Clues of the Spotlight

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Ben, Collins, Josephine, Marc and Solange along with Shin and Jesse were confused over what kept whoever won the match and Tyler. "Wait there's someone coming" added Collins. The group looked noticing a shadow moving on the wall before Riana entered the room. "Elizabeth took the fall" added Ben sadly. Riana twitched with her visible eye closed saying "She.. May have.. Died..., but I.. Made a deal". Tyler joined them as well. "Scary freaking deal maker demon" he said.

"Wait a deal?" Asked Marc. Riana put the next piece of the box in place. "Now... Is.. Not.. The time.. For me to answer " added Riana. The group froze hearing a muffled noise but didn't know where. "Where should we take that?" Asked Josephine. Solange walked one way before she listened to this closed door. She gasped and whistled for everyone to join her. The group came over confused.

Josephine confession booth: As it stands now with Elizabeth gone we've got 3 women illusionists and 3 men illusionists not counting Shin still alive. We're dropping like flies here. Anyone could be next.

Ben confession booth: "As it stands with me stuck as the one to lead everyone still standing has different standards of help". " Marc is the team spirit, Collins has been my sidekick to help me be this savant, Riana is like unbeatable, Josephine can escape anything, Solange is a mistress of disguise ". " And we have two demon possessed helpers in the form of Jesse and Tyler plus the fact we have Shin now a master wizard reaper helping us". "And I'm the master of knowing and facing danger". " Whoever ends up dead next, it's going to hurt even more then before ".

"You hear something Solange?" Asked Ben. "Un poco ... suena como un escenario de sonido detrás de aquí. pero eso no tiene sentido [Kinda... it's sounding like a sound stage behind here. but that doesn't make sense.]" Responded Solange quietly. She gently grabbed the knob and turned it before slowly opening the door. The group gasped finding themselves on a stage floor set up with sound check amps, instruments, microphones, etc. Spotlights suddenly came on illuminating messages in code. "Seems we have to figure out what our challenge is" added Collins.  The others nodded.  "Let's start looking" added Jesse. 

Marc confession booth: I'm seeing the pattern of flashes in the room and it kinda reminded me of a few tricks I did as X.   So while everyone is currently looking I find this nearby pad and pen starting to write down the pattern at each area of the location. 

"Shin can you help me here?" Asked Marc.  Shin came over noticing the stuff written down before suddenly creating a couple cards from yellow smoke this time and held them up suddenly reflecting the light.  "Whoa that actually worked" added Shin.  "Guys back over here" called Marc.  The others rejoined him and Shin before they saw what the duo did as well.  "A secret message" added Josephine.  "Nice work you two, let's see what we've got" added Ben.  Marc and Shin looked to read it. 

"The stage is ready for a magician's return, but tasks must be completed before the summon is done" read Marc.  "That must be connected to what you mentioned Riana" added Ben.  "To achieve the revival you all must use Lazarus style illusions, with the ending being another life taken, included are a few acts located in each room that must be done by the entire group" finished Marc.  Everyone groaned a bit hearing that.  Jesse, Shin and Tyler all looked at each other nervously. 

Solange confession booth: "Una vez más, otro desafío donde termina en la muerte. Pero noté lo nerviosos que estaban Jesse, Tyler y Shin. El mensaje decía que todo el grupo tiene que hacer cada tarea. ¿Eso significa que ahora están todos en riesgo? ¡No quiero que ninguno de ellos muera! o bien morir por segunda vez en el caso de Shin y Jesse.  [Yet again another challenge where it ends in death.  But I noticed how nervous Jesse, Tyler, and Shin looked.  The message said the entire group has to do each task.  Does... that mean they're all at risk now?  I don't want any of them to die!  or well die a second time in Shin and Jesse's case]. 

They looked around at each flashing light.  "That one first" added Ben noticing which light appeared first.   The group headed on to that spot. 

(A/n: HANGING BY A CLIFF!  But it's on purpose to build up to who's coming back.  Which one did Riana pick?   Who knows?   Anyway this challenge will continue in the next part.   Hope you all enjoy). 

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