Magic of Revival

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Collins seemed to find himself in a backstage area of the room as he and the others went inside.  "I am not liking how this looks" added Josephine looking around.  "Do..we even...know death.. Style illusions..?" Asked Riana as they all looked around the place.  Solange pointed to Josephine saying "¿No es ese tu territorio? Me refiero a que los magos escapistas los tienen"   [Isn't that your territory?  I mean escapist magicians have those].  Josephine facepalmed a bit.  "Yes escapist illusionists are known for that style, but it's not limited to just them in the spectrum of illusionists" added Shin.  "Trust me I know from experience" added Ben.  The group started to see if they could find the task to perform. 

Shin confession booth (he's still a main group member despite now as ally): "I may be dead but I'm not dumb".  "Death illusions are an art where you're always thinking something happened to the person but then they're ok".  "Bello and his daughter pulled it off on AGT, we had acts do canon balls, light themselves on fire, anything scary".  *Shows group looking around as Shin voiceover's* " After us trying to locate our task luckily we still have Jesse and Tyler to help*back to Shin* and they had luck ".

"Here, this one!" Exclaimed Tyler.  It drew the group over and a few cringed noticing it.  "I just watched this one..blade nearly took the guy's head off" added Shin.  "I know the video you're mentioning" added Collins.  "How do we do this trick?" Asked Ben.  "Someone needs to get in a straitjacket and be harnessed upside down with a second person to get the tank full to empty for controlling the blade" explained Collins. 

"We haven't done much so I'll help you out and trap myself" added Jesse.  He stepped forward and held the straitjacket to the group.  "Who wants to get it on me?" He asked.  "Here" added Ben.   He helped Jesse get in it and get strapped on.  "Ok now we need another person" stated Ben.  "I'll do the tanks" added Josephine walking to the tanks.  She started the emptying of the liquid. 

Collins confession booth: This is just nerve wracking because none of us know how long the recreation should last before it's accepted.  And now one of our allies is putting his head on the line.   Good luck. 

Jesse started working on getting himself out of the straitjacket while harnassed.  When it neared his head it stopped running.  "Wait that's how it finishes?" Asked Tyler.  A nearby door unlocked giving them access to the next room.  After getting Jesse off they all headed that direction.  Solange groaned a bit seeing what laid ahead. 

Solange confession booth: "he aquí que el siguiente que tenemos que conquistar es la explosión de la caja hecha por la hija de Bello. ¿Alguien claustrofóbico?".   [lo and behold the next one we have to conquer is the box explosion done by Bello's daughter.  Anyone claustrophobic?].

"Solange you got the idea of this one?" Asked Ben.  "El truco temerario de la caja explosiva de Annaliese Nock. Alguien tiene que vestirse con un traje ignífugo, meterse en una pequeña caja y sobrevivir antes de que explote en pedazos [Annaliese Nock's exploding box daredevil trick.  Someone has to get dressed in a fireproof suit, squeeze into a small crate, and survive before you explode in pieces]" explained Solange with Shin translating.  "I'll wear it" added Josephine.  "I should be skinny enough".  She was helped into the suit by Solange, Tyler and Riana as the rest of the men respectfully kept back. " Why are you helping? " asked Marc to Tyler.   "Cause I'm gay, I don't flirt with women"   added Tyler proudly. 

Collins confession booth: "someone's LGBTQ+ proud".   "Props to Tyler".   " Now hopefully Josephine will be ok and not blown to pieces "

Josephine got herself in position in the box.  "Ok close it!" She exclaimed and Tyler and Riana did just that. Solange nervously used fire from one of her illusions not connected to her quick change talent and lit the fuse.  "I hope it stops before she's out" whispered Marc.  They all waited before the fuse suddenly went out close to the end and the box lid flew open with Josephine out.  The next door opening.  "Nailed it perfectly" added Josephine.  The group headed into the next room.

After completing the next two they were led outside to a zip line created contraption.  Ben cringed seeing it in place while Marc grabbed a paper to have a look.  "This is the final challenge where you get one life back but a life is taken in return".  " No voting, one person must do this final challenge, that person is the one who will willingly sacrifice themselves to complete the demon's deal set by whoever won the last death challenge" he read.  "Ben you cringed, which death defying stunt is this?" Asked Collins.  "To keep it simple, the illusionist that did this had to be having their hands tied back and hold that thing with their mouth".  "Stuck in the middle of the zip line and no net" stated Ben.  Everyone gulped but Tyler removed his jacket and put it on the ground. 

Ben confession booth: "Wait Tyler just took his jacket off".  " what is he doing?! " "This is a death wish!"

"Tyler?" Asked Jesse.  Tyler looked at Jesse.  "Tell Joey sorry I'm not getting out" he said.  Everyone freaked out trying to stop Tyler as he got in position and soon was let go while on the line ending up dying from his neck snapping from impact.  Everyone was stunned a bit.  "Tyler...." Added Jesse sadly.  The group then suddenly saw a portal open and Chloe stumbled through gasping.  "Oh my god Chloe" added Marc before he and Ben helped her over. 

Chloe had scorch marks on her from her death she experienced due to burning alive.  "Guys... What's going on?" Asked Chloe.  "We were about to ask you the same thing" added Riana. 

(A/n: Shorter on purpose but now taken away one helper but Chloe is back.  Doesn't promise she stays alive the remainder of the story.  But I am killing off another illusionist soon.  Anyway hope you all enjoy). 

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