Sleighted Stories

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Jesse and Tyler held the chosen cards.  "The illusionists going into the challenge are..." Started Tyler.  Everyone was worried.  Jesse revealed his first.  "Elizabeth" he said.  Elizabeth exhaled and nodded.  "I figured I was at risk enough".  " and Collins" added Tyler revealing his. 

"Wait who voted me?!" Exclaimed Collins.  The two illusionists were taken to the challenge for the showdown.  "I swear I don't know who voted you but hang tight" added Elizabeth.  "You do the same" added Collins.  They found themselves facing Bronte and she transformed everything into a special arena.  "Oh no" added Collins.  Elizabeth looked confused.  "Ok I'm teaching you the ropes" added Collins. 

Collins confession booth: I recognized that the arena set up was for more a slight of hand storytelling.  And problem is Elizabeth doesn't do sleight of hand.  I don't exactly do slight of hand but I'm a variety act so that includes card tricks.  

Elizabeth confession booth: This is a challenge for Mat, shin and Dania not me!  But I'm glad Collins is going to teach me so this is a fair fight. 

They ran to this plaque to read it.  "We have to use the playing cards to create the finishing spell" stated Collins.  "How will that work?" Asked Elizabeth.  Collins explained to Elizabeth how the trick can be done.  "You ready to go for it?" Asked Collins.  "Let's go" added Elizabeth.  They started the gathering of the cards.  Bronte seemed to hide a smirk.
Elizabeth and Collins battled each other to finish the spell first.  But Elizabeth grew suspicious when she noticed Bronte suddenly disappeared.  "Where's thunderbitch?" Asked Elizabeth.  Collins stopped and looked as well.  "What the hell?" Stated Collins. 

Elizabeth confession booth: so we're in the middle of the death challenge fight... When I noticed Bronte took off.  When I alerted Collins... We both probably were thinking the same thing. 

"I have a bad feeling about this" added Collins.  The duo finished with Collins winning by a narrow margin.  He recited the spell freeing Astrape and he grabbed her but saw Elizabeth was still alive.  "I don't get it, aren't you supposed to die?" He asked.  "Yeah but I'm not" added Elizabeth just as confused.  "I'm sorry... This challenge was a red herring... My sister pulled it to draw people as a message to fix her..." Responded Astrape.  "Neither of you are her real target".   The duo gasped realizing they caused the trap. 

Collins confession booth: " oh my god that girl played us! ".  " But that means.... ".  " oh my god we sentenced one of our fellow illusionists to death. 

From the lounge everyone was startled seeing Bronte appear.  "What's happening?!" Exclaimed Mat.  "Your two friends weren't my target, I already picked my victim!" Exclaimed Bronte.  She came for Shin.  "Come here wizard!" She exclaimed.  "No don't!" Yelled Colin.  "Shin run!" Yelled Josephine.  Shin took off immediately to try and avoid dying.  

Ben confession booth: "Bronte just showed up and she's coming for Shin"!  "Wasn't it supposed to be the loser of the death challenge?!".  "What's going on?"

Bronte screeched coming for Shin.  "Get over here wizard!".  " I saw you in action! ".  Shin gasped realizing what it meant.  " No you won't touch me! " he yelled only for Bronte to suddenly blast him with lighting from behind.   He screamed in pain getting electrocted before dropping down dead.  Elizabeth and Collins were able to snap Bronte to sense but they gasped seeing Shin's body on the ground a short distance away.  "Oh my... What have I done?" Asked Bronte crying now more like herself.  

Astrape joined her sister hugging her.  "I'll help fix you" she said.  "Sis I killed someone with your abilities... Why can't we just bring him back?" Exclaimed Bronte crying.  "We don't have the power of revival... But I know a consultation" added Astrape.  She faced the remaining illusionists and their two allies before handing them a puzzle box piece but also something else.  "What's this stone?" Asked Ben.  "Don't use it now... But when the time comes... You'll know" responded Astrape.  The duo suddenly disappeared in result. 

Marc confession booth: "Shin's dead... But I think we just got hinted at something".  " Is it possible that we can Lazarus our fallen friends "?   " and what's the stone for? "

"We found out that all the death challenge was was a distraction" added Elizabeth looking at the group ashamed.  "We got tricked into triggering the trap" stated Collins.  "We all did... When she wanted Shin all along" added Ben.  "Can't believe it...." Added Tyler.   They were all way too heartbroken.  Collins took the puzzle box piece and went to the box before placing it in.  It glowed before a huge blast of smoke escaped.  Colin seemed to be getting an idea and looked in a direction the smoke led to.  

Riana confession booth: "I... Respect Shin".  " He thought... I'd hate him ".  " I do not ".  " whatever... We're facing next... ". "This will be... For you".  

(A/n: And plot twist taken!   Now shin is gone and who knows what's next.   Anyway hope you all enjoy).  

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