Fallen mediums and Risen Spirits

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They all sat down but with Solange looked at the group clearing her throat. "Someone try translating Spanish" added Josephine noticing. "Yep.." Added Shin joining her. "Te presionan las últimas palabras de Riana, Ben. Pero ahora tenemos información gracias a Chloe. Sabemos a quién nos enfrentamos, qué destruir y lo más probable es que la caja que hemos estado armando sea la clave para destruir el libro y tal vez incluso recuperar a nuestros amigos. Creo que esto es una victoria" [You just got pressure from Riana's dying words Ben. But we have information now thanks to Chloe. We know who we're up against, what to destroy, and most likely the box we've been putting together holds the key to destroying the book and maybe even getting our friends back. I think this is a win]" stated Solange. Shin smiled and happily translated everything word for word.

Ben rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks don't remind me" he said. "But you're right, we have progress to our captive thanks to Chloe" he added. "Next step.... What's the source of the golden lights" added Collins. Everyone looked around wondering exactly where the source was. "The light went everywhere, how are we supposed to know?" Asked Josephine.
"Maybe Jesse and I can try, and Ben maybe your crossbow scope as well" added Shin. Ben nodded and disconnected his crossbow scope before using it to look around.

Jesse uses some flames while Shin tossed a few green smoke cards out to light up the areas. Ben noticed one hallway door that looked stained in gold but glowed when one of shin's cards was there. "There!" added Ben. He took the scope away from his eye and the group headed to the area. Marc ran his hand across the stained gold. "The light shouldn't have caused stains" added Marc. "I guess we better go in" added Chloe. Ben opened the door as the group entered.

The room it opened to was dimly lit in the gold light from before, all they could make out was that there were marks of skulls, creepy eyes staring out from dark rooms, and parts of satanic arcana marks of occult. "Anyone desperately regretting Riana sacrificing herself and Elizabeth dying" asked Collins. The group gulped a bit. "Clearly we will have to handle this without them" added Josephine. Solange gulped nervously a bit. "Artes oscuras ... supongo que es buena magia que manejamos o magia malvada ... ¿no debería haber algo intermedio? ["Dark arts.... guess it's either good magic we handle or evil magic... shouldn't there be an in between? "] she said to them. They started investigating deeper with Ben feeling this sense of nostalgia.

Ben confession booth: " Josephine has done scary stuff, there's other illusionists who create this freak show group of creepy magicians, even I count myself in there with how a couple friends of mine and I did more spooky esque performances". "But frankly... Nothing to this dark level, that was already taken by not only Riana and Elizabeth, but also a Holland got talent act who did similar styles to me".

" If we're not fighting good magic used for wrong purposes we're fighting dark magic, looks like ghosts specifically cause lot of the symbols are for occult magic " added Marc studying them. "Klek entos anyone?" Joked Collins trying to lighten the mood. "Oh god not him" added Shin cringing. Ben seemed to study what partial visible marks he could only to go wide eyed remembering something. "Oh no... This is worse then simple ghosts" he said. He suddenly pulled everyone except Shin and Jesse aside. "Hey what gives?" Asked Jesse. "This isn't simple occult we're facing now.... I thought something seemed familiar.... We're handling one of the worst forms of magic alive... A kind that you two are more vulnerable to" added Ben.

"Wait... You don't mean-" started Chloe. "We're facing Voodoo magic" finished Ben. Shin and Jesse were in fear as the rest of the group looked stunned.

Josephine confession booth: "voodoo magic". " one of the worst forms of magic alive ". " and something that should never be used wrong ". " This won't be pretty".

"Look even though Jesse and I will be at risk you really think you guys want to stay apart from the two of us?" Asked Shin. "I guess that's a good point" added Marc. The group rejoined Shin and Jesse. "Let's go, we better find out what this place has in store" added Ben. They headed forward to investigate farther over how this voodoo magic may come at them. "Hate this" added Collins. "Don't we all" added Chloe. The group looked around in fear.

Jesse and Shin were more worried over what it'll cause them. Shin seemed to hold his head as they walked. "Hey you ok?" Asked Ben. "I.. Feel like I'm hearing voices" added Shin. He seemed to freak out a bit seeing spirits around him. "Am I supposed to see this?" He asked. "Reapers are" added Jesse. Shin was freaking out a bit.

Ben confession booth: "Shin's reaper abilities must've boosted up due to us being exposed to voodoo". "He's sounding scared though".

" Maybe through here " added Collins. "No me gusta a donde va esto [I don't like where this is going]" responded Solange. They all headed in.

(A/n: the start to the next match. And shin seeing the abilities more he's now been given. Voodoo would be a mystery. And the effect could be anything. Anyway hope you enjoy).

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