All an illusion?

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Ben gasped waking up finding Collins looking over him.  "Finally we got you awake" added Collins.  Ben noticed Marc and Solange waking up holding their heads.  "Wait... backstage?" Added Marc.  "Entonces ... ¿algo de eso fue real? [Then... Was any of it real?]" Asked Solange seeing all the friends who got killed alive and well and not corrupted.   "The demon was" stated a familiar voice before the group turned to see Tyler.  "Wait how are you here?" Asked Elizabeth.  "Yeah blame Joey on that" responded another voice revealing Jesse leaning against the wall nearby. 

Everyone was shocked.  "Then... Which was real and which wasn't?" Asked Shin confused.  "I'm wondering that myself and I'm usually the master of deduction" added Colin scratching his head.  They all looked baffled.  "The SAE, the demon, our powers, the portion that's real" started a third voice as the group saw Joey walk in.  "The deaths, the monsters, all the locations besides here, not real... But a trick done by the demon" he finished looking at them.  "And I guess seeing the three of us is another thing that is real" added Tyler.  Chloe pinched Jesse's arm just to confirm it. 

"Then... What happened to us?" Asked Ben.  Joey sighed a bit.  "It was your friend Riana who caught it immediately... She sensed something was off but in secret when she was warning all of you, a friend of ours Alex overheard everything" added Joey.  Riana looked stunned when he said she did the job that identified the problem.  "Alex warned Tyler who in turn got me, Jesse and the rest of the crew in connection to their season of what you suffered but only Jesse and I were available besides Tyler".  Joey sighed a bit.  " When we arrived you all were already unconscious so Joey used his skills to get the three of us into the demon's illusion but as you found out we were separated in result and I was caught " added Tyler.  Everyone was not sure what to say hearing this. 

"But the illusion was screwed up from the start when Chloe was the first to be killed in it, the demon wanted to cover its tracks... By taking Riana first" stated Jesse.  "Wait I think I've got it... And everything was not what the demon wanted until I got too close" added Elizabeth realizing the situation.  Joey nodded to her meaning she was right.  "We better let you all get out there to perform how you know best" added Jesse hearing cheers nearby meaning a full audience was in the front audience.  The group looked hearing them.  "But should alert one thing... For you Ben" added Joey.  Ben looked at them confused.   Collins pursed his lips knowing his knowledge of the events.

"I don't think the SAE will be done with the new savant" added Joey.  The trio left the backstage area.  "Uh oh sounds like you may be going for magicians again" added Colin.  "Better not be too soon" added Ben.  They all headed to perform.   But Colin and Shin looked at each other before Shin smirked and did a pink smoke appearance of some cards.  "Someone's got new wizard skills" added Colin.  "Guess that stuck around" added Shin.

"You two coming?" Asked Ben.  They apologized and came on stage. 

(A/n: Secrets and lies?  Maybe.  But they're all safe.  No deaths anymore.  However this may not be the end specifically for Ben.  Am I making a sequel?   Mmmmm I may..... Have something.   But I'm gonna take some other stories off my draft set first.    Anyway hope you all enjoy).

Escape the Night: Illusion Masters-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now