ben took the opportunity to run and rejoin the others. "You and your army have gone far enough" stated Merlin who suddenly destroyed the duo before casting a spell that brought the entire medieval town including the woods and island back to life. "Whoa..." Added Marc.

The remaining four illusionists looked around. Jesse, Joey and Shin though noticed someone nearby. "Wait... The old man Marc and I met?" Asked Shin recognizing the person. Merlin looked and quickly shoved the group to a boat and sent them on their way. "Get out of here don't go near him!" He yelled. He quickly gave Ben the next piece. "Get going!" Merlin yelled. The foursome plus Joey, Jesse and Shin immediately left and soon were able to get into the lounge. They panted a bit.

Collins confession booth: "Um... What just happened?"

(A/n: And Chloe is gone once again. But potentially we have the captor. The group is getting close. But anyway hope you all enjoy).

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