Lead to Curtain Call

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Ben was losing it.  Colin was silent heading in the direction of the smoke.  Shim is wizardry in itself and he was gone.  "We shouldn't have survived" added Elizabeth.  "Only one of us should've" added Collins.  "Guys stop, what matters is we need to get moving, we don't have a choice" added Ben.  The duo nodded a little but then Collins noticed Colin leaving.  "Where's Colin going?" He asked. 

Marc confession booth: we lose shin lim but now Colin is wandering off somewhere.  What the hell got into him.  Mate you're leaving the rest of us behind here. 

Everyone followed Colin confused over where he could be going.  "Hey Colin wait for us!" Called Josephine.  They all stopped when they found themselves in this new room.  It was designed in a set up of a medium.  "Wait... Could we talk to our dead friends?" Asked Mat.  "Maybe, you all better not be fooled too easily" stated Jesse.  "He's right, maybe you can't but I want to see if you can" added Tyler.  Everyone started exploring the place before Solange found something. 

Elizabeth confession booth: If we are able to talk to Chloe, Shin and Dania that would be nice.  However, our friends Tyler and Jesse are saying don't be easily fooled.  I hate to say it but as one of the master mediums here they're right.  If we try we could summon the wrong ghost. 

Solage whistled everyone over and they joined her.  She gave the note to Ben.  Ben thanked her and checked it.  "From the notes of Vizad darklight" he started.  "I did not ask for this to happen again, but now we have an enemy who is targeting more unique individuals".  "I don't know if I'll make it myself but I must keep my secrets even if they die with me" read Ben. 

Mat confession booth: So we have a dead medium with secrets.  We have 3 dead friends.  What are we supposed to do to decide?!  It's our friends but now this?

"Wait here" added Ben.  "You have two options, if you wish to summon Vizad and learn her secrets to your enemy gather the ingredients for the summon below".   "If you wish to summon your dead friends you can only pick one but you won't have your advantage" read Ben.  "¿Me estás tomando el pelo?! ¡¿Tenemos una opción como esta ?! ¡No me gusta esto y no estoy de acuerdo![Are you kidding me?!  we have a choice like this?!  I don't like this and don't agree with it!]" Exclaimed Solange.  "I don't like that decision" added Marc.  The others agreed on this.  Riana seemed to turn and face somewhere and froze before saying, "Demon... Demon!"

Collins confession booth: Hearing Riana we turn to face where she's looking and sure enough hovering above us is this demon that was watching our endeavor.  Something tells me the demon is going to be the killer of our next illusionist.  Can we summon Vizad please?!

Everyone gasped looking at it.  It suddenly took off which confused them.  "Well that happened" added Mat.  They rechecked the note and searched for all the ingredients to complete the summon.  Once done they regathered and set everything up.  "Ok do we go for Vizad or go for one of our friends and lose the advantage?" Asked Colin.  All eyes turned to Ben for him to decide and the danger illusionist was thinking. "Ben... What would work better?* asked Marc.

Ben confession booth: All eyes are too me.  The illusionist made into the savant, the leader.  We got two things.  Vizad can give us information, but wouldn't hurt to talk to one of our friends.  *realizes something*  wait....
I think I know.

Ben looked at everyone.  " I know my choice... And there's a way we can get both " he said.  Everyone was stunned.  " Ambas cosas?! ¿Cómo vamos a conseguir eso?[Both?!  How are we going to get that?] Asked Solange.

(A/n: and cliffhanger!  That's how this whole story is gonna go.  But now the next games begin.  And more will end up dead.  Anyway hope you all enjoy). 

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now