Gauntlet of Illusion

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Caught in a trap set by their alchemist captor, now revealed to be someone possessing the body of former guest and participant Sierra, the remaining four illusionists plus Shin, Joey and Jesse were all left unsure what she was about to pull. "Gauntlets.... No votes... No time... No discussion... Just every participant for themselves" added Marc. "Except last one was you versus me" added Ben. "And Elizabeth ended up dying I know" added Marc. Sierra released Solange since she was a participant as well. "Joey since I never was in one how bad are gauntlet death challenges?" Asked Jesse. "Bad... Normal gauntlets contain a few challenges that you all have to complete usually as three or four participants facing each other". " The one who is the slowest to finish or doesn't finish all the tasks is the one that dies, only one exception was made but it was cause we still had a helper" explained Joey.

Solange was immediately embraced by Marc and Shin as Sierra suddenly transformed the room into this arena with optical illusion walls. "Hope you don't get dizzy" added Sierra. She disappeared leaving the group shielding their eyes. "How the hell are we supposed to do this gauntlet with the dizzy optical illusions around us?!" Exclaimed Collins. "I can shield myself at least... But I think the rest of you will have to ignore the walls or do it with your eyes shut" added Marc. "Down for that" added Ben. Shin exhaled before suddenly creating a few shield cards out of teal smoke covering Collins, Ben and Solange to help block the optical illusion walls. "Thanks shin" added Collins.

"Good luck" added Shin. "Come on... You can stay over here with us... We unfortunately can't interfere" stated Joey taking Shin aside before they watched along with Jesse. Ben, Solange, Collins and Marc faced the gauntlet start. "Let's go" added Ben. Marc slipped his X mask on his face before the group started the competition against each other. The first challenge being with playing cards to stack. Collins was able to finish it first followed by Marc, Ben and last was Solange. She frowned a bit and fought harder as they did the second task consisting of balloons to pop.

Solange confession booth: "Estamos luchando con todas nuestras fuerzas. Ya estoy desanimado de que actualmente soy el último que apesta. Sin mencionar que tenemos que no mirar las paredes de ilusión óptica que ya son limitadas. ¿Mucha mala suerte? [We're fighting all to our strengths. I'm already disheartened that currently I'm last which sucks. Not to mention we have to not look at the optical illusion walls which already is limited. Unlucky much?]".

Ben confession booth: "None of us are talking". " We're not looking at each other ". " We can't look up because of the walls even though we're all shielded ". " but so far we're close with each other ". *shows the challenges with the foursome finishing the second one this time Collins the last one*. " after finishing the balloons we found ourselves against tech style magic which only Marc has the most experience with given he spent all of Britain's got talent 2019 doing that as X". *back to Ben* "I hope we don't mess up".

They kept going with challenge 3 but Collins was having some problems while Solange, Ben and Marc moved to the final challenge, a hall of mirrors maze. They headed in to solve the confusion with Collins trailing in the back after finishing up challenge three. Each member started getting out with Ben finishing the navigation first and he noticed the helper trio waiting before he joined them. " you're safe at least " added Joey to Ben. "Marc get over quickly!" Called Shin seeing the masked magician was the second to exit. Marc took his X mask off quickly joining them. "Solange and Collins are still in there" he said worried. The group looked in concern.

Jesse sighed and jumped in using a fire chain to guide them out. "Jesse what are you doing?!" Exclaimed Joey. "Consider this my thank you, but I know you'll bring me back from the dead" he said. Solange was able to get out third and she got to safety while when Collins exited he and Jesse immediately were trapped in a cage of spikes that appeared out of nowhere. "Jesse you didn't have to guide us" added Collins. "I know... My choice though" added Jesse. "Collins..." Added Ben as he, shin, Marc, Joey and Solange looked at the duo. Collins looked at them with a sad smile.

"I'm glad I made it at least this far". " But Ben you know what to do, you had everyone lead the way well ". " Get yourselves out... Then get the rest of us back from the dead somehow" he said. "Sorry Collins..." Added Marc. "It's fine, don't worry" added Collins. They all suddenly watched a huge portal open behind Jesse and Collins before they got the most gruesome death in the form of demonic beasts suddenly dismembering both Collins and Jesse disappearing with the body pieces through the portal. The group cringed freaked out over hearing the screams and screeches before both bodies and the cage disappeared and then the portal closed immediately. Marc walked up and picked up the last piece to the puzzle box that was left behind before shoving it in his pocket.

"This is it... We take the piece back, get the item, and destroy the alchemist" added Ben. Before they could get back to the lounge though the area suddenly started filling up with gas. "Knockout gas run!" Yelled Joey. Everyone tried to escape only for the trio to be knocked out while Joey and Shin had to be hit on the head since both were reapers aka dead. The unconscious bodies were dragged away somewhere.

(A/n: And we go from two deaths to now everyone is captured. Anything could be planned for them. But we'll see how it happens. It's the final slowdown!!!! Anyway hope you all enjoy).

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