Stolen Show

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The magicians were all gathering together to show off all their skills.  However Ben seemed to still be thinking about what Riana said.  "Earth to Ben" stated Mat Franco.  Colin snapped his fingers in front of Ben's face.  "Wake up mate" he said.  Ben shook his head and looked over.  "What's up guys?" He asked.  "Dude you were not responding when anyone was talking to you, what's going on?" Asked Mat. 

"It was... Riana, something she said... A warning" added Ben.  "Riana is creepy no matter what maybe it's nothing" added Colin.  Ben nodded a bit agreeing and the trio rejoined the group.  "I think we've all got what we're doing" added Dania.  Everyone was ready for the audience next and they all were talking.  However Solange heard something and looked around.  "callate y escucha! hay algo aquí" she exclaimed, [Shut up and listen!  There's something here].  Everyone looked confused hearing her. 

"Umm... What did she say?" Asked Collins key.  Dania shushed him and repeated what Solange said in English.  However while in the midst of her rehearsal run Josephine saw the lights go out everywhere.  She got out and tried to feel her way to backstage.  "Hello, is anyone here still?" She asked.  She felt something hit her and she lost consciousness.  After a good who knows how long all of the illusionists groaned a bit.  They all slowly woke up and sat up. 

"Anyone got a number on that Vegas mob?" Added Mat Franco making a bad joke.  "Not funny Mat" stated Shin.  Everyone stood up but Josephine still had a wrist in her escape cuffs.  "Um... Josephine" added Ben.  "What is it?" Asked Josephine.  They all gestured to her wrist and she looked before quickly removing it.  "Where are we?" Asked Chloe.  "Definitely not backstage" stated Elizabeth. 

Everyone looked around confused.  "Everyone's awake, that's a good sign" stated a new voice.  "Who said that?!" Exclaimed Colin.  "Ben, ¿invitaste a alguien más? " [Ben did you invite anyone else] asked Solange.  Dania translated it to Ben.  "No just all of you" added Ben.  Everyone looked around except Riana who seemed to twitch more then normal.  "No he didn't invite me, but I decided to turn this show in my favor" the mystery person said who revealed to be someone dressed like a masked magician standing on one of the theater balconies.  

"What do you mean?" Asked Marc.  "Let's just say... Magic is going to get deadlier then you think, doors are locked and not all of you will make it, but let's see you try" added the mystery show stealer before disappearing.  Everyone looked at each other stunned.  "Did I just hear that right?" Asked Chloe.  "People... Are going... To die" stated Riana in a trembling voice but it was hard to tell if she was in character or not cause she sounds the same either way.  Ben gasped a bit trying not to panic.  "This isn't what I planned...." He said sadly.  The others helped him feel better. 

Shin confession booth: I feel bad for Ben.  He's had a string of bad luck on both the AGT and BGT stage.  Now he's kind enough to invite all these veterans for one huge show, and we're trapped.

Dania confession booth: *messes with her playing cards* This wasn't the show I was looking for.  But how do we get out?

Collins noticed something on the wall nearby and grabbed it.  "What's that?" Asked Elizabeth.  "Seems we have been left a note" added Collins.  Everyone came to look out of curiosity.  "You all are trained in the art of illusion, but now you'll need more then magic".  " The theater is under control of a force greater then any magic, and it's a fight to survive the night " started Collins reading it.  Everyone started reacting in protest until Riana yelled "SHUT UP!".  They all froze instantly knowing how she can get in her acts. 

"Finish reading it Collins" added Ben.  Collins key nodded and looked back at the note.  "Your job now is to uncover the identity of your captor by finding nine pieces of evidence that are the key to solving the mystery behind who has taken you hostage".  " That doesn't sound so hard " added Mat Franco shrugging.  "However nine sacrifices will be made and you have until morning to get out" read Collins making Mat flinch.   Everyone stepped back a bit.  "I have a wife and daughter, I would rather not die thank you" added Marc.  "None of us want to die" added Dania. 

Collins seemed stunned like he realized something.  "If you wish to fight for your survival... The person who did the invites needs to take on the role of savant" he finished.  "What's a savant?" Asked Shin.  "Well... Apparently that's the role of whoever is gonna be leader" added Josephine.  They noticed a target a distance away then looked at Ben.  "Whoa wait me?" Asked Ben holding his hands up.  "You're the one who invited us" added Dania.  "This... Is like a show I saw on YouTube" added Collins.

The group looked at him.  "You better explain" added Riana pointing at Collins.  Collins gulped at her and quickly explained what he knew.  Once done Ben looked away and walked to where he set his crossbow down.  "What are you doing Ben?" Asked Chloe.  He looked at the target before he loaded his crossbow with an arrow.  "I need to survive to the end with two others so we can fix whatever happens to those that die" he said.  "So... Are we all going to fight?" Asked Ben facing them.

Everyone soon agreed to it.  Ben faced the target.  "Well.... Then two words for our captor" added Ben.  He took aim.  "Game on".  He fired the arrow and it hit the bullseye confirming to start the fight.  

(A/N: The fight to survive begins.  But will magic be enough?   Who knows?  But now anyway hope you all enjoy.  P.s. the black and white stage is the photo choice to represent that they're not in control of the game now).  

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now